It took Zhang He ten days to completely absorb and refine the aura contained in the Peiyuan Pill, and the ray of mana in his body became much stronger as a result.

The ability to make such rapid progress all depends on the efficacy of that one pill of Peiyuan. Now relying on meditation to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, it takes several days to refine a small ray of mana.

The efficacy of that elixir is at least equivalent to his usual one or two months of practice.

He didn't know where he could buy this kind of elixir, but he really wanted to buy some more and eat them as jelly beans.

After Zhang He practiced, his consciousness entered the space again, forming an illusory figure in the space.

Another batch of sweet potatoes ripened in the space, and he needed to dig them out.

Growing sweet potatoes in the space is really hard work, and they have to be dug every ten days and then planted again.

It's just that he doesn't have any better crops to grow now, and the yields of other food crops in this world are extremely low, so it's not worth it.

Fortunately, his illusory figure in the space is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know if it is the result of training, or it is the result of frequent work in the space.

The herb that he got from the Wanjia eldest son began to grow a new bud after he watered it for several days. On the tenth day, the fourth leaf finally grew very similar to the other leaves. Generally large.

Only then did he realize that it took ten years for this kind of herb to grow a leaf, and the growth was slow enough.

After practicing for more than ten days, Zhang He finally walked out of the room. Heishui Town still had a lot of chores to deal with.

Although old man Zhang is a bit shrewd, as a tenant farmer, he can understand very limited things.

As for Wei Peng, it's okay to be a dog-headed military adviser in charge of accounts, but he may not be reliable in serious business.

At this time, thousands of refugees from the surrounding area are still gathering in Heishui Town, unwilling to leave, and it is not an option to continue in the long run.

And it can't be forced to evict. When the spring of next year, a lot of people will be needed to cultivate the land. He can't let all the fields under his control be abandoned.

"Hello son!"

At this time, Fat Tiger was carrying his rattling big ring knife, guarding outside Zhang He's door, and when he saw Zhang He coming out, he quickly put away the knife to say hello.

"Well, I'm going to recruit some people from the refugees. You can ask Wei Peng to go with me."

"Okay!" Fat Tiger agreed, and ran away with his big knife on his shoulder.

After a while, Zhang He brought a few people to set up a table at the entrance of Heishui Town, and prepared pens and inks.

A member of the guards carried a gong and banged loudly among the refugees, spreading the news that Mr. Zhang was planning to recruit people.

Immediately, all the refugees gathered together. If the guards hadn't raised their knives to stop them, Zhang He and the others would have been squeezed out.

Zhang He only intends to recruit more than a hundred people, and this is eight or nine thousand. The pressure of competition is indeed a bit high.

"Don't squeeze, step back and listen to me first."

Wei Peng stepped forward and shouted hoarsely.

"Mr. Zhang plans to recruit some who can read and write, as long as they meet the requirements, they will be recruited.

In addition, more than a hundred guards will be recruited this time, as long as they are men under the age of fifteen.

Let's put the ugly words first, this is a job that may lose your head, please consider it carefully. "

Wei Peng repeated the above words twice at the top of his voice, probably because most people have heard it before giving up.

First of all, recruit people who can read and write. There are still many affairs to be dealt with in the whole Heishui Town, and Wei Peng alone is definitely not enough.

The assessment method is also simple. First, throw a book over, randomly select a paragraph that can be read out from the book as literacy, and then take a test of addition, subtraction, remainder and division, and then dictate a few paragraphs of sentences.

As long as these three items can be passed, it is regarded as meeting the recruitment conditions.

This level is about the same as the fourth and fifth grades of elementary school.

Under such extremely loose conditions, only five people were recruited out of eight or nine thousand people.

One of them is a fortune teller who often sets up street stalls, and the other is a local doctor who sells plasters from village to lane.

Zhang He could only shake his head. It seemed that he would have to cultivate some talents in this area in the future, otherwise he would not even have a single literate under his command when needed.

The life of the poor in the Great Zhou Dynasty was almost doomed from birth, and reading could not change their fate.

There are no examinations such as imperial examinations. Some officials are hereditary, and some are introduced by acquaintances and nepotism, but there is no such thing as recruitment for the whole people.

Moreover, children from poor families can help the family work from the age of three or five, and reading is a waste of time, and there is no income.

Reading, practicing martial arts, and cultivating immortals are all eligible to participate in the middle and upper classes of society, and reading is one of the least invested items.

Then began the recruitment of guards.

There are more people who meet the conditions, in good health, and males under the age of 15 are fine.

Although it is dangerous, it is really rare in this era to win a chance to stand out. As long as the conditions are met, almost all will sign up.

However, there is no ID card here, and the age is self-declared, and Zhang He has no accurate way to determine the authenticity.

However, those who falsely report their age are too obvious will still be excluded.

For example, Wei Peng pulled an old man at this time, "Master, you are at least 30 or 40 years old, how can you be only 15 years old?"

The man grinned, with several teeth missing, he quickly covered it with his hands for fear of revealing his flaws, but he didn't know that his face was full of flaws.

"I'm really only fourteen years old this year. Others say I'm a young man, but this hair doctor says it's a young man with gray hair."

"No matter how young and old you are, it's impossible to have wrinkles all over your face. You are not suitable, next!"

The man wanted to defend himself, but was escorted away by the guards.

A thin man hurried forward and reported his name and age.

"Name He Xiaoyu, age fourteen, lives in Qingshiba..."

The recruitment of guards is a bit more troublesome. After a round of screening, there are still seven or eight hundred people who are qualified.

There is only one more round of assessment. The assessment method is very simple. Each person carries a weight of 50 pounds, rushes from the street to the end of the street, and selects the best according to the ranking.

During the attack on Wanjiazhuang some time ago, ten of the guards died, and now only thirty remain.

Zhang He recruited another 170 people, and together they could form a team of 200 people.

In addition, Wei Peng registered the top 500 people in the assessment one by one, and he could directly recruit these people when he needed to recruit people in the future.

After recruiting the guards, Zhang He released another important message. He planned to hire a large number of coolies to work without wages. He would manage two meals a day, and the number of people was not limited.

This news quickly exploded among the refugees, and the repercussions it caused were stronger than the recruitment of guards.

After all, there are only more than a hundred guards recruited, and most of them can't be selected, and at most they can only watch from the sidelines.

But recruiting coolies is anyone's turn. It doesn't matter what the wages are, as long as they can have a bite to eat. As long as they can survive until next year's spring plowing and summer harvesting, they will be considered to have completely survived this disaster.

Now the village has more than one million catties of grain in stock, which can barely feed the eight or nine thousand people in front of us until next summer's harvest.

But it is absolutely impossible for so many people to directly distribute food, and it is a good way to provide relief with work.

While feeding these victims, they can also do some work, do some post-disaster reconstruction, infrastructure construction, and if there is spare capacity, they can also reclaim some wasteland.

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