Subei, as the hostess of the Fu family who is now the master, decided all the dishes at night. +++Kartino Novel Network The chef has been working in the Fu family for some years, and he knows the tastes of these people

After listening to the opinion of the chef, Subei quickly gave the dinner dishes.

Forty minutes before the dinner, North Jiangsu did not return to the lobby, but detoured to see Mrs. Fu.

There were two maids guarding the door of the old lady's room. When they saw Subei, they shouted respectfully,'Young Lady', and helped her open the door sideways.

The lights in the house were dim and quiet.

After passing through a carved screen, Northern Jiangsu saw Mrs. Fu lying on the bed.

The white hair of the old man's temples is not obvious, his face is not much, he closed his eyes and slept deeply.

Su Bei owed his body and sat on a wooden chair beside the bed, raising his eyes, and whispered to Yunzhi behind him, "I'm here to watch my grandma for a while. You can wait for me outside."

Yun Zhi nodded his head and left lightly.

In June, there was no air-conditioning in the room. North Jiangsu felt very hot after sitting for a while.

She leaned forward and pulled down the silk quilt on the old lady. Seeing Mrs. Fu's forehead oozing with fine sweat, Su Bei got up and went to the bathroom to find a piece

A clean veil, soaked in warm water and wrung out. When folded back, she passed the window. She opened the window halfway. There was no wind outside, but fresh air poured in.

Come, the room is a little sultry.

Su Bei held the veil and turned to walk towards the bed. Yu Guang swept to something. She suddenly stopped and looked at the corner of the clothing that was exposed under the double door of the wardrobe, hesitating

After a few seconds, approached—

The wardrobe is black-brown, and the color of the clothing corner exposed under the double doors is dark, and only a small piece, the size of the thumb, if it is not good for Subei, it happens to be from this

As I walked by, I was afraid I would not notice it.

Subei looked down, stretched out a hand thoughtfully, and opened the cabinet door.

The clothes neatly stacked inside are all the clothes Mrs. Fu usually wears, nothing special.

It's just that she rummaged through the cabinet yesterday to find clothes for the old lady to change and wash. Remember that the clothes in the cabinet are stacked from left to right according to the color, and the white on the far right is white

Color clothes, and at this time, the white clothes have an off-white cloak.

Su Bei frowned, and opened the other half of the cabinet door. A wooden box with a lock was clamped in the dazzling jewelry box. Each of the several jewelry boxes next to the wooden box was

It was heading out, and it was really overly organized.

Most of the elderly people have the habit of storing valuables in the closet, and Mrs. Fu is no exception.

It seems that most people who are interested in turning over the cabinets are made by people who understand Mrs. Fu's habits of storing things.

Such a person, who has the opportunity to enter and leave the room at the Fu's house, except for her and the man, Yunzhiliu, there are only doctors, guards at the door, and servants who care for Mrs. Fu.

Of course, there are several people who came to visit the old lady Fu Lian today.

Su Bei pondered, closed the cabinet door again, returned to the bedside, and gently wiped the sweat on the forehead from Mrs. Fu with a tent.

At the same time, in the backyard, in the guest room.

Fu Zhou sat down and said: "Second brother, you said that Fu Yunshang kept us for dinner, what is Ann's thoughts?"

"His mind has always been hard to guess, and I can't figure it out." Fu Mang originally wanted to take the tea sideways, but when he heard Fu Zhou's question, his movement of reaching out paused and he didn't think of drinking tea.

Head straight, said: "I've secretly sent someone to the hospital to check the news, to see what happened to his eyes, if the surgery date we knew from the beginning was

Fake, then you really have to be careful. "

When Fu Zhou heard it, he felt even more alarmed.

If this is really the case, then Fu Yunshang is to test him. Although he is now in the position of Deputy Director of the Fu Group, he is also in his wolf den.

Waiting for him to accumulate the old people accumulated over the past few years, he will be swallowed by him!

Fu Zhou's heart was depressed, he turned to his side, picked up the tea, drank his head and drank it, and then put the tea cup on the table case, the fire did not fail, but instead remembered another

Bad things.

He raised his eyes, his face more dignified than before: "I searched for a long time in Mom's room today, and I didn't find a will. You said, Mom, where can she hide?"

"Mom always likes to hide valuable things in the closet, but who knows, after so many years, she has no idea when this habit has changed..." Fu Lian guessed.

: "I have searched all the places that I should find in the bedroom. If not, she was probably in the study."

