Stay in the little girl’s live broadcast room.

After the 2.0 update, she updated the version immediately.

After updating the version, playing the new character you have been waiting for is definitely the most important thing.

But compared to drawing new characters, Dai Xiaomei has another thing to do.

“Brothers, finish the task first, and then smoke Ayaka after you get to Inazuma.”

“Why smoke at Inazuma? Of course it’s because smoking at Inazuma feels more ritualistic.”

Dai Xiaomei said matter-of-factly, already entering the game as she spoke.

“Ayaka is an Ina wife, so if you go to her house to smoke, you have to give some face, right?”

“A supreme non-chief like me would be really hopeless if he didn’t learn some metaphysics.”

While chatting with Danmaku, Dai Xiaomei took on the new version of the main quest “Fudo Narukami: Eternal Paradise”.

At the beginning of the mission, the traveler came to the Adventurers Association in Liyue and talked with the receptionist Catherine about going to Dao Wife.

Before the traveler could exchange a few words with Catherine, Sea Dragon, a sailor from the Death Star, came over.

He was specially sent by Beidou to find the travelers, saying that the ship was about to leave.

“Beidou is indeed a person who keeps his promises!”

Paimon was delighted to hear his purpose.

Hai Long burst out laughing, “Of course, there are many things about Sister that make people heartbroken! You can slowly experience it in the future!”

After hearing Hai Long’s words, the water friends also deeply agreed.

“Yes, there are so many places.”

“Young man, what you said is dangerous.”

“Beidou’s charisma is really strong.”

In the game, when she heard that the travelers were about to leave, Catherine smiled and said: “Whether the road ahead is the stars or the abyss, taking the next step forward is something worth celebrating.”

“Then let’s meet again and wish you a safe journey~”

Traveler: “We’re going to miss you.”

Paimon also nodded, somewhat reluctant to let go of Catherine who had been with them for so long. After all, they would see each other almost every day.

Catherine: “In that case, find me quickly when you get to Inazuma. I will be waiting for you at Narukami Island.”

The traveler’s face darkened: “…I knew it.”

Paimon was also a little angry: “Since Rice Wife also has a Miss Catherine, then don’t say goodbye so solemnly!”

“My expression is so arrogant, hahaha!” The little girl looked at the traveler and laughed.

After some conversation, the mission of “Fudo Narukami: Eternal Paradise” was officially launched.

The travelers followed the mission instructions and came to the ship.

After the travelers also got on the boat, Beidou laughed.

“Now that everyone is here, it’s time to set sail towards the ‘eternal’ kingdom surrounded by thunder and rain!”

Paimon cheered: “Let’s go!”

Once the ship is launched, a cutscene will begin to play.

There are people coming and going on the ship, and the crew is moving items and preparing to start the ship.

After noticing the traveler, Manyo, who was sitting high up, chuckled and said hello.

“This Manyo is so cute!”

“Wow! Manyo is still shaking his leg!”

“It’s so cute to shake your feet, little Ye Zi! The free and unrestrained look really touched me!”

While the audience was still discussing Manyo, the perspective had already reached the bow of the ship.

Beidou was standing at the highest point on the bow of the ship, looking at the sea in the distance against the refreshing sea breeze.

As if he noticed the traveler, Beidou turned around and looked at her with his hands on his hips, his movements very cool and handsome.

By this time, the anchor had been retrieved from the bottom of the sea and the sails had been unfurled.

As the BGM sounded, the oars began to wave, and the huge “Death Star” began to set sail.


Beidou, who was standing on the bow of the ship, looked at the sea in the distance again, chuckled and hummed.

This chuckle made countless fans blush.

“The eldest sister is really handsome and reliable!”

“The eldest sister is so handsome and dashing!”

“Sister Beidou, she’s smiling! She’s so handsome!”

When the ship started, the screen went black and a line of text was displayed.

Breaking through the thunderstorm off the coast of Inazuma, the Death Star finally arrived at the port…

The scene changed, and the Star of Death had arrived at Inazuma.

The traveler and Paimon were lying on the side of the boat excitedly, looking at the novel Inazuma map.

“??? It’s too fast. Where’s the thunderstorm? Where’s the sea?”

“It’s really a pity that there’s no CG here.”

“I’m so stupid. I didn’t mention the scene directly in words…”

When the water friends complained, the picture had already begun to show the beautiful scenery of Inazuma.

Red maple trees and pink cherry blossom trees, all kinds of peculiar buildings, mountains dotted with pink cherry blossom trees…

Accompanied by ditty filled with neon atmosphere, it was presented in front of the audience.

“If nothing else, Dao Wife is quite beautiful from a distance.” Dai Xiaomei said from the bottom of her heart.

Previously, she was only looking forward to the characters and the subsequent plot, but she had neglected to pay attention to the new map.

Judging from the pictures that just flashed by, Inazuma’s maps also look very good.

“A ditty from home.”

“The cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming again~”

“I finally left Novice Village. The scenes just shown were indeed a bit shocking.”

“Mi Huyou’s art is really beyond the domestic level.”

Water friends were also attracted by the beautiful scenery of Inazuma and praised it one after another.

In the game, travelers walk onto the dock under the leadership of Beidou.

A young man with blond hair in red clothes seemed to have been waiting for a long time. After seeing Beidou, he walked up to say hello.

Beidou started to introduce.

“This is Thomas, a local boss here and a business partner I only got to know recently.”

“If you have any trouble, just go to him, but if he has evil intentions against you…I will stand up for you next time I come to Dao Wife.”

Toma laughed: “Don’t worry, we will get along well.”

“He dares to plot evil against travelers?”

“It’s hard to say who is plotting evil against whom.”

“Toma-kun, please do something evil to me! Immediately!”

Some female water friends in the live broadcast room have begun to go crazy.

After sending the travelers to the island, Beidou didn’t stay long.

After all, there is a “wanted criminal” of Inazuma on the ship, so he must be careful.

Traveler and Paimon bid farewell to Beidou.

“Huh? Wanted criminal? Later I will switch to Wanyo running around with Inazuma. I don’t believe I can still be caught.” Dai Xiaomei smiled.

After Beidou leaves, Toma will take the travelers to register their identities.

Before going to the place to register her identity, Dai Xiaomei deliberately changed her role to Manyo and walked slowly to the place to register her identity in front of countless Inazuma ladies.

“Pfft – what a loss! A wanted criminal arrogantly showing off!”

“Hahaha! You are really responsible for committing crimes against the wind.”

“Man’yo, the outlaw, right?”

“The hearts are connected!”

“I can only say that the old woman did a great job!”

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