Cub Keeper

Chapter 28: Chaptery-faced crocodile (1)

The red dots got closer and closer, and the people present finally realized that something was wrong. They stood up and looked out of the screen.

"What is that? Why does it keep coming our way?"

"My God! Why doesn't he slow down when he's so close? He'll get hit!"

"Fuck! If we don't stop, we will all be killed by him!"

At a time when everyone is frightened. A cynical voice came from the cockpit of the starship: "Hello, hello, all passengers. We are Star Thief Blood Iron, and I'm glad that all the lucky ones take this flight."

Then his style of painting turned and went straight down a few degrees: "Then put down all the things in your hands now, and squat down."

Lu Yao never imagined that she would bump into such a star thief gift package once she went out. She pressed Helanjia into her arms without changing her face, and then stared out the window to see the red dot. The red dot was getting closer and closer, enough for people to see what it was.

It was a starship.

Different from the Imperial Civil and Imperial Military Starships, it is all black, with the word "Blood Iron" written in red font on it. Flying a flag with a white skull on a black background doesn't look like a good thing.

Because Lu Yao was holding Helanjia tightly, for fear that he would disturb the star thief because of his young age, she did not see Helanjia's eyes that were obviously not children , did not see the gloomy appearance of Helanjia when he saw the starship.

The orcs in the civilian starship did not dare to act rashly, for fear of being targeted by their desperados. And Lu Yao was motionless, ready to resist.

The legendary blood iron star thieves, they are all evil, the leader is a carnivorous beast who looks young but is actually an adult. Back when the blood iron star thieves had no starships, their leaders used their looks to defraud a lot of money from the orcs.

Even if he was caught by the Imperial military, he would use his looks to confuse others. After all, his face doesn't really look like a star thief leader who does all kinds of evil and kills countless beasts.

When Marshal Helanjia was still there, he was able to curb the cruel behavior of this star thief leader. Now that Marshal Helanjia is gone, they are like sharks that smell blood in the sea, crazy Biting the territory of the empire, robbing the money of the citizens of the empire, and threatening the lives of the citizens of the empire.

The doors of the Imperial Civil Starship were opened. A 16- or 17-year-old boy with dark green hair walked in. His demeanor was contemptuous and his movements were unruly. The clothes on his body are also not well dressed, and they are loosely placed on his body, revealing his strong body. Only the scales exposed on the exposed parts of his body can make people guess his race - crocodile.

He looked around at the shivering orcs, picked a strong man at random, patted his back, and then took a step and sat up. His hands supported his chin, and he felt bored looking at the orcs who dared not raise their heads.

Suddenly his expression flashed, as if he had found some interesting toy.

"Hey," he poked the person under him: "If you people say something to make this uncle happy, maybe this uncle will open up and let you go. Woolen cloth?"

Stomped on the orc under his ass, and twisted his feet maliciously: "It's you, hurry up! Tell me what interesting things happened during this time. Son?"

The body of the man orc who was trampled on was shocked, and he thought for a while in cold sweat and said, "I heard about it during this time..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was shot in the head by this teenage boy with a laser gun. He blew the laser gun that was still smoking: "Tsk, long-winded."

The male orc's bright red blood flowed from his forehead, and his eyes were wide open, as if he didn't understand why this orc went back on his word. This tragic scene stimulated the nerves of the orcs. They resisted the desire to scream, swallowed the exclamation in their throats, and did not dare to make a sound.

"Next." The boy sat in another place, a few drops of the warm blood of the male orc just now scattered on his body. The dirt on his clothes, coupled with his somewhat childish face, looked terrifying.

At this moment, the boy's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found something interesting, he walked forward quickly, came to Lu Yao's side and stood still.

He stood beside Lu Yao, sniffed gently, his eyes were obsessed: "You have a smell on your body."

Lu Yao frowned slightly, how could she smell like a dog.

"I like it very much."

"Who are you?"

If it weren't for the emergency now, Lu Yao would have thought that she had returned to the apocalypse when she heard these words. Some greasy man said something to strike up a conversation.

Lu Yao didn't say anything, she stubbornly didn't answer the question of the star thief leader, but pressed Helanjia in her arms into her arms again.

Mingming was still very obedient just now, did nothing, and stayed honest.

The teenager seemed to find it difficult to find something that interested him, so he mercifully sat down opposite Lu Yao, put his hands on his chin, and looked at Lu Yaorao who was silent interested in.

But sitting quietly and honestly, it seems a little difficult for this young man. He stretched out his hand and tugged at Lu Yao's ear, trying to evoke her naughty strands of hair that were scattered from her hair.

However, in the moment before contact, it was opened mercilessly by a young and tender hand.

With a "pop" sound, the place where the needle drop can be heard is particularly clear.

, get away!"

The boy raised the corners of his mouth maliciously, destroying his immature appearance: "Heh, which lifeless brat are you?"

He stretched out his hand to grab Helanjia, and wanted to let the cub leave the person he liked.

However, before his hand touched the cub, Lu Yao slapped it and held it in his hand.

"My house."

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