Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 445: Top grade flame

After the gloom of the Nether was destroyed, the surrounding Netherfires quickly retreated and could not continue to gather. Without the blessing of the Netherfield, the combat power of the Dust has dropped drastically. It is like being slashed with a knife. It is less than 40 to 50 million in combat power. It is enough to see how amazing the influence of a big array.

"My gloom is big..."

In the midst of the dust and the gods, Yi Tianyun saw the opportunity to smash the sword in the past, and the sharp swordsman went straight down, still so fierce, unmatched!

At this moment, the dust immediately reacted, and quickly hid to the side, trying to escape this violent sword. I have to say that even if there is no blessing of the dragon, the degree of dust is still amazing, and the foot is slamming on the ground, the amazing momentum is pressed on the ground, and he is sent to the side to fly out.

Just he is fast enough, Yi Tianyun is faster!

"Give me off!"

Yi Tianyun's eyes were cold, and the separation went to the next one. Jianmang didn't pass his shoulders, broke the solid dragon scales, and unloaded the entire left arm, and the blood flowed out like a note.

"Damn!" The dust was pale and revealed a bit of pain. After the defeat of the Nether Emperor, the pain of injury will naturally be transferred to his soul.

Immediately, the Netherball in his head rushed out of the light, began to heal the wound, and stopped the blood in the blink of an eye. It’s just not as bad as before, it will grow with the arm.

The Netherball can only recover the wound at most, but the broken arm is not so simple to recover.

"Give me points!"

Yi Tianyun did not stop the attack, and immediately showed his avatar. The three avatars immediately emerged from the side, holding the Tianlong Excalibur in his hand and not letting the dust escape. The dusty face changed, I didn’t expect Yi Tianyun to have such abnormal moves, how can I still be separated?

Yi Tianyun will not let go of the opportunity of chasing and slamming. This is the opportunity to blame him for his life. He chased it faster and swept it up, and all of them waved the Dragon Sword. The strength of the avatar is relatively weak, but the purpose of Yi Tianyun is to stop him from escaping, not to kill him, to kill him with the power of avatar.

"Give me death!"

The dust screamed, and the secluded pearl in his head flashed a blue light, and then flew out of his mouth. The crazy fire of the Nether was released from the secluded pearl, and the endless fire of the Nether swept around. Go, instantly swallowed the three big avatars.

The "bear", the three big avatars are not close to him, they have been burned to ashes, and there is no residue left.

This Netherfire and Yi Tianyun were swallowed in, and the fire of the Nether was shrouded in an instant. The horrible Netherfire madly invaded him, ravaging him and destroying his body. In the blink of an eye, he burned a piece of his body surface. The flame of the Netherball is quite horrible. It is stronger than the fire of the Nether that was released before. It is not a level.

Yi Tian Yun Xun retired from the fire of this Nether, the body was burned into a piece, the power of this Nether's fire can be seen.

"A strong flame, this is not a level with the previous release..."

Yi Tianyun’s heart is full of enthusiasm. It’s just that the impact has already reached 270 million yuan. If his defense is amazing, he will not be left with burnt slag.

Follow him to quickly mobilize the invincible fire in the body, and drive out the smoldering fire that invades the body. The eternal fire that could have been completely suppressed, this time the fire of the Nether is discharged, the difficulty is bigger than before.

But fortunately, taking a little time, I can exclude this Netherfire, but the inside of the body has been burned. He took out the recovery remedy, stuffed it into his mouth and began to recover. His eyes were fixed on the dust covered by the fire of the Nether, and he dared not to stay close.

In the eyes of the investigation, the situation of this flame has been refreshed: the top-level fire of the top grade!

Sure enough, it is no wonder that the power will rise sharply, even if it is not as good as the fire of immortality, but after the upgrade of the grade, it can still suppress the fire of immortality.

This is like a water fire. If the amount of fire is far beyond the water, then it can be easily dried.

After a while, the fire of the Nether was regained, and he looked at him coldly and coldly. The broken arm was not reborn, and his face was pale and terrible.

"I didn't expect you to have such power. I underestimated you..." The dust clenched the Nether Sword and looked at him coldly: "A bug can push me to this point. It is a shame." If my deity is here, you are just an ant, you can crush it at your fingertips! But everything is here, you are stronger, can you be stronger than my Netherball?"

The Nether Pearl floats in front of him, sparkling with a strange fire, as long as it can continue to release the fire of the Nether, it is really impossible to kill the dust.

But correspondingly, killing this dust, then this ghost ball is his. This is an artifact, a good artifact.

Yi Tianyun adjusted the spiritual power in the body. I have to say that the current situation is quite serious. This dust is really too powerful. In the case of being repaired far away from him, there are still so many treasures, it is still difficult to deal with.

"Why, you can't be scared to say it?" Dust sneered: "Reassure, the pain will soon end, and you will see your loved ones and companions will accompany you along!"

The voice just fell, the ghost of the Netherball floating in front of the dusty eyes flashed, followed by three dragons condensed by the ultimate fire of the Nether, roaring here, surrounded by all sides, fleeing No escape, completely locked his breath.

Every dragon has a horrible fire of the Nether, and even if he runs the gods, he can't absorb this horrible flame. This has already reached his peak level, how can he still swallow it?

Yi Tianyun stood in the same place, motionless, waiting for the dragon to roar to the side, as if giving up the struggle.

"Abandoning the struggle? This is the act of self-knowledge. How you struggle is futile!" The dusty expression can be foreseen that Yi Tianyun was burned to ashes.

When the dragon dragon rushed up, Yi Tianyun's eyes flashed, and instantly disappeared into the original place, so that the breath of the three-headed dragon locked completely disappeared, so that the attack had no target, and there was no direction.

"What, disappeared?" The dust was horrified.

While he was shocked, a sense of crisis passed from the back, letting him rush forward to avoid this attack. But all this is still too slow, a crazy sword smashed over and the sword swayed the air, and a "squeaky" sound followed, followed by a ray of light across the waist!

Everything indicates the end!

(End of this chapter)

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