Crossover in the Anime World

Chapter 599 Dulan becomes a terrorist

"Give Sagara Sousuke time to contact Mithril, Kowloon will take me to meet that Miss Kaname Chidori." Dulan is now Kowloon's big brother.

Although Jiulong was unhappy, whoever made Duran so much stronger than him, he was like an ant pinched in Duran's hands.

"What are you going to do? Let go, let me go."

Before seeing anyone, Dulan heard the girl's high-pitched voice coming from the small dark room.

Duran smiled, and it was indeed as spirited as the original.

But after being sedated, Kaname Chidori can only ask for the black technology in his brain obediently.

"You don't need to go in." Duran was planning for Kowloon, "in case your identity is exposed."

Humph, Jiulong snorted coldly and stopped.

Chidori was about to meet Duran, and seemed to have seen what someone had said to her in a daze. But even so, she still remembered Duran's appearance before losing consciousness.

The female researcher put a blindfold connected to the computer on the girl and began to search for black technology. Agnes took a look at these facilities by the way, and then looked at the content of black technology. It's messy, and it will take a while to sort it out. It seems that unless the Whisperer himself, other people need to spend a lot of energy and manpower to further research if they want to use black technology.

But who is Duran? Standing beside Kaname Chidori, he directly invaded her brain and grasped the black technology in his hands. Not bad, not bad, a lot of good things, which can be used for research by the domestic army.

At this time, Sosuke Sagara had already escaped from the plane to the ground and sent a distress signal to Mithril. Now he wants to rescue Chidori Kaname and not let her get hurt.

Outside the small black room, Jiulong had already gone to prepare his Hell King, so only a few soldiers were left to guard him. Sagara Sosuke carefully lurked behind the small dark room, and then secretly killed the enemy.

Sagara Sousuke held a pistol in one hand and a stun gun in the other, and put his ear against the door to listen to the sounds in the house. There were two breathing sounds, two people. One whose breathing is much slower than normal should be sleeping, and the other is an enemy.


Xiangliang Zongsuke always chooses the most direct way to solve problems, because he is as confident in his abilities as Jiulong.


Pushing the door open and entering, he raised his hand and shouted, "Don't move."

The female researcher was not a good person either. She was startled by Xiangliang, but she immediately drew her gun reflexively. But Sosuke Sagara took the initiative and shot and wounded the arm of the institute that was drawing the gun. He obviously did not kill the researcher because he was a girl.

Sagara Sosuke, I misjudged you.

After taking care of the researcher, he saw another person beside Kaname Chidori, motionless.

what happened? Obviously I only heard two breathing sounds, why is this person here? Has his ability deteriorated?

Carefully approach the platform without leaving Duran's muzzle. The man was so strange. He didn't speak or move. "Chidori-san, wake up."

Dulan looked at classmate Xiangliang and didn't make any move, letting him call the New Year bird. The young man in front of him had sharp eyes and exuded a military temperament, making him upright and heroic. He was indeed a good boy.

Chidori, who was enclosed in the glass cover, stretched out and thought he was at home.

"Is your injury okay?" Dulan asked the girl researcher as if he couldn't see Sosuke Sagara.

"It's okay." Although it hurt, it wasn't a serious injury.

"That's good." Duran said again: "Mithril?"

"..." Xiangliang Zongsuke said nothing.

"You can't escape. You should know about the explosives. If this lady is found missing, Kowloon will detonate the explosives."

Now we only have friends who believe in Mithril, Sosuke Sagara thought.

"Oh? It seems that you have contacted your partners. That's good. The actors for this grand fireworks show are all here."

Du Lan's expected appearance made Xiangliang Zongsuke's heart beat wildly. Could this be all a trap? To lead out Mithril's trap?

"Zousuke, what happened?" Chidori still didn't understand the situation.

"Can I leave?" Calm down, now you just need to do your best to ensure the safety of the hostages. "I will explain it later."

He held Chidori's hand warily, slowly backed away, and exited the small dark room.

When the female researcher saw that the Whisperer was about to leave, Duran didn't stop her, and shouted anxiously at Duran: "Stop them quickly, and don't let the Whisperer leave. You don't know the importance of the Whisperer. Hurry up and catch the Whisperer. "

"They can't escape, but you should bandage yourself." Duran remained calm, took out a controller from his pocket and waved it in front of the female researcher, "Do you know what it is?"

The female researcher's expression was not very good. She probably guessed that this was the remote control of a murderous bomb.

But it's not, "the UN rescue will come later, they will probably use a military transport plane to transfer the passengers sitting on the explosives, and I will press this button, the entire runway will be destroyed, no one will be able to escape .”

"..." The face of the female researcher changed drastically. This person is even crazier than Kowloon. His goal from the beginning was the army who came to rescue him, not some whisperer, "Crazy!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

The sound of gunfire coming from the distance should be the sound of a large-caliber rifle. Then came the sound of tank artillery. Sagara Sosuke has probably already snatched As and is about to escape into the deep forest with Chidori.

The sound of roaring engines came from the sky, and the rescue transport plane landed slowly under the protection of Mithril AS troops.

"The good show has begun. It's time for people to feel the horror I brought, and let the world see what a real terrorist is." Duran laughed haha.

The female researcher felt that it was the devil laughing, celebrating his birth.

Yep, Jiulong, who was hiding in the dark, heard Dulan's words through the monitor and thought that he was indeed an out-and-out lunatic. Then he concentrated on chasing the Whisperer.

