Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 64: The unexpected!

Ed took Cynthia and Leon to the police station. She was very quiet in the car.

Sitting in the back of the car, Cynthia found a picture of a little girl hanging in the front seat. The little girl looked about six years old. She was standing on the beach with a bright smile in a floral short skirt. The little girl had golden curly hair and Eddy. The chief of the police is very similar.

Ed was driving. He found Cynthia staring at the picture of his daughter from the mirror. Ed smiled proudly, "This is my daughter Jenny, cute! Hahaha."

Ed glanced at the photo again, with a miss of Jenny in his tone, "This was taken when traveling with Jenny for the first time three years ago, when she was only six years old and liked to stick to me very much. Hey! These three In 2011, she rarely went home due to work reasons. She didn't remember me when she went home last month. I owe her a lot to Jenny."

Cynthia heard Ed's helplessness. The police are a high-risk profession. They often work overtime and often face life threats.

"There is no child who doesn't like her father. Jenny may be arguing with you and deliberately neglecting you, as long as you stay with her more."

"Yes, the blood bond cannot be broken. I believe that Jenny will understand me when she grows up, and spend this time with her on vacation."

Ed looked at Cynthia in the mirror. He liked the girl's character very much. She was calm, calm, and assertive.

"You must have a very good relationship with your father. I really envy him for having such a good daughter as you! It's good for Jenny to grow up to be as sensible as you."

The corner of Cynthia's mouth rose slightly, which was regarded as a response to Ed's words.

Without hearing Cynthia's voice, he glanced at Cynthia in the car mirror in front of him, and found that her expression had become a little cold. Ed realized that he might have said something wrong, and fell into a brief embarrassment in the car, he was embarrassed haha After a few times, "I will be at the police station soon."

The relationship between Cynthia and her father can be described as walking on thin ice. She doesn't like her father controlling her life. Her father has been sending people to follow her all these years. Cynthia has noticed it a long time ago, but she has not exposed it.

Ah! Perhaps her father knew more about her than she herself. Cynthia hated her father's perverted desire to control. She always wanted to escape from her father and stay away from here. Since her father wanted to master everything, let him get what he wanted.

Leon, who was sitting next to Cynthia, tentatively reached out to hold her. The moment he was about to touch Cynthia's fingertips, Leon suddenly counseled and quickly retracted his hand.

God, what is he doing! Such behavior is really naive, and it is too embarrassing to be discovered by Miss Cynthia!

Leon's cheeks turned reddish, and he felt very embarrassed. As long as he met Cynthia, he would become very idiot.

Cynthia noticed Leon's little movements, and her mood gradually improved. Cynthia saw Leon's ears turn pink, so cute. Ok! You succeeded in attracting my attention again as a teenager.

Cynthia held Leon's palm, "Leon, you will follow me later."

The boy had a gentle expression on his face, "Yes, Miss Cynthia."

Ed took Cynthia and Leon into the police station, Angel walked over, she looked at the two people next to the captain in confusion.

"Captain! Who are these two of you? You brought the students to the police station. Is it related to the case?"

"Um... Angel, didn't you say someone came to the police station to surrender? Where is that person?"

Angel realized that the problem was more serious, and could only look at Cynthia and Leon curiously.

"Captain, in the front room, come with me. The suspect is now being held in the interrogation room."

Angel took Ed and the others to a mirror. They could clearly see the people in the house. Ed looked at Cynthia and Leon, "I'm going in now. It's too dangerous. Stay here."

Cynthia passed the people in the mirror room. His body shape made Cynthia feel very familiar. The suspect was sitting with his back to them, so that she could not see the suspect's face, who was it!

Cynthia saw Ed enter the room, the suspect found someone coming in, he raised his head, Cynthia looked at his face in shock, how could it be him!

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