Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1144 Timing of Counterattack

Xiangshan woke up from his deep sleep again.

——Very good, at least the delirium didn't cause any trouble when I first woke up.

He looked at the empty desk in front of him, his mind in a rare state of blankness.

It's like the feeling of "waking up" that I haven't experienced in a long time.

Shake your body towards the mountain. The connections between the fixed bracket and the prosthetic body were automatically disconnected. Xiang Shan's entire body had been fixed on a fixed frame just now, waiting for the completion of the transformation at the cellular level.

There is no doubt that Xiangshan chose to use instruments to complete his self-upgrade.

Xiangshan's brain has gone through several rounds of transformation. When accepting the legacy of the Eighth Martial God, several artificial neural circuits were re-implanted. These artificial neural circuits were originally intended to allow non-Xiangshan individuals to have brain circuits that were "close to the Eighth Martial God", which could better accommodate the personality of the "Martial God" and the internal strength of the Eighth Martial God that could rival King Agni. In addition, it can also strengthen the synchronization rate between the biological brain and the electronic brain to a certain extent.

This can be regarded as a transformation at the structural level of the neural network. This technology did not exist when the sublimation war was fought more than two hundred years ago.

This time he wants to carry out transformation at the nerve cell level. It is simpler than implanting artificial neural circuits.

The Eighth Martial God can even complete transformation surgery with one instrument. That was eighty years ago.

In the Knights of the Crucible of Life, Xiangshan can more easily use instruments to complete simpler transformation surgeries.

The entire instrument was completed by Xiangshan himself, and even the program was written from scratch. He had tested it several times on precious cloned monkeys, and there were no bugs. If you weren't in a group of great knights like this, you would still be there. It's really hard to find higher primate experimental animals.

Xiangshan did not feel that the Scientific Research Knights of this era had properly adhered to the principle of "informed consent", so he would never use "volunteers" recruited by the Knights. If you are a knight, you have no choice but to test yourself at this time.

After Xiang Shan got up, he first checked this instrument.

Well, there's no record of outside interference. It seems that the scientific research knights of the Forge of Life have not yet harbored ill intentions toward him.

The only purpose of the Six Dragons Sect's existence is to "ascend." The only case that comes close to their ideal "ascension" is Xiangshan - as long as the record is still there, it can be reborn in different forms such as biological and mechanical. "Imitating Xiangshan" has considerable cultural significance within the Six Dragons Sect.

The cultivation behavior of "imitating early knights" can be regarded as part of the religious behavior of the Six Dragons Sect.

The character Xiangshan fabricated for "Knight Frey" included "Piety", a model follower of the Six Dragons Sect.

Let "Knight Frey" perform a wave of "complete the operation alone" like this, which will not make the people of the Six Dragons Sect suspicious.

Xiang Shan had thought about it this way when he came here. After becoming an undercover agent in the group, he also actively participated in the religious activity of "fellowship" and obtained a lot of information through insinuating information.

He determined that this path was feasible.

Xiangshan checked the consumed medicine again, checked it with the records, and then checked the various data in the brain.

Xiangshan was aware of the other party's probing behavior. After just installing the Six Dragon Sect's backdoor patch package, Xiangshan felt the surveillance. There is a program always running in the background, uploading his various physiological readings.

At this stage, the Six Dragons Sect took him on a super-fast elevator.

This "super high speed" is only relative to an elevator, and is far less than the speed of a warrior duel. However, under sudden speed changes, the brain is compressed and there will be various abnormal physiological reactions, which can be captured by the machinery on the other side of the brain-computer interface and faithfully presented between the readings.

But Xiangshan was not wary of all this. Xiangshan knew very well that his brain had not undergone sclerosis surgery [at the time, he did not know that this was a sclerosis surgery that had been transformed into a cytoskeleton by time]. This was evidenced by the fact that he had been pulled out of a concussion by the Northland hero Bai Man.

And now...

Xiangshan pushed his feet on the ground, twisted his body in mid-air, hit the ceiling, and accelerated back and forth between the floor and the ceiling, like a spring ball.

After just a few repetitions, he had already hit sonic booms several times.

It took Xiangshan another ten seconds to slow down. At the same time, he observed the physiological readings of his brain.

——The fluctuation is very small... very good.

Glial cell sclerosis is a gradual process and is not yet complete.

By the time this process is over, there should be no ripples when doing this.

"Better than expected." "Fanatical" analyzed.

Xiang Shan nodded: "It seems to be the beauty of the cytoskeleton."

That extremely stable cytoskeleton provides tissue toughness unimaginable to Homo sapiens. In the past, Xiangshan's brain was easily deformed due to impact, causing temporary internal chaos. However, this kind of external impact is difficult to leave permanent damage and changes. The cytoskeleton can complete the reset.

But now, the hardness of keratinocytes has finally increased. Even if his brain fell to the ground naked, it wouldn't turn into rotten tofu - it would probably just crack.

That kind of level that "just bounces off if you fall on the ground naked" cannot be achieved in a hurry.

"There are still a few transformation surgeries left..." Xiang Shan continued to think. Most cell toughness-enhancing surgeries are no longer needed. The accompanying cytoskeleton within his neural network is sufficient. The same type of enhancement will occupy the internal space of cells, compress the space for various chemical reactions of life, and in turn reduce the performance of a single cell.

Then... the potion is easy to synthesize, so you can put it as late as possible. That kind of surgery is not a high priority, so just ask Niyaguti for help.

It's just that this type of transformation surgery is interconnected after all. Some transformation surgeries have mutual influence. If some transformations are completed first, then certain transformations cannot be carried out. The order of reconstructive surgery is not unique, but it cannot be changed at will.

