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Chapter 2709: Pin my precious Yuanshen head (seeking a monthly ticket)

The forcible opening of the robbery emptiness node is too small and closes quickly. If you don't want to consolidate or expand it, then the node will be closed when Song Shanghang's body all enters the ‘the sinister emptiness node’. After all, the monk's **** is integrated into the vain node, and the gods are also pinned.

Now, Song Shuhang only has his head nailed into the vain node, but his body is still stuck outside the node.

"Reassure that the white predecessors, I have already been ready." Song Shuhang echoed back.

After immunizing the symptoms of 'mad drill bit rotation', he was calmly preparing for the next step, such as the beginning of the ‘robbery of the emptiness of the gangster’.

Therefore, while his head of the gods was inhaled into the emptiness of the robbing the fairy, the hands of Song Shuhang began to act.

"Sacred Refining World" activated the release for the first time!

Since it is necessary to consolidate a 'space node', then the "Sacred Refining World" that can refine the world is naturally the best choice for Song Shuhang.

This is one of the few space methods he has mastered.

On the top of Song Shuhang, 200 sacred shadows have long been ready to go. When the "Sacred Refining Bounds" is activated, they will accept Confucian scriptures. Under the leadership of Dashengyi, they will be surrounded by a circle and will be surrounded by strong forces. The head is inserted into the owner of the 'Robbery Nether Node'. By the way, assist the owner to complete the Taoist Law of the Holy Ghost.

The radiance of space Taoism falls on the ‘the vain emptiness node’, trying to refine this space node.

Then, Song Shuhang's Yuanshen broke out with a strong mindfulness, and strived to expand the ‘robbery of the emptiness of the emptiness of the emptiness.’ The power of reading is a very powerful means, and it can come in handy almost everywhere. As long as the power is large enough, even if there is no pivot, it can shake the earth!

"The Holy Ghost Refining" + the combination of minds is Song Shuhang's Taoism, but his means are not over yet.

His palm taps the ‘robbery emptiness node’ at his neck, identifying the secret activation!

At the same time, his legs were lightly picked, and the two "Bashen Pillars" were kicked out by him to borrow a famous saying from the predecessors: Wherever the pillar of the gods is inserted, after all, it is my kingdom!

At the same time that the two basic attributes of "Bashenzhu No. 1" were inserted into the node of the robbery, Song Shuhang still contained the "Heisey Pillar". He also wanted to try to refine a 'Hegemony column? Xian node column 'out.

Anyway, try and don't want money. Song Shuhang is all incited by his means. If his head has already been sucked into the 'robbery of the robbery', he is also prepared to use the bun to cast a thousand seconds of "knife." "Seeing the feelings of yourself and the vain fairy."

After reading four major means in one breath, Song Shuhang also discovered one of his own shortcomings. For example, his "knives" relied too much on the ‘arm’.

This is a **** that needs to be broken. Since the palm of the hair can use the "knives", why not expand the way of thinking and let the body parts other than the hands and hair be able to display "knife"?

Think about it, you can release the "Knife" in your whole body, that is the real king.

"Book Air, retreat back. We failed, the node is unstable, it will close soon!" At this time, the young white behind him shouted loudly.

Half of the first experiment was successful. The white predecessors successfully opened the ‘Robbery of the Nethered Nether Node’, but Song Shuhang’s “Sanctuary of Refining”, the power of the mind, and the tyrannical pillar all failed.

Even the two tyrannical columns were sucked into the ‘robbery of the emptiness node.’

After hearing this instruction, Song Shuhang quickly tried to pull his head out.

"Unfortunately... The next time, have to experiment with "The Palm"? Or, gamble gambling on the effect of "Knife"?" He regretted.

Just when Song Shuhang couldn't easily pull the half-necked ‘neck’ out of the robbery node... the robbery of the emptiness node suddenly turned off.

The neck and head of Song Shuhang Yuanshen were pinched off.

No pain, but the scene looked very scared.

Song Shuhang reached out and touched the neck of his own god: "I almost thought I was going to die," he said.

Fortunately, in the last time in Confucianism, the white predecessors used his secret method to take off his head and let him master the 'flying head'. His head and body have been able to be skillfully separated, not only the flesh, but even the head of the gods. Take off the ball at any time.

Thanks to the secret law of the white predecessors, Song Shuhang’s body was able to save the Yuanshen’s head after the ‘day punishment’, and then he had the opportunity to restore his body part by the “Sacred Dragon Power” and make a comeback.

Fortunately, the object of the first experiment of the white predecessors was that if he was replaced by the seven predecessors or the predecessors of the Lingdie, the two gods of the predecessors were pinched off their heads, and I am afraid that they will be cool.

Only he and the Yunquezi predecessors can withstand this broken head injury.

A moment later, Song Shuhang’s headless **** patted his body and swayed back to his Song kennel.

Young white reached out and took Song Shuhang and pulled him back to the palace: "Are you alright, book flight?"

"Nothing, white predecessors. I am very good. Now I can feel that my head of the gods has been integrated into the 'robbery node'... I am trying to integrate with this robbery node to complete the process of the gods. Once the fascination of the gods is completed, it should be able to project the gods into the flesh of the world." Song Shuhang out of the channel.

From now on, his head of the gods turned into a ‘point’ and silently stayed in the emptiness. If you do not use the means of "killing the root cause", you can only completely destroy him by simply destroying the head projections of the real body in the flesh and body.

As long as the gods are there, paying a price, there is still hope that they will be resurrected and reinvented.

This is also the reason for the robbery of the realm of the immortal, it is difficult to be killed by the means of robbing the realm of the sacred... Generally, only the same as the robbery, there is a means to follow the other god's projection, reversing the root cause.

After entering the Song kennel, Song Shuhang sat down cross-legged and said: "White predecessors, we take a break, then continue the experiment!"

At the same time, the results of the previous 'identification secret law' began to feed back.

Song Shuhang’s Yuanshen twitched and paid the price of “identifying the sinister emptiness node”, and consciousness began to receive identification information.

[A tiny robbery emptiness node: This is the node that Bai Sheng uses violence to open in the vain sky. Because it is violent, the emptiness of the emptiness will bear a huge tearing 'pain', under the effect of the void rule, robbery Xian Xukong will quickly repair the robbery node opened by violence. Therefore, the speed at which this annihilation node is closed is thirty times that of the normal vain node. 】

"So, do we have to find ways to reduce the ‘painfulness’ of the vain emptiness?” Song Shuhang raised his empty neck and told his predecessors the answers he had identified.

After a little thought, the younger one said: "The two choices either reduce the 'painfulness' of the vain emptiness, or we try to expand the robbing emptiness to thirty times... um, preferably sixty times more. ”

As long as the enlarged node is large enough, its repair speed will not keep up.

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