Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2294: My name is iron, I will not give up (seeking a monthly ticket)

"When I resume the chat function, I will talk privately about the predecessors, and see how you refused." Song Shuhang in the seal column whispered.

This time, the main ‘comprehension’ chat function is being upgraded, and private chat can’t be opened.

Otherwise, the hot pot just now, the predecessors have decided!

In addition... I don’t know what happened after the ‘Invincible Lord’ took over the pot.

I remember that when he and the 'Spotted Dragon Two' yelled at the last time, the two-spotted dragon two scorpions received a long-distance interference attack from the 'Tiandao 蜕 ball', and they were very aggressive and directly bounced back the attack. By the way, they also pitted. Wills ball 'a handful.

How will the Invincible Lord respond to the long-range interference attack of the Heavenly Wills?

Whether it is the Emperor or the Invincible Lord, the small group of the ‘Longevity’ in the realm is infinitely close to the level of ‘Confucian saints’.

However, even if the Emperor is seriously injured now, the Lord who is invincible is sleeping, and the real combat power will have an impact.

"Well, the only thing that is certain is that the ‘Invincible Lord’ is still alive.” Song Shu Waterway – because the buddy list did not prompt it to die.

It is good to have strength.

Song Shuhang sighed in his heart.

If you switch to a remote jamming attack that forces him to resist the 'Tiandao Wills Ball,' I am afraid that only ‘Resurrection’ can go. The problem is that he does not have a regular resurrection on his body. The white predecessor has prepared a resurrection for him, but it may become a ‘nine sorcerer’ after the resurrection.

Thinking about it.

[叮~Virus alert (unfinished) detected the 'Reconnaissance of remote interference' signal. 】

【Again. 】 Long Luo reminded.

Today's ‘Tiandao Wills Ball’ is serious, and it seems to be aware of its own wave of locks and long-range strikes.

So after a wave of remote locking interference attacks, it immediately opened the next wave of locks and searched Song Shuhang again.

Song Shuhang: "Also... still coming? Too often hurt."

But this time, he has no time to think.

Must make a choice right away!

It is impossible to connect ‘there is a demon emperor’. Even if the predecessors have vigilance, it is absolutely impossible to pick up the call.

Then the rest of the choices are not much.

[Can you connect with the ‘Invincible Lord’ predecessors? 】 Song Shuhang quickly asked.

[Determining the order and connecting the ‘Invincible Lord’ again. 】

[叮~Connected successfully, communication started. 】

[Please start communication with the ‘Invincible Lord’. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

To be honest, the second time, even connected successfully, a bit out of Song Shuhang's expectations.

Although it is a bit bad to hold the ‘Invincible Lord’, a predecessor’s arrogance, there are no more suitable members in the buddy list than the eternal lord at this, this is no way.

"I have met again, the predecessor of the immortal. To be honest, I am a little touched by you today. I don't have much to say, I wish we both can survive the robbery today." Song Shudao.

Then, it won't be long.

[Transfer success again. 】 Long Luo reminded.

"咕~~" The familiar screams came from the communication channel of the ‘Invincible Lord’.

The vip communication channel between the Lord of the Immortal and Song Shuhang was cut off.

"It's over." Song Shuhang sighed.

But he did not relax his vigilance, and the aerosolized body was highly compressed.


After a few interest.

[叮~Virus alert (unfinished) detected the 'Reconnaissance of remote interference' signal. 】

Today's third is out!

The most worrying thing about Song Shuhang still happened. There is not much wisdom in the Tianzhu 蜕 ball, and there is nothing to do in a rib.

Therefore, the current ‘天道遗蜕球’ is holding a thing and will not give up, no matter how many times it hits the wall.

Don't give up if you don't take Song Shuhang out.

This time, without waiting for Song Shuhang to issue instructions, the ‘Comprehensive’ chat function is very user-friendly and automatically begins to connect with the ‘Invincible Lord’.

[叮~Connected to the ‘Invincible Lord’ success, communication begins. 】

Song Shuhang: "..."

Not only is there a head iron on the side of the ‘Heavenly Testament Ball,’ the head of the ‘Invincible’ is not soft.

The third round.

The round of the Tiandao test ball: remote locking interference.

The end of the round.

Song Shuhang's turn: summoning the ‘invincible master’ and resisting it.

The end of the round.

In the end, the familiar ‘咕~’ ended the end of the round.

The aerosolized Song Shuhang relies on the 'sealing post'.

He silently opened the book "Basic Ancient Languages".

Then I rolled up my tongue and read in ancient languages: "The third time has come, will the fourth time be far behind?"

"Hey Song, are you okay?" asked the orangutan whisper.

Song Shuhang flipped the books in his hand again, then rolled his tongue and said, "If I am dead, please don't be sad. Please bury me under the tree and insert a white flower for me."

The orangutan general applauded him silently.

Then... the fourth round started.

The end of the round.

The fifth round begins.

The end of the round.

So cycling...

It was until the eleventh round.

Song Shuhang is numb.

He has been unable to bear the ancestors of the ‘Invincible Lord’.

There is a burden on the mind.

At this time, if ‘Invincible Lord’ rejected his ‘call exchange’, he felt that his heart might feel better.

[叮~Connected to the ‘Invincible Lord’, failed. 】

[The Lord of the Immortal refused the connection. 】

"The eleventh round began... Hey, Mom, the Lord of the Invincible refused!" Song Shuhang bounced around the body.

After ten rounds, the invincible Lord of the Iron Head is finally no longer iron.

But the problem is that the Tiandao relics have not given up.

Who will transfer next?

In the entire buddy list, except for the ‘Invincible Lord’ and ‘What’s the Emperor’, all the other members are embarrassed to go to the pit.

There were also a group of members of the 'Ancient Heaven Court' as candidates for the pot.

However, in the previous day of the penalty, the members of the ancient Tianting dying four died in a single breath... The other buddy avatars are also in a dark state, which is the state of ‘resurrection’.

Moreover, even if they are in good condition, Song Shuhang is embarrassed that when people have just finished the ‘day penalty’, they have also fallen into the rocks to dig them.

“Do you want to hang the Emperor?” Song Shuhang’s eyes crossed the list of friends.

Among the next members, it seems that only ‘the Emperor’ is the best candidate for strength and relationship.

Thinking about it, the white predecessors suddenly opened their eyes: "Who is locking here?"

The white predecessors who were asleep had sensed the crisis and finally woke up.


"Hey, the existence of the same body, dare to count me?" White predecessors two.

Then he reached out and looked at the void.

There was a black smog that was smashed by the white predecessors.

Song Shuhang was inexplicably stunned.

The black smoke of the group looks like part of his ‘pseudo-immortal smoke incarnation’.

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