Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 59: Angel and Jokley

Angel looked at the slumped captain, "Do you want to give up! Today the search team has searched several possible kidnappings. It rained on the day of the incident and the search dogs could not track it by smell. Although we are now in a passive state. , But we can't just give up!"

Ed watched himself spit out the hazy smoke, his eyes became blurred.

"This case is different from the past. If the kidnapped female student is involved, our team will be implicated."

Ed looked at these companions who had followed him for many years. Some people followed him through many difficult cases. In this case, Director Riester named him to take over. He could not let his companions be implicated with him.

Ed looked at the five people in the room and spoke his thoughts very seriously.

"If you want to quit, I respect your choice!"

Dean's sobbing sound was more obvious, but his heart was extremely determined.

He looked at Captain Ed and said seriously: "No matter what happens, I will not leave the team. I will always follow Captain Ed."

Ed's voice was extremely serious, "Dean! You are now a policeman. To protect the safety of the people, you can't cry casually and wipe your tears clean. My companion has no waste! Please remember this."

Dean looked at Ed with red and swollen eyes, "Yes, Captain."

Ed looked at the other people in the room, waiting for their reply.

Angel rolled his eyes at Ed. "Captain! What are you looking at me for? Don’t you trust me? Don’t look at me. You don’t know my character. The more difficult the case, the more excited I will be. Even if you all leave, I Will continue to investigate alone!

It was Angel with a hot personality. She was 178 tall, with a sharp red short hair and sharp jaw lines, which made her look more handsome than a man.

"I'm not like someone, because I'm afraid of Eric, he didn't dare to say a word of **** when he was there just now! Now Eric is gone, eh! His mouth is getting better again. Alas! Don't blame him, he only has a mouth It's great, and can only vent the unhappiness in his heart compared to his own weak people!"

Jokley sitting in the corner was taunted by Angel, "You... Angel! Don't deceive people too much! I see you as a woman and don't care about you. If you were a man, I would have beaten you a long time ago, I see You have been displeased for a long time!"

Angel looked at Jolly with disdain, "Huh! Hit me? I think you can't beat me, so I found an excuse not to hit a woman!"

Jokley walked to Ed, "Ed, I won't leave, it's someone who wants to leave."

He moved in Angel’s direction and said strangely: "Some people look "handsome" on their own, and don't do business all day to hook up beautiful chicks. They don't have the consciousness of being a woman! Don't think that you look like a man or a man. Ah! You are missing something, hahahaha!"

Angel returned to Jokley, "Cut! I cannot be blamed by women for my own ugliness! Hahaha! What a big joke! If I look as ugly as you, I won't be ashamed of going out."

"I'm ugly? Hahaha! This is really the best joke I have ever heard this year! I have had many women, sexy, cute, sweet, everything. A woman like you who is more man than a man will never There will be a boyfriend."

Ed watched them quarreling back and forth, and it would be endless in this way, "You guys be quiet, stop arguing! It's really annoying."

Think they are annoying, hum! Angel and Jokley said to Ed in unison: "You shut up!"

Ed feels very helpless. Jokley and Angel often quarrel. Although they dislike each other, their "feelings" have always been very good, and they have been able to cooperate with each other for so many years. (Captain Ed, what misunderstanding do you have about them that makes you think they have a good relationship?)

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