Cosma Empire

Chapter 703 Came to sell Liangpi ┗|*`zero′*|┛

"Du Lin and I still have some things to talk about..." After seeing Du Lin pretending to be courteous with the father and son, Magus decisively issued the order to evict the guest. He knew that Du Lin was not interested in Donald and his son, and might even have some bad thoughts. Instead of letting these two guys continue to accelerate Du Lin's emotional fermentation here, it is better to let them leave early. At least Dulin can't see it, so the attention will not be on these two people.

At this point, Magus has a very rich experience. He can always selectively forget some "invisible" things smoothly. He is a very busy person, and Dulin is the same. If they don't provoke Du Lin and continue to appear around Du Lin for small things like Donald, Du Lin will not bother with them.

The butler sent Donald and his son away and closed the door. Now is the real time for conversation.

"I ate the vegetables you sent, and I have to say that the harmless vegetables you made taste really different." Magus took what Du Lin has been busy with recently as the starting point of the chat, which is It’s not a kind of accommodation. Some people think that taking other people’s good or better at things as the starting point of the topic will lose their own initiative in the topic, and they always start the chat with what happened to them or what they are good at. . They don't know if the person they're talking to has a clue what they're saying, or if they even know what they're talking about.

If you want to relax your speech, you must first relax your emotions. People like Magus or Du Lin have a particularly strong self-confidence. I use your matter as an entry point to start chatting. I still Have the confidence to finally hold the initiative of the topic firmly in your own hands!

Du Lin smiled, "It's pollution-free, not harmless. If you want to express this word thoroughly, you may have to talk for a long time."

Maggs waved his hand and leaned back on the back of the sofa, "I can't remember a lot of things when I'm old, no pollution... Well, I'll try to remember." He smiled self-deprecatingly, "Actually I was very surprised, I thought you would do some other things, how did you come up with the idea of ​​farming and animal husbandry? This is not the same as Du Lin in my impression."

Du Lin also gradually relaxed, and he asked back, "Oh? What impression do you have of me?"

Maggs showed a thoughtful expression, tilted his head slightly, and curled his left index finger against his chin, "Young, full of vigor, with a desire to challenge authority, to prove yourself to everyone..., actually There are also some, but I can’t collect so many words at a time, in short, in my impression, you should be a fire, not someone who engages in this kind of elderly care industry, and this is not suitable for you.”

Agriculture and animal husbandry has always been regarded as an industry for the elderly, because the risk of agriculture and animal husbandry is the smallest among all industries, and the profits are not high, but not low. Whether it is the Imperial Bank or poker organization, or other large consortia or group companies,

The branch of farms often appears in their assets, especially the two huge economies of the Imperial Bank and poker. Farms can be said to be their foundation, because farms are an industry that can make money without losing money.

For ordinary individuals or ordinary companies, it is not a good idea to start a farm. The investment is large and the return on capital is slow. It is far better to invest money in other areas with higher returns but with certain risks. But for large economies, farms are the best option. The stable rate of return and low risk can save you from putting too much thought on it, and at the same time, you can enclose a large area of ​​land. Building farms and pastures around some places that encourage agriculture and animal husbandry is itself a disguised land investment.

This also makes people regard farms, which have small risks and stable returns, as the elderly care industry. In the eyes of Magus, Du Lin is a very ambitious person, and he has a daunting execution ability. He thinks that When Durin goes to the west, he will frantically build industries such as mines, and form his first private armed forces through such industries. According to the standard of 200 mine protection team members in each mining area, he only needs to get 20 or 30 mines, and he can pull up a group of no less than 5,000, or even over 10,000 private armed forces.

This is why Magus has been wary of him, but he really didn't expect that Durin would go to the farm, which not only solved the employment problem in the west, but also seemed to plan to take root in the west. What did he think?

Magus did not fail to consider that During would use the influence of these people to influence the results of the election year. In fact, this point has already been played out by capitalists in other parts of the empire. They use the power of capitalists to control jobs to manipulate voters. The result of the election, thus sending the spokesperson of his own interest to the political arena, interfering with the normal policy implementation, and grabbing crazy benefits for himself.

Based on this, Magus has changed his original plan. He decided to support Memnon's dominance in the west and further expand Memnon's influence. Regardless of whether Dooling will become governor in three years, he will have to face a problem, which is called Memnon. Memnon has lost the support of Scarlet Dawn, he is like an old dog without claws, he has no other way to go except wagging his tail and begging for mercy with the new party.

In this case, Memnon will try his best to block Durin's development politically according to his or the cabinet's requirements, and Magus also believes that Durin must have seen these futures.

This is why Magus has never been able to understand, if Durin saw these things, why did he still go to the farm, did he discover the traps and strategies he had laid out for him in the west, or did he really Want to engage in farming?

Magus couldn't understand it, and it was precisely because he couldn't understand that he was worried. Judging from Du Lin's past achievements, Du Lin was a very "flying" young man, not talking about his character, but his means.

Every time, there is no way to go down the reverse.

Every time, even if the situation is difficult, don't give up.

Maggs knew that Durin had a magical idea to help him out of the predicament.

That's why he was very worried. This time, Du Lin's running the farm was another of his previous tricks, which made everyone stunned as he walked to the next level by surprise. This method is very old-fashioned, and he has used it many times, but it also shows the effectiveness of this method. For politics, the more successful a strategy has been and has not been cracked, the more valuable it is, and it doesn't matter whether it is old-fashioned or not!

He looked at Du Lin very seriously, at the changes in the muscle lines on Du Lin's face, at his eyes, at the constant light shining out of his eyes, he wanted to know what Du Lin was going to do when he fell to the ground!

"Actually, I..." Du Lin laughed. He picked up the pancakes on the table and took a bite. These should have been made by Maggs's wife for entertaining Donald and his son, but he regretted it after biting down. He put the pancakes on the plate, "It's still as delicious as before." He clapped his hands and continued, "Actually, my thoughts are very simple now, and the officialdom is too complicated for an impulsive young man like me. It's not appropriate to say."

"They don't like me, and I don't like them either!"

"Since we can't appreciate each other, why do we continue to hurt each other? I am not keen on power. On the contrary, after going to the west this time, I found a good business opportunity. I plan to sink Take it easy, be good, and be patient and do some business things.” Du Lin took out a cigarette and handed one to Magus, bent over to light it, and then sat back down.

He took a puff of smoke, and asked with a smile, "Your Majesty, do you know what I told those capitalists in the west?" Magus shook his head. He actually knew, but he couldn't show it. When I came out, I had been staring at Du Lin, even if Du Lin knew it, it wouldn't work. Du Lin showed a piercing smile, "I told them that making money is what every capitalist is after, but while pursuing interests, we should also take on more social responsibilities and have a conscience. , a capitalist who has a sense of social responsibility and abides by the law. I call this kind of capitalist a patriotic businessman, and what I want to do is to set an example and tell others that this road works!"

"Perhaps, this is also a method and path to change some of the status quo, what do you think?"


A very vulgar word suddenly popped up in Magus's heart, he nodded with a smile, and his face was gratified, "That's good, the two words you used are very accurate, social responsibility, and patriotic businessman This is something to be encouraged. How about it? Is there anything I, an old man, can help you with? Although I can't interfere with local policies, I can still say a few nice words for you. "

"No, this is what I should do!"

Seeing Du Lin's shameless look, Magus suddenly felt a toothache. This bastard is really a bastard. He smiled and talked about another topic, "I read the newspaper this morning, the newspaper It said that you and a female star named...", Maggs frowned suddenly and stopped expressing, Du Lin reminded him a bit, then he nodded and continued, "Yes, a female star named Frena Looks intimate?"

"Actually, I like young people like you very much. Please forgive me for saying something that you may not like to hear very rudely. I don't think this girl, Frena, is suitable as a candidate for your wife. She is not good at career. to help you."

"If you want, I can introduce some better girls to you."

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