Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 610: Beast-shaped Mecha

Rushing, Xiangliang Sousuke drove the crossbow towards the giant's crotch at the fastest speed.

With determination to win, absolute trust in Chidori, and the performance of the crossbow, Sagara can achieve victory.

It seems like a dream.

Chidori Kaname heard the wail of metal in his ears, and the monster was scattered like scattered toys. She jumped up happily and shouted Sousuke's name.

Great, Sousuke did it, he defeated the enemy. Such a huge and terrifying enemy was defeated by Zongsuke. He was indeed the best.

But at this moment, she saw a burst of light, golden light shooting from her side towards the head of the collapsing giant AS.

Vaguely, Chidori seemed to see a golden Pegasus, rescuing that nasty brat.

Chidori couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, but her chest felt so warm that her face turned red without even realizing it.

Chidori was really dreaming, everything had been solved by Zongsuke, Taotie was gone, and the only thing left was Takuma, who was rescued by Dinisha. Now she and Tessa are sleeping on the same bed to rest, but Tessa is not sleeping well. Now she is holding Chidori's breast with one hand, pulling the quilt with the other hand, and her whole face is pressed against Chidori's other breast, and there is something in her mouth. He said the same old cutesy dream talk: "I can't eat anymore..." It seemed that he was treating Chidori's breasts as meat buns.

Both girls were very tired tonight.

In the living room, Sosuke Sagara and Cruz were also lying on the table sleeping, and Andrew was on the floor. At Dinisha's house, Mao wanted to smoke and drink after taking a shower, but found that there was no beer in Dinisha's refrigerator. It’s hard to go out while wrapped in a bath towel, so I can only smoke.

But after all, he was at someone else's house, so Mao didn't smoke indoors, but went to the balcony. It's late at night anyway, so I'm not afraid of the secret being leaked.

Today's experience is still fresh in Mao's memory. He has been performing dangerous missions, so it is common for AS to be damaged, but it has never been like today. The feeling of being completely suppressed is too bad. It is true that the devil is as high as the Taoist.

Taking a deep breath of cigarette, the lighter cap in my hand made a snapping sound, which was particularly annoying in the quiet night.

If all terrorists are equipped with this kind of equipment in the future, what should I do? Mao sighed. She was not the protagonist.

As for the machine without lambda driver. It seems that I can only deal with ordinary terrorists in the future.

After taking another long puff, the cigarette bottomed out in an instant.

"Can't you sleep?" Dinisha walked onto the balcony wearing a silk nightgown, her soft blond hair spread behind her back.

"It's not that I can't sleep, it's just that I feel a little confused." The scene of being swept away by a huge arm kept reappearing in Mao's mind, and he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

Dinisha understood Mao's thoughts very well. When she was in the world of big swords, she knew many big sword warriors like Mao. It's like the great sword that originally killed the demon suddenly encountered the awakened one. The helplessness and unwillingness to vent nowhere will always torture people.

"The only thing that can deal with black technology is black technology, and the only thing that can deal with ultra-ancient technology is ultra-ancient weapons." Duran found two helpers and built two plug-in mechas. If Dinisha wanted to play this game with him She also had to find good helpers, so she took up the idea of ​​Mao and Cruz.

Mao looked at Dinisha, hoping she would be more specific.

Dinisha did not disappoint Mao, and the two stood on the balcony and started chatting: "Actually, our Dragon Group has been studying ancient technology. Although we are not as advanced in weapon development as Taotie, we have made some achievements. In order to To deal with Taotie, our new weapon has been completed. It is a brand-new weapon that can neutralize electromagnetic pulses. I wonder if you would like to pilot it?"

"You want me to drive the new weapon? But I'm not a dragon." Mao said.

"It doesn't matter. Your Mithril members are trustworthy. And you have skills that are not inferior to Xiangliang, so you will definitely be able to control new weapons." Dinisha is very confident. Mao's physical fitness and combat experience are all very good. outstanding.

"Excuse me, what is the new weapon?" Mao was actually moved. She could tolerate failure, but she could not tolerate such a cowardly failure.

"White Tiger, Suzaku!" Dinisha spit out two names.

"?" Although Mao is of Chinese descent, he was born and raised in the United States and does not know much about Chinese mythology. "What is that, an animal?"

"Legend has it that in ancient China there were four mythical beasts guarding the world, namely the East Green Dragon, the South Suzaku, the West White Tiger, and the North Xuanwu. The new weapons of the Dragon Group are the White Tiger and the Suzaku."

Mao looked at Dinisha, still feeling that it was very peaceful to hear Chinese legends from a woman with blond hair and silver eyes.

"A new weapon created using the core of ultra-ancient technology and modern technology that does not use circuits and electronic devices, the beast-shaped AS."

"Beast-shaped AS?" I can't imagine any AS that takes the shape of a beast, but since it's ultra-ancient technology, there might actually be a beast-shaped AS.

"The Dragon Group's transport ship will arrive in a few days. Then you and I will go to receive the goods."

Although Titan AS has been solved, it caused a lot of commotion. The United Nations had to give the Japanese government an explanation, and it also had to spend a lot of effort to transport the wreckage of Titan AS out of Japan. Although it has been destroyed, it still has research value. Japan didn't want to let go, but it couldn't resist the pressure from the US emperor and had no choice but to let go. Even the terrorist Takuma was taken away by Mithril. Anyway, Japan left nothing but losses.

That night, the sirens did not survive, and it was not until the morning that everyone discovered that the security on the streets was much stricter. There were a lot of rumors, and although the live TV broadcast was quickly cut off, some people still saw it.

The teacher from Jindai High School arrived at the school and found that there seemed to be no problem with the school, but there were many scrapped police cars on the street. The principal who arrived at the school in the morning immediately contacted Dinisha and asked about what happened last night.

Dinisha said that nothing happened, that there was just a shootout between the police and gangsters outside the school, and they did not enter the school. Anyway, the school had been repaired, and the principal did not doubt Dinisha and asked her to rest at home for two days.

I just took this opportunity to take Mao to receive new weapons.

Take a speedboat to the sea, and the transport ship is on the sea. "Disguised as a luxury cruise ship?" Mao found it difficult to accept the style of the Dragon Group. He had never seen such a high-profile one.

"Isn't it possible? As long as it can be hidden from the eyes and ears."

Entering through the open hatch at the back of the cruise ship, Mao saw a mechanical white armored giant lying inside, without any cover. This must be the white tiger, and I saw a big red mechanical bird standing there with its wings folded.

It was really animal-shaped, and the shape was much more exaggerated than the humanoid AS. Both were covered with mysterious patterns. If it weren't for the bright luster, Mao would have thought they were antiques dug up in ancient times. Because the outer armor is engraved with ancient Chinese auspicious patterns, it is antique. The layers of curling cloud patterns, silkworm patterns, swastika patterns, grain patterns, etc. make White Tiger and Suzaku carry a heavy history.

Is this the new weapon? As expected, it was the dragon group's ancient and modern style, but he didn't know how strong it was, so Mao couldn't wait.

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