Xiangshan released many signals from his identity as "Frey Knight" and used the potion of the Life Furnace Knights. This information can make Edikala and the others think they have mastered the progress of "Frey Knight"'s transformation.

Xiangshan can also pretend to have performed other basic "toughness strengthening surgery" by "hiding part of the medicine". There is no need to waste those potions. If you have the opportunity to take it out, it can also benefit the knights.

During these days, Xiangshan often consulted Ediakara about modern cell-level transformation technology. On the one hand, he benefited a lot from Xiangshan. On the other hand, Edikala also felt that he had more information about "Frey Knight" and was fully aware of the progress of "Frey Knight"'s transformation, and he had a firm grip on the opponent.

"Martial arts performance must also match this progress..." Xiangshan rubbed his chin.

This is actually the most difficult part of the entire operation.

Matsushima Hiro, whom Xiangshan has met before, has been dormant in Songying City all year round. No matter who goes against him, they will only feel that Matsushima Hiro's martial arts is only "a little bit" higher than his own. But Xiangshan is a person who is used to being "high-profile". "Assassination" is a method, and "propaganda" is also a kind of weapon. It's not that Mukayama doesn't know how to "pretend to be weak", but he is not as perfect as Matsushima Hiroshi in this regard. The Six Dragons Sect also has guardians who are highly accomplished in martial arts.

"Pretending to be just right" requires careful consideration, and every step requires careful consideration.

After Xiang Shan thought it over in his mind, he left the quiet room. When the apprentices and formal knights outside saw Xiang Shan coming out of seclusion, they all stood up and saluted as long as they didn't have any important experiments in hand.

He waved his hand to Shan and continued walking outside, and soon came to a rooftop. This is already the upper level of the building, located above the sea of ​​clouds. As usual, there is a personal astronomical telescope placed here.

This is the so-called elegance and poetry of the scientific knight.

I looked around the mountain several times.

The deceleration of the Speedy Royal Court is coming to an end. The current position is almost blocked by the sun. The last time it missed Earth was two weeks ago. It's already quite slow now. The behemoth will only speed up again after completing certain tasks.

——A week or two, or two months later.

Xiangshan sighed slightly, feeling a little distressed.

Because things went too smoothly, it was difficult for him to escape now.

Now he owns a laboratory and a promising project. This project and even the entire plan have been finalized, so we can proceed step by step.

For ordinary scientific research knights, this is completely half-cooked duck, and they only need to be cooked step by step. The most precious "directions" and "resources" for scientific research work have been prepared.

There was absolutely no reason to leave.

"Fuck it, go back and think about it." Xiang Shan sighed heavily.

The atmosphere within the Six Dragons Sect was much more united than he expected. I had the memory of the leader before, and only said that the status of the "Sanren Group" was very close to the academic world of the old days. However, there is no lack of trust among several Dasan people and elders, and they can basically keep pace with each other on major matters.

The script he had prepared before about "being at a disadvantage in the power struggle and running away in anger" suddenly couldn't find the time to launch it.

Next, he had to make the project look like it was "going very badly."

To be precise, he had to make a fuss on paper to make Edikala feel that "the project is not going well, but Frey Knight wants to make others feel that the project is going well through data carving."


Niyaguti looked at the picture in front of her. It was a picture recorded by an optical telescope, in an ancient format and blurry.

Under the huge sun, a small but extremely bright narrow point of light.

"The Speedy Royal Court is about to reach the apogee."

"I don't know what mission the Speed ​​King will perform this time, and what the Speed ​​King will unload and load. But according to past records, the Speed ​​King will not stay for too long. It will not be long before it accelerates again. "

"Venus's planetary suppression force is about to arrive on Earth. Before and after King Romance's forces enter orbit, the Skystar Fleet will accelerate again. Considering the effective distance against ground weapons and the available orbits below this distance, the Skystar Fleet should We will escape from the Earth's gravity well first. But we have to wait for a while until the Sky Star Fleet has fully accelerated towards the Jupiter space domain before we take action. Otherwise, that old guy King Agni will come back for help at any time."

In space, accelerating is as troublesome as decelerating. Generally speaking, as much effort as you expend to accelerate, you have to expend the same amount of effort to decelerate.

"Taken together, the best time for us to take action should be twenty days later."

Tao Enhai was very calm: "What's the use of telling me this? Do you still expect me to use a prosthetic body to fight with you now?"

Niyaguti said: "I'm just a little nervous. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We must seize it."

Xiangshan uses his internal power to control the space-based weapons network to self-destruct. But this kind of thing can happen once and for all. That was the result of Zhu Xinyu and his disciples' layout deep in the network for decades.

Xiang Shan only relied on the relationship between the Eighth Martial God and Zhu Xinyu to activate this accumulation.

Not only is it difficult to replicate the same method on Earth, but it is even impossible for the entire solar system to do it again. It is said that King Agni has released an upgrade patch for the firewall. Most of the methods Xiang Shan had used had failed, and there was even a danger of being countered.

And Red Star Yicong's battle in the Jupiter universe is also the result of many years of accumulation by the knights in the outer ring of the solar system. The area outside the asteroid belt is a bitter cold land with scarce resources. It is far inferior to the inner asteroid belt where building battleships is like dumplings. It is not easy to accumulate a wave of offensive.

The Royal Court of God is slowing down, King Agni is far away from the rebellion...

I don’t know when I’ll have to wait until the next time I have so many conditions together.

"In addition, Beidi Wukui has also contacted me. He will come to meet in three days. At the same time, he also brought several elites with him..."

Tao Enhai said: "You get nervous too easily, Nia."

"The commander is the first person responsible for the victory or defeat of the battle."

"I've never seen Xiang Shan so nervous."

Niyaguti was silent for a few seconds and said: "That guy cannot be considered a normal person."

The feeling of being blank when facing Word is back...

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