Cynthia’s Cat

Chapter 19: Tortured

Laura took Cynthia to her office, took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to Cynthia.

Cynthia took the letter and looked at Laura suspiciously, "What is this?"

Dean Laura looked at Cynthia kindly, "This is the letter Carl left for you."

"Dear Cynthia, when you saw this letter, I had already left the orphanage. Sorry, I left without saying goodbye. Dean Laura is a good person and she will take good care of you. I'm gone and hope your family I can find you as soon as possible and fail to abide by the agreement between us. I hope to be forgiven by you, Carl."

Cynthia read the content of the letter silently in her heart. She couldn't imagine that Carl would abandon herself. If he were to abandon himself, he would have left her. He would not wait until the orphanage to leave her. There is a problem with this letter.

Cynthia pretended to be sad, she asked Laura cryingly, "Is Dean Laura true? Carl really left."

Laura said apologetically: "I don't know why Karl left suddenly. Karl disappeared when he was receiving guests in the morning. Julie couldn't find him in the orphanage. Karl broke the rules of the orphanage, so I just After educating him a few words, he suddenly lost his temper and ran out of the office. Then I found this letter at the door."

Laura walked over to comfort Cynthia. When she reached out her hand before she touched Cynthia’s hair, Cynthia leaned aside and avoided Laura’s touch. Laura’s hand froze in the air. This action angered Laura. Pull, she looked at the little girl in front of her with a vicious look, but comforted her: "Cynthia, I will take good care of you. There are many children as old as you in the orphanage. I believe you will be able to play well."

Cynthia thought suspiciously. This letter could not have been written by the woman in front of her. She didn't know what I had agreed with Carl. Writing in this way would reveal that the letter was fake. However, this possibility cannot be ruled out. If this letter was from Laura, she might think that a six-year-old girl who lost her only trust in an unfamiliar environment would definitely panic, and naturally she would not Pay attention to the authenticity of this letter.

The letter has her own name on it. Apart from Karl knows her name, the orphanage only knows the boy named Evan who met at the door. Did Laura ask that child her name?

Now it’s only more than two hours since we separated from Carl, and it’s still snowing outside. If Carl wants to leave, he will definitely take her away. All conclusions indicate that Carl is still in the orphanage, but is locked somewhere in the orphanage. , This letter was most likely written when Karl was threatened. There was an agreement between Karl and himself, but I did not make an agreement with him. He only said that he was going to see Aunt Martha. Did Karl deliberately do this? write? He may be in danger right now, and Cynthia's mood is starting to become irritable.

Laura may feel that no matter whether this letter is true or false, there are no more people she trusts, and there is no other way but to trust her. She wants me to become a fish out of the water. There is no way back. She can only enter her fish tank if she is alive. That is as you wish.

The girl was sitting on the sofa with traces of snow wet on her skirt. Her hair became messy because of her escape. She lowered her head, and the tears in her eyes would flow down at any time. "Dean Laura, Brother Carl Did you really leave?"

As long as it is an obedient child, Laura will take more thoughts, she pretends to be sad, "Yes, he has left the orphanage, even I did not expect him to leave without saying goodbye."

Cynthia got the affirmative answer, tears couldn't be restrained, Laura pretended to be gentle and said: "You are Cynthia, I will take good care of you until I find your parents. From now on, the orphanage will be yours. Home, you are so cute and other children will also like you very much, don’t cry."

Cynthia obediently agreed, "Thank you, Dean Laura."

Laura is very good at manipulating people's hearts. When people are most desperate when someone gives him a little favor, he will always remember that Cynthia's weak appearance pleased Laura, and the feeling of betrayal by a trusted person is uncomfortable. Enjoy this sadness. Only in this way can you become a good obedient child.

Julie stood next to Laura and witnessed the whole thing. Laura could not let Carl go, because Carl's appearance could bring her a lot of benefits. Seeing Cynthia sitting quietly on the sofa, she was really beautiful. Julie showed a jealous look. Then she thought that the more beautiful she was in the orphanage, the worse the next time she would be, the corners of her mouth quietly rose. , If you enter the orphanage, you will blame you for a bad life.

Laura said gently to Cynthia: "Cynthia is tired after a day of tossing, take a hot bath and then change into clean clothes and take a good rest."

Laura winked at Julie, "This is Julie. Ask her if you don't understand."

Laura greeted Julie tiredly and asked her to take care of Cynthia, "Julie, take Cynthia to rest."

Julie did not dare to hesitate, and immediately agreed, "Okay, Dean Laura."