Fu Zhou frowned: "Now Ma's study is occupied by the woman from Northern Jiangsu. If we want to find it, I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

Fu Lian said in a deep voice: "Subei participated in the "Magiccolours" design competition. It was not a few days before the competition. When she left, let her younger sister and your sister-in-law come over and look for it.

. Always find the right opportunity. "

Fu Zhou nodded in agreement: "Well."

"Dangdang Dang—"

At this time, the door of the room was knocked, and Fu Zhou and Fu Lian froze for a moment, looking at the door alertly.

"Second lord, third lord, young lady asked me to ask you to move to the restaurant for dinner." The maid standing outside the door shouted clearly.

Upon hearing the sound, Fu Lian and Fu Zhou's face eased.

Fu Lian: "Got it, let's go."

Maid outside the door: "Okay."

"Third brother, let's go." Fu Lian stood up and couldn't help telling him: "When he's eating for a while, he doesn't ask questions, he says as little as possible."

Fu Zhou chuckled: "Second brother, don't worry, I'm not as cheap as my fourth brother's mouth."



After Fu Lian and Fu Zhou took their seats, only Fu Yunshang left. The man is not here, and no one can move the chopsticks.

Northern Jiangsu asked, "Liu Fen, what about your boss?"

Liu Fang expressed helplessness: "The boss has something to do temporarily, it should be coming soon."

Something temporarily? Won't it work again?

It’s not that I promised her a good rest today. It’s really disobedient!

This time, Subei was really wronged Fu Yunshang.

Behind the pillars of the veranda, Yun Zhi sneaked out two pieces of fruit-flavored hard candy from his pocket and handed it to the man who was holding his nose in front of him to drink the medicine.

Yun Zhi: "..."

I really don’t understand the bitterness that the young master can bear the bitter taste of Chinese medicine, but can’t accept the taste of any western medicine!

When Fu Yunshang was a child, he followed Mrs. Fu's side and was accustomed to the smell of traditional Chinese medicine. When he was young, he always used the method of traditional Chinese medicine to get sick.

When he was sent to the ‘Purgatory’, during the swimming class, he accidentally caught a cold, and the teacher gave him a white pill of cold medicine, and did not say to him a bottle of water, he

I didn't think too much at that time, I swallowed it, but I didn't swallow it. I didn't say it...The tablet opened at the tip of the tongue, and finally stuck in the throat...

Since then, Fu Yunshang has particularly hated medicines other than traditional Chinese medicine.

Even though it didn't taste very bitter in fact, he thought it tasted weird and disliked it and hated it.

Fu Yunshang raised his eyebrows and gave Yunzhi an empty glass. Then you picked up the hard candy, tore the packaging bag, and put it in your mouth.

"Master, do you need this one?" Yun Zhi asked tentatively.

Fu Yunshang took the packaging of the sugar peel in his hand and put it in his pocket. Looking at the piece of light pink wrapper candy left in Yun Zhi's hand, when he was about to say ‘not used’, his voice stopped.

Down, and then raised his hand and rushed the candy into the pocket on the other side.

Xiaobei likes the peach flavor. Take it back to her.

Yun Zhi didn't understand Fu Yunshang's sudden repentance, but he didn't have much mouth. He held empty glasses in his hands and followed the man in the direction of the restaurant.


Liu Fen's eyes were sharp. Fu Yunshang saw him as soon as he came in. Then he saw Yun Zhi, who followed Fu Yunshang into the restaurant, but walked in the other direction. He greeted him with Fu Yunshang.

After saying goodbye, I trot and chase my wife~

"Yun Shang, you are back." Subei stood up, forgetting that his eyes had recovered, and unconsciously reached out to support the man's arm.

Seeing Subei's instinct, Fu Yun Shang Renjun couldn't help but took a refuge and held her hand, interlocking her fingers, and sat in position.

Others at the table: "..." The dog food that was caught off guard was really full!

They were all seated. Subei wanted to take his hand out for a good meal, but he was pulled tighter by the man and looked at him sideways, with a smile in his eyes.

The hand blocked by the dining table tickled her little finger honestly. It seemed that he was not very satisfied, just hooked Su Bei's finger, so he pinched Su Bei's index finger again.

Fu Yunshang has been holding back for a long time recently, so now he is simply holding Beibei's hand and letting him feel like a horse.

Subei was getting uncomfortable.


At this time and place, I can also have fun with her, she really gave him OZR (kneeling)! .

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