Crimson Comes

Chapter 32: happy ending

"Provoked a war of city-level forces, and the death toll was no less than 666?"

When Ye Feifei listened to Xiao Lin's remarks, her face instantly turned pale, even frightened.

She is the daughter of the consortium and grew up in the environment of Youwo. Although she was sent to the base of the supernatural investigation team under the foundation because of some of her own particularities, she has also seen a lot of information about demons, but she still lives It's too comfortable, I haven't seen a vicious and crazy demon believer, and I haven't experienced the fear of being attacked by a fallen monster or a wandering sect.

She even thought in her heart that this was a peaceful and stable life.

So she couldn't understand what a ceremony that needed to provoke a war between two cities and killed more than 600 people represented.

A long street full of corpses?

Countless broken families?

Countless houses flooded with blood and fire?



This is indeed a terrible ceremony, and it can indeed afford the prefix of the word "devil".

"Every extraordinary person doesn't like to be promoted..."

When Brother Xiaolin talked about this, he also sighed softly. While drawing a picture of his chicken pecking at rice, he explained softly:

"Except for a few lunatics."

"Because every step of promotion means that the influence of the demon power is deeper, and it also means that you are one step closer to the demon, and more often, you will hear the demon whisper during the promotion process, and it is easy to lose your mind. "

"So, the promotion ceremony is something that everyone is afraid of, and even tries to avoid. Only those crazy demon believers will actively and actively prepare for the promotion ceremony, and even for the demon ceremony, not only do they harm others and provoke a wars, and some special occasions, some lunatics even completed the excessive promotion tasks earlier than the promotion ceremony..."

"And normal people, in order to avoid the demon power being too active, try to reduce the possibility of using it..."

"Because every time the demon power is used, it becomes a little more active."

"Only a demon fanatic or a lunatic can't wait to crave the whispers of demons."

"It will become more active over time, so even if you never use it, it will gradually recover."

"Usually, we all rely on the Foundation's stabilizer to slow down the activity of the demon power to suppress our own demon power, but unfortunately, the stabilizer is not a panacea, it will also increase with the number of uses, and The effect is gradually declining.”

"Sister Lucky is distressed at this point. The captain has given it to his friend many times."

"Now I'm afraid the stabilizer has little effect, and it's a waste. It's just that the captain doesn't want to watch his friend die."


Ye Feifei didn't expect the captain to have this side, and felt a little sad in his heart.

Wei Wei's face also seemed a little sad, and he sighed softly in his heart: "If that's the case, why didn't you kill him in advance?"

He has endured a lot of pain, and his demon power can't be suppressed, but he made up his mind not to prepare for the promotion ceremony. He is a very respectable person, but because of this, waiting for his fate is actually only a matter of There is only one way left to degenerate, so why not kill him before he degenerates, maybe this is the only way to solve the problem optimally?

He didn't have any special feeling about the promotion ceremony Kobayashi described.

Kobayashi described the promotion ceremony as too difficult, or it was also because the captain's old friend was too high-ranking.

In fact, the promotion ceremony is not necessarily so difficult.

On the contrary, in the early stage of the sequence, the difficulty of the promotion ceremony is very low.

As low as temptation...

Just like myself, the content of the promotion ceremony in the third state has already appeared in my dreams countless times.

Where do you need a fanatic to overfulfill your promotion needs?

Obviously, it will be done after a few extra shifts...



Xiao Lin's explanation made Wei Wei and Ye Feifei feel a little down, but they also subconsciously paid attention to Captain Ouyang.

Captain Ouyang also seemed very annoyed. He walked to the door several times and seemed to want to explain to Sister Lucky, but when he reached the door, he hesitated, but after a few hesitations, he still strode out and stepped on it. He was going up the stairs and was about to go up to the second floor, but just as he had just stepped up the first step, he heard the sound of dong dong dong, and Lucky threw a black box straight down.

Captain Ouyang was taken aback, and he caught it with trepidation.

"We have saved all the injections we deserved, and this box is all yours."

Sister Lucky was on the second floor and said with a cold face, "Send it if you want. When you hear the devil's whisper, don't come to us."

Having said that, he quickly turned around and slammed the door shut.

Captain Ouyang was embarrassed, reached out and stroked his hair, then turned his head and glanced into the yard.

Wei Wei and Ye Feifei immediately sat up straight, as if they were discussing their work seriously.

"You guys work hard, get off work early if you have nothing to do."

