Cyber Heroes

Chapter 43 Super Sound Body Technique

Physicist Albert Einstein once said that there is a rule for a scale.

Every theory has its scope of application. Any correct theory will turn into a fallacy as long as it takes a step outside its scope of application.

Of course, Einstein originally was referring to the gap between quantum mechanics and relativity. In the world faced by quantum mechanics, gravitational interaction is so weak that it can be ignored, while in the vast universe faced by the theory of relativity, gravity is a great force that distorts space and time and dominates everything. Describing "macro" and "micro", "low speed" and "high speed" requires the use of different theories.

The "high speed" here is also the concept of "high speed" according to physicists, that is, "sub-light speed".

This is a highly condensed theory condensed from human wisdom.

As for human intuitive experience, it is often worse than theory.

The world "above the speed of sound" faced by cyber warriors has exceeded the understanding of human intuitive experience and has exceeded the preparation of evolutionary instincts.

Xiangshan does not have a vector thruster, so the first problem he has to face is the challenge from fluid mechanics.

"Fluid" is a concept created by humans themselves. Nature does not dictate that a thing should be a fluid or a rigid body. On the contrary, many objects have both fluid and rigid body elements and exhibit different properties under different conditions.

One is the "time for force to take effect". If you hit the water hard, your hands will feel pain. If you fall from a high altitude, the water surface will be no different to you than the concrete floor. Because the speed of your impact is greater than the speed of water flow and lifting force. When your hand comes into contact with the water, what it displays is not the "characteristics of a fluid" but the "characteristics of a rigid body."

The reverse is also true. Many things that humans regard as rigid bodies can also exhibit fluid characteristics over a long period of time. For example, rocks. Geological movement is the flow of rocks. Before the eternal observer, the mountains flow like water.

The second is "surrender". Some substances will show the characteristics of fluids under huge external forces. If you hold a ball of plasticine and squeeze it hard, the plasticine will flow out from between your fingers. This is because the "shear resistance" of plasticine "yields" in the face of force.

The run for the mountains is like that.

He needs to constantly hit the ground with huge force, but this force has far exceeded the shear resistance of the ground. No matter how hard the earth is, under this level of physical strength, it is as spineless as mud. At this high speed, the feeling of hitting the ground is similar to hitting the water.

The air in front of him was just the opposite. He was so fast that the air had no time to "escape". The front of his body kept hitting the air, and then passed through the deformed gas before the gas returned the force. He ran in the air, which was more difficult than a natural boxer boxing in the ocean tide.


Xiang Shan kept roaring in his mind.

He remembered this technique.

The angle of hitting the ground cannot be too small, because the outer armor of his prosthetic leg is not specialized and the friction coefficient is not enough. Rumor has it that only materials that allow people to walk vertically on walls can support supersonic movements under vectorless jets. For Xiangshan, it's like a layer of lubricant has been applied to his feet now...

The angle of kicking on the ground should not be too large. If your heart starts accidentally, changing direction in the air is not as convenient as on the ground. If your feet are off the ground, you will become a target for the enemy.

The speed must be fast, because the faster you go, the smaller the chance of injury...

The speed cannot always be the highest speed. A constant speed can be easily predicted...

Xiangshan's right hand reached out and struck forward at a neither fast nor slow speed. The layers of superimposed air just form a barrier for the "shock wave". At that moment, Xiang Shan's hand seemed to be pressed on an invisible wall, changing the path forward out of thin air.

If he punches faster, the shock wave resistance from the side will not be able to catch up with his arm.

Three bullets passed through his crotch.

——I saw the trajectory...

——The next shot... the correction parameters should be...

--slow down……

A bullet crashed into the dirt in front of him. Under the ultra-high-speed vision, he saw the soil rolling up like waves.

——Accelerate again!

The atomized fuel is injected into the heat engine in the chest. The liquefied alcohol fully mixed with the atmosphere and combustion accelerant burns completely instantly.

Unlike batteries whose maximum output is constant. All heat engines created by humans - including but not limited to steam engines, steam turbines, gas turbines, internal combustion engines, and jet engines - all utilize the power of "explosion" and use the "piston" structure to accommodate the "explosion" of atomized fuel. And control the originally unrestrained "explosion".

