Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 431 Changes in Parliament

For the past ten years, Horn has been searching for information about Douglas, but there has been no clear clue. After all, the Magic Council can only rely on David and a few other spies to obtain information from the outside world.

And these spies are not considered big figures in the outside world. Let them say that the external situation is okay, but it is difficult for them to find a specific person.

Speaking of David, he has helped the Magic Council a lot in the past ten years, and the scale of the Council has something to do with him.

In the past ten years, taking advantage of purchasing items in Starfire City, the Walker family has become a well-known wealthy businessman in the Church of the God of the North Wind, and their family is also deeply trusted by the Church of the God of the North Wind. All kinds of books have been spread throughout the northern church through his channels.

The team that came to Starfire City to buy goods came every few days. Since Enoch did not add much material to the previous books, his books spread smoothly. The people in the church did not have any doubts and praised David greatly.

However, under the control of the parliament, David has now become a hard-core spy of the Magic Council. Even if you don't look at the things in Enoch's hands and Vivian's hints, his behavior in the past ten years alone has firmly established him. Being tied to the Magic Council, he could only resolutely walk away from the road of espionage.

Most of the other spies are in the same situation. They are held by the Magic Council, and as long as they are exposed, they will die forever.

Through these spies, the Magic Council now has a basic understanding of the external situation and some major events, and some plans and layouts have also been quietly carried out in the past ten years. Bringing a large number of God-forsaken lands has no magic materials, and the price is lower than local products, which also makes the strength of the magic council grow rapidly.

In short, the transaction with the outside world is basically beneficial to the Magic Council.

In ten years, not only Horn's strength has become stronger, but also the overall strength of the Magic Council has been improved more obviously. Just look at the mage towers full of cities.

At present, there are more than 9,000 mages registered in the council alone, and there are countless idle mages. As for the wild witch, throwing a few bricks in Starfire City will definitely hit the wild witch.

Not only the number is large, but also the strength is very different from ten years ago. Most of the members of the parliament have become the same five-ring magician as Horn ten years ago.

The strength of the councilors is divided into three levels. The strongest ones are Enoch and Ian. They can already completely defeat ordinary sixth-level fighters. At least now Sami has no power to fight back against them.

After that are Anne, Terry, Luke, Ivan, and Daniel. Although they cannot be as strong as Enoch and the others, they can easily defeat the sixth-level powerhouses, but if the sixth-level fighters want to win against them It's not easy, and even if you are careless, you may lose.

The rest are Mrs. Saren and Shirley. Although the two ladies are not outstanding in strength, they are much better than ordinary fifth-level professionals, and they have amazing insights in their respective fields.

This is a member of the Magic Council, and there are several outstanding figures among the other council mages. Karp, nicknamed the puppet master, and Biya, the king of thunder and lightning, are plant-type bombers who use plant-type magic but have explosive effects. Al Vons...

They have all become magicians of the five rings, and some of them are not inferior to the councilors.

Most of the fifth-ring magicians are about to advance to the sixth-ring magician, but the difficulty of advancing may not be low. Even Horn has stayed in the realm of the fifth-ring magician for more than four years.

As for the fourth-level magicians below the fifth-ring magicians, the number is quite considerable, there are more than one hundred and fifty, and there are countless magicians below the third-ring magicians.

After the number of magicians increases, you can intuitively see the impact of talent on the magician's strength commission.

Horn is undoubtedly the most talented. Even though he was two rings ahead of others ten years ago, he is only one ring ahead now, and it looks like he is going to be caught up.

But now ten years have passed, and Horn's advantage of being exposed to magic before other magicians is actually very small, and now he is still standing at the top of all magicians, which shows how powerful his talent is.

Moreover, the stronger the strength, the slower the advancement. It is not easy for other magicians to advance to the sixth ring, so there is still a long way for them to catch up with Horn.

In fact, being exposed to magic in advance actually slowed down Horn's cultivation speed. He had to explore everything by himself, while other magicians could directly practice on the results of Horn's exploration, but even so So far, no magician can catch up with Horn, even if Enoch's magic talents are among the top magicians, they can't catch up with Horn.

Sometimes Horn even wants them to catch up with him as soon as possible, so that someone can explore the way of practicing magic together with him, instead of going forward alone.

Those in the second echelon of talent are the congressmen who follow Horn, and the best magicians among the rest. Their talents have already made ordinary magicians look up to them. As long as they work hard and accumulate knowledge, they can slowly Become stronger.

The magicians in the third echelon are ordinary magicians. They are far behind the excellent ones in all aspects, but they are gradually becoming stronger through hard work, and exciting research results often appear.

This kind of magician is also within the recruitment criteria of the parliamentary mage.

The talents of the fourth echelon are a bit mediocre. They may not be suitable for becoming magicians. Some people are even stuck at the level of first-level magicians for ten years without making any progress. Among the idle magicians of the council There are plenty of such mages.

As for the fifth echelon, those wild witches who cannot become magicians, after ten years, it was finally verified that not all wild witches have the ability to become magicians, at least a small half of wild witches could not become magicians in the end.

After ten years of cultivation according to the basic cultivation methods provided by the Magic Council, they still could not open the sea of ​​magic power or enter the sea of ​​consciousness.

According to the verification of the Magic Council, all of them have fatal flaws in the degree of magic affinity or mental strength. This also proves that wild witches are not the necessary conditions for becoming a magician. Magic affinity and mental strength are. .

It's just that there are not many human beings who meet these two conditions other than wild witches, so the council didn't invest too much energy in this direction, as long as there are enough wild witches to join the magic council.

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