After a while, Captain Ouyang came out of the office. It seemed that he had combed his hair again, put on wax, put on a three-piece suit, and carried a cane. He met him on the street without knowing it. Thinking that this would be the representative of a big consortium, he seemed to want to give a few more orders before going out to show the majesty of his captain, but he was silently ignored in the yard.

Only Wei Wei and Ye Feifei straightened their backs and responded earnestly, "I know the captain."

Captain Ouyang glanced at the two of them in disgust, put the box under his arm, waved his hand and went out.



Wei Wei stayed in the guardhouse until noon, and ate a small pot of fried noodles with Brother Pig.

After helping Brother Piggy to wash the dishes, he found that he really had nothing to do.

Looking at the empty yard, he and Ye Feifei are the most boring people in the entire team.

Lin Feifei just made a great contribution yesterday. Just when he didn't want to go to the streets, he sat on the stone bench drinking tea with his legs crossed.

Wei Wei has just arrived and has yet to find something to do to pass the time.

Seeing Ye Feifei's wholeheartedly wanting to chat with him, Wei Wei really had no interest.

There's nothing to use her for lately.

After sitting for a while, Wei Wei made a bold decision and turned to look at Xiao Lin who was painting:

"Brother Xiaolin, if I have nothing to do today, I'll go back first?"



Xiaolin and Piglet who were picking vegetables next to him turned to look at him at the same time, with surprised eyes.

"Well, the house hasn't been painted yet..."

Wei Wei felt a little guilty. This was his second day at work, so it was really not good to skip work and leave early.

Brother Xiaolin looked at him fixedly, and after a while he said, "Just leave..."

"Why tell us in advance?"

"This kind of bad ethos really shouldn't be brought to the team..."


Wei Wei felt deeply ashamed and sincerely expressed that he would never do it next time.

But after he left, the others continued to do their own things. It took a while for them to look up and glance at each other. In fact, they were somewhat puzzled. The whole team was full of doubts about this newcomer's unique living environment. has spread.

Everyone also thought it was strange, just because they were not familiar enough to talk about such in-depth topics.

It's just that at this time, seeing Wei Wei leaving early, Xiao Lin couldn't help but stop his brush again, frowning and said:

"I'm not a person who likes to inquire about other people's privacy, but..."

"Why did he live in that house?"

"And painted in such... festive colors?"


Wei Wei felt that this was normal!

The old house always needs to be cleaned up before moving in, especially for Wei Wei who has such high requirements for living experience.

On the way back, he went to the decoration store, got a few buckets of paint with brighter colors, bought a box of nails, and bought a few low-watt light bulbs. After some careful planning, he took his own With a small amount of money, I went to a high-end shopping mall in Scrap Iron City and bought a white, expensive tablecloth, a few sets of silver cutlery and forks and exquisite white porcelain plates.

He decorated it very carefully.

The four walls of room 302 were painted bright red by him. Lying on the bed, you could see a sea of ​​blood.

On the wall, there are also several human-shaped frames surrounded by white lime, some are lying on the sofa, some are lying on the floor, some are divided into two parts, the style is simple and twisted, with a strong death style, There is a sense of post-modernist Even in the middle of the room, the dark purple round table was re-placed.

Wei Wei placed a white tablecloth, a set of silver cutlery, and a glass on the big round table.

Sitting at the round table and having a meal, he expressed his satisfaction.

Yes, this is the style pursued by those people before, who brought such a nightmare to reality.

Then, I went back to this nightmare and lived in this nightmare.

Very good, very comfortable.

The only thing missing is the bare chandelier above.

It seems that there is still a lack of a hook here. Otherwise, when you invite an old friend to your house, where will they sit?



At night, he lived in the house he had just painted.

The bright red around and the dim light bulb in the middle gave him a great sense of satisfaction.

He fell asleep in this satisfaction.

In the dream, someone broke into this room, trying to catch him and complete their sacrifice, he caught them, and with the most gentle method, asked the mastermind behind the scenes, beat him into a sieve, and another dream. Inside, I saw someone lingering hesitantly outside the house, so I rushed down, finally caught the culprit behind the scenes, and then hung him on the iron hook...

In some dreams, someone came to this house and burned himself alive...

There are even people who hang themselves up like they did with Xiao Qiqi, and cut their own flesh with a knife...

Every ending is so happy...

In his sleep, Wei Wei couldn't help laughing.



I'm really worried that you won't find me.

In this way, I won't be able to find you...

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