Since it is not an item necessary to maintain life, there is no need to consider the stability of the output, the battery life, or the number of times the engine itself is used... The efficiency of this engine is infinitely close to the theoretical extreme value of thermal engine efficiency.

This is exactly what warriors use.

The mechanical structure directs the bundled "explosion" into the mechanism of the crotch. The physical structure of Cybermen is obviously different from that of natural people. There is no situation where "one hair affects the whole body", and every part of the body can generate energy independently. The warrior can choose to channel all his energy into one energy, or he can choose to use the energy in a coordinated manner.

Xiangshan's speed suddenly increased sharply.

So, seven bullets fell behind him!

Xiangshan felt like a wild wolf running wild or a motorcycle out of control. The explosion between the pistons seemed to be his heartbeat, and the kinetic energy was his blood. If he described it as a physical touch, it was more like someone stuffing a motorcycle into his heart.

That's just right...because his anger is really running rampant!

Directly ahead is a section of the outer armored remains of a battleship. This is one of the few things that can serve as a "bunker". Xiangshan didn't slow down and just rushed straight past. The powerful speed pressed him onto a plane that was nearly vertical to the ground.

The prosthetic leg stepped heavily on the wall of this section of debris and ran sideways.

Five kilometers away, Gliad lost track of the mountain. The drone's speed couldn't keep up with the guy's movements. There were no drones around that area. But he did not stop shooting, but fired twenty bullets on each side of the armored remains. The formation formed by these bullets will fly in the air for several seconds before biting possible targets.

——Use that section of the city wall to quickly change directions? Is he speculating on my sniper point?

This is an asymmetrical battle. Griad was very confident. The long-range advantage of gun lane is also determined by mathematics. He only needs to move the muzzle a few millimeters or even microns, and the bullet's impact point will change dramatically. No matter how fast a fighting warrior can run, he cannot move his gun as fast as a gun warrior. The opponent can only rely on such changes of speed to interfere with his prediction. And he can keep moving the muzzle of the gun at leisure, using bullets to weave death traps.

This garbage mountain area is complex, and there is more than one area suitable as a sniper point. Griad even considered this when arranging the drone formation, deliberately letting a small number of drones hover in insignificant positions so that the enemy could misjudge his location.

——As long as that kid misjudges, I will be able to gain about ten seconds... No, before that, choosing to use this vertical wall to accelerate and turn is a failure. When your hands and feet are off the ground, when your head rises, you will have no chance to dodge.

But at this moment, silver light spots flashed in his field of vision.

The armored remains that looked like a city wall fell over as if they had been hit by a cannonball. In this short period of time, Xiang Shan actually just ran diagonally for a while and then crossed the top of the wall. He grabbed the edge of the armored remains with both hands, used the force to turn around, then hugged his knees with his hands, and fell to the ground in a somersault.


Gunfire rang out again. But as soon as the bullet exited the muzzle, Griliad knew that the shot had missed. The bullet will pass over Xiangshan's current position in a few seconds. The gunner immediately corrected the mistake, laying a dragnet of bullets in the man's path.

Then, the wreckage and Xiangshan fell to the ground almost at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the dust rising into the sky completely blocked Griad's sight.

But then, all the bullets missed.

--What's wrong?

The drone swarm did not capture any signs of departure. The guy seemed to be slowing down on purpose, so there weren't many signs of the smoke being stirred up. For the first time, Griad looked a little anxious. Smoke and dust are like natural enemies to him.

He didn't know whether he had hit or not, so he could only shoot bullets one by one, blocking all possible paths.

In this era, even sniper rifles can have a high rate of fire.

But suddenly, a black shadow passed through the field of vision. Griad was startled and immediately switched his vision from long shot to wide angle.

He saw the overall flow of smoke.

That guy... just started to speed up. He paused there for several seconds and now started accelerating again!

Bullets fell in front of Xiangshan. That was the bullet he had fired a second ago. That warrior, just like riding on the waves, running through the small craters formed by the bullets?

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