The power of the King of Hell was super strong before Sosuke Sagara had the crossbow, and he could completely defeat the Mithril m9.

Without Cruz to help, Sosuke Sagara would have been able to gameover early.

With Cruz delaying Kowloon's actions, Sosuke Sagara and Chidori were about to rush back to the runway. By this time, the transport plane had landed.

Chidori was panting, but he finally arrived, and the transport plane was right in front of him.

Under the cover of Commander Mao, the United Nations peacekeeping force accurately completed the transfer of 400 hostages within five minutes and is now ready to take off.

However, Xiangliang and Chidori were nowhere to be seen, and Cruz hadn't yet killed the enemy, which made Mao frown.

"Chidori, we're almost there, hold on a little longer."

"Yes!" After knowing Xiangliang's identity, Chidori chose to believe this young man who was incompatible with daily life. Trust between girls and boys has been established.

"Xiangliang, it's too slow." Mao Ye saw the two young men and immediately shouted, "The plane is about to take off."

As long as it didn't fly, Xiangliang grabbed Chidori and rushed over.


Suddenly, Sosuke Sagara heard a sneer and turned around to see Dulan standing in the distance, holding something that looked like a remote control in his hand.


But Sousuke Xiangliang couldn't stop it, Dulan had already pressed the detonation button.

There was incredible silence at first, and then a violent explosion was heard from the end of the runway, getting louder and louder from far to near.

The entire runway had been plowed and it was no longer possible for planes to take off and land.

The shock wave of the explosion blew Sagara and Chidori out. Even the M9 could no longer stand still, and all the landing gear of the transport plane was blown off.

Mao was the luckiest, because there was shock absorber protection in the AS, so there was no major problem. But the scene before her eyes made her want to cry. This was a pre-arranged trap, otherwise it would be impossible to place so many bombs under the runway.

Who planned all this? Is it the man Sagara found out before? ? ?

"Damn it!" Mao looked over, and Duran was still there, "emergency, emergency, the rescue failed, the entire runway was destroyed, the plane couldn't take off, it couldn't take off."

The Mithril submarine was silent, how could that be?

The era of relying on force to dominate has passed; now is the era of relying on force and brainpower to dominate.

Well, it doesn't feel like a difference.

"Oh? It's really a big deal." Jiulong was playing cat and mouse with Cruz. Hearing the scale of the explosion, he probably guessed that the UN rescue force would not be able to leave.

"What happened?" Cruz looked worriedly in the direction of the billowing smoke. That should be the airport. Please don't let anything happen. His opponent was stronger than he imagined, and the rescue over there was uncertain. "The worst case scenario."

Duran walked over slowly, and behind him came a white demon from the optical camouflage, one person and one mecha approaching at a high synchronization rate.

"Damn it." Mao fired, drawing a light bullet out of a rainbow and hitting the white devil.

Boom, the live ammunition was actually blocked by dots of white light.

"What kind of system is this?" Although Mao had seen the records of the white demon before, it was the first time she met face to face, and she finally saw what it means to be strong, "It can resist the attack of m9."

Finally approached, the white demon paralyzed Mao's body, but not only that, after the white demon's hand touched the m9, Mao found that messy data quickly churn out on his screen.

No, this is the enemy hacking into Mithril's network.

"Cut it off, cut it off." But Mao didn't know what to do.

In a few seconds, the White Devil had invaded TDD-1 through the network, and the ship was in chaos.

"Cut off the network. Isolate the AS command system." In the end, Tessa made a decisive decision and sacrificed some of M9's data and the entire AS command system to save the submarine.

Everyone was covered in cold sweat. Who is the enemy? It's terrible to have invaded Mithril's most high-tech network system so quickly.

"Please come out of my zero field." The pilot of the white demon said, having already destroyed the hatch behind the m9, Mao could only come out with her hands raised, with a dazed expression on her face, until now she didn't know what she was doing. How was it defeated, and what organization was the enemy. It’s so frustrating. I’ve never been so frustrated since I entered the Mithril Organization.

At this time, all the soldiers from the military base gathered around and took custody of all the hostages and rescue team members.

The first step of Duran's battle was completed.

After talking to the people at the base for a few times, the other party nodded and handed all the hostages over to Duran. These hostages are also hot potatoes. It would be great if someone takes over.

Sagara Sosuke and Chidori were blown far away, and now they are hiding on the spot. Their ears still hurt a little, but they are not serious and they can hear each other clearly.

Seeing this situation, Xiangliang was helpless. But suddenly he saw the soldiers driving the hostages into the corner, while Duran and the terrifying white devil stopped to look at the sky.

"What's coming?" Before Xiangliang finished speaking, he felt a strong airflow blowing over him, and saw the three planes swaying there suddenly moving.

It was like a behemoth bearing down on the top of a mountain. All three planes were covered under it and could not be spared. Squeezing, twisting, and deforming, the three planes were slowly flattened in front of everyone's eyes.


A bomb exploded in the airliner's luggage compartment, but it did nothing to slow down the descent of the invisible fortress in the sky.

Bang, all three large planes turned into flat scrap metal. The whole process only took a dozen seconds.

The optical camouflage makes it impossible to see the true form of the airship, but judging from the distance it crushes the runway, this airship is terrifyingly large.

All the hostages were rushed onto the airship and then disappeared. Only Dulan and the white devil were left walking towards Kowloon. There are two good apprentices in Jiulong, and Dulan has to help them.

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