Half an hour ago, Laura came to the small black room where Carl was imprisoned, threw the pen and paper to Carl, and said impatiently, writing a letter to the girl telling her that you have left the orphanage, and she threatened Carl not to write. Just stay in the dark room forever.

Carl is hiding in the corner. He has been alone in the dark for a long time. The room is very quiet and no outside sounds can be heard. The sound of opening the door sounded, and the sudden bright light pierced Carl's eyes with physiological tears. Laura stood at the door against the light, as if he had seen a demon.

Since the room was too quiet, Carl's ears kept humming, and he only saw Laura's mouth kept open and closed and he couldn't hear what she was saying.

Laura saw Carl who was squatting in the corner, her eyes were dull, and she looked at herself dumbly. Such an expression reminded her of her sadness in the past and made her hate Carl even more.

She picked up the whip in her hand and slapped Carl fiercely. She was still muttering nervously. Useless things shouldn’t exist. Little bastards, sewer bugs, why don’t you die, why don’t you die, please? Ra seemed to be in a daze, repeating the vicious words all the time.

These vicious words seemed to be imprinted on Laura's soul, and a man's voice kept echoing in Laura's head. Little bastard, I shouldn't give birth to you, why don't you leave with your dirty mother, why don't you die, don't die.

The belt kept beating on little Laura, she shrank into a ball, begging for mercy all the time, father begged you to stop beating, stop beating, I really hurt, it hurts. The man didn't seem to hear Laura's pleading, he was drunk, and the violent factor in his body was boiling, and he wanted to vent it.

Men feel that the world is very unfair. They have lost their jobs and their wives are unfaithful to them and run away with others. His own child is useless, his gloomy personality looks irritable, and he often wonders if this child is a wicked species, his looks and personality are nothing like him.

Laura's thinking has always been in a nightmare memory, her eyes have been beating Carl with the breath of death, she really wants to kill the child in front of her.

Carl fell to the ground, his body curled up with great pain, he raised his arm to cover his head, he felt like he was going to die.

Looking at Carl who didn't say a word, Laura became more angry. She sneered and said, "No one will come to save you. Even if I beat you to death now, no one will find out. Your body will rot soon. It smells bad. The rats in the basement will eat your corpse. In the cold winter, this is a big meal for them. After two days, your body will be eaten up. Your destiny is so miserable. No one will remember you even if you die.

Carl whimpered, "No one will remember me, no one...".

Carl thought sadly that no one would know that even if he died here now, his spirit began to despair, he was just a dispensable person, why he was struggling desperately in this sad world, or died. , There will be no more pain.

He gave up struggling, no matter how Laura scolded, he was indifferent, and his heart died when his eyes lost their light.

Laura looked at Carl without any desire to survive, deliberately irritating Carl, and said with a twisted smile: "You brought in that girl named Cynthia. She is a pretty little girl. I also want to thank you, otherwise neither I will see such good goods."

Carl, who was almost sinking into darkness, suddenly heard Cynthia's name and roared in anger, "You are not allowed to hurt her."

Carl has never met a beautiful girl like Cynthia. She will listen to her own thoughts quietly and make him feel that she also really exists. Cynthia is so beautiful. He does not allow dirty Laura to hurt Xin. West Asia.

Laura laughed weirdly and mocked with dirty words, "Finally I am willing to speak. It seems that that girl is very important to you, oh, do you like her, stop your disgusting fantasies, you are such a little girl? How do you deserve to like her as a bastard. You are like a bug in the sewer and want to peek into the warm sun. Dreaming. When she knows your disgusting thoughts, she will definitely stay away from you and stare at you with the most indifferent eyes."

Carl looked at Laura as if looking at a corpse. He supported his body with his arms and said in an icy tone: "No, you vicious woman, there is nothing but filthy things in your heart. As long as you can't kill me today, I will definitely kill you when I go out."

Laura was irritated by Carl's cold eyes, and she suddenly wanted to laugh, "Only you? Hahahahaha, a little ant also wants to shake the majesty of an elephant, foolishly dreaming."

Laura didn't have the patience and Carl continued to consume it, "Hurry up and write the letter, I can keep you for a few days."

Looking at Laura approaching, Carl sprayed all the blood from her mouth on her face. Laura was irritated and she beat Carl even more viciously. "I don't know what kind of dog stuff, garbage, waste,..."

Slowly Carl lost consciousness. He seemed to see his mother vaguely. The mother looked at Carl distressedly. I'm sorry my little Carl. If my mother didn't take good care of you, she won't hurt anymore when she falls asleep.

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