Cosma Empire

Chapter 594 Phase 2 Construction

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dulin, I may not understand what you said, what you mean..." A farmer wearing a thick hat stood on the wilderness outside the city and looked at the land that had just been sold. Feeling like a ghost, "You mean we don't use pesticides, but use our hands to catch bugs?"

Insects exist everywhere. It is said that there are some tiny creatures in the mantle. In the open ecological environment of the west, there are actually no fewer insects than people imagined. The ecological environment here is relatively harsh, and the bugs living here are also very "tough". These little gadgets have a powerful ability to overeat, and a caterpillar can eat leaves that are about 20 to 30 times its own weight in a day.

They will store these foods in their stomachs to survive possible "famines". Whenever new fields are cultivated, the primary concern is the efficiency of pesticides. I don't know when, but the effective time of the newly released insecticides has been shortened to two or three years. After the time limit expires, the insects will die if they are soaked in the pesticides, but they are not poisoned to death, but drowned. So after spring, people will take some bugs that hatched at home to the sales outlets of major pesticide companies in the west to check the efficacy of this year's pesticides.

These bugs are always troublesome. Not only is it troublesome to spray pesticides, but also the work after harvesting after spraying pesticides needs to be soaked and disinfected, which is also very troublesome. In the west, the price of vegetables is almost the same as that of the lowest-grade beef, sometimes even a little higher.

Du Lin, who was standing in front of a group of farmers, nodded, "That's right, our farmland doesn't need any pesticides. All bugs must be done by hand to ensure that all crops will not be infected by pesticides."

"But it's a lot of work. We can't make sure that there are no bugs on the back of each leaf, and please forgive me, it will cause more waste. In fact, using some new pesticides will not cause excessive damage. They have a special cleaning agent..." The farmer was still talking about this problem, but Du Lin raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"I invite you here and give you good wages, not to discuss with you how I should plant the land, you just need to follow my orders, that's why I pay you money.", Du Lin kicked Kicking the yellow weeds under his feet, "You are all the best farmers here. I believe you can help me manage these lands very beautifully. As long as I am satisfied, material rewards will often appear in front of you. Now, I hope you can lead my people to turn over all the land here, spring is not far away!"

Although the farmers still had some complaints, they finally compromised with Du Lin's high salary. No one has trouble with money, whether he is a big man or a small man like a farmer.

These farmers hired by Dulin are all good hands in doing farm work in the vicinity, or farmers from generation to generation. They definitely know more about the land and crops than those scholars who sit in the office and enjoy coffee and massage at the same time Much more insightful and much more reliable.

These people will become the biggest driving force in this land, helping him to cultivate the 500 hectares of land as soon as possible.

Twenty brand-new agricultural vehicles started suddenly, and the local Guarts and some local people started farming.

When he returned to the villa, Du Fu was a little strange. Why did he think of doing farming and animal husbandry after quitting the good mining business?

His question was quickly answered by Du Lin, "The reason is very simple, one is for the economic effect, and the other is to kidnap more western natives!"

"How much do you think a sweet cabbage can sell for?" Sweet cabbage is a cheap vegetable that is widely grown in the empire. extensive. It can be cooked as a main dish, but it is more often used as a side dish. For example, fast food such as hot dogs and hamburgers, and sweet cabbage are used in the main dishes of barbecue.

Duffer recalled it for a while, and tentatively replied, "A penny?"

Du Lin smiled and hung the coat on the hanger, "No, my ideal price is ten or even higher." He said as he walked inside, "You have to understand that the upper class is very particular about food, Especially those wealthy noblemen, they don’t care whether they eat ten yuan or a hundred yuan for a meal. They only care about whether the food they eat is good enough and whether it can be used as an ingredient to set off their worth.”

"Sweet cabbages that cost ten cents a piece or sweet cabbages that cost a penny, which one do you think they will choose? And we will also pack these sweet cabbages to attract these rich people to blind consumption! "

Dufo realized in an instant, just because he doesn't use his brain doesn't mean he's a fool, "Is that why you don't apply pesticides and let people catch bugs?"

"That's right!" The two walked to the sofa and sat down casually. The family is all their own, so there is no need to put on airs. "There will be absolutely no chemical pollution. Every sweet cabbage is artificially caught. Enjoy individual care, combined with more scientific sunlight, irrigation and fertilization, someone will pay for these sweet cabbages. Do you know how many sweet cabbages can be planted in an acre of land?" Duffer shook his head, he was not interested in these things Knowing it well, Du Lin continued: "One mu of land can plant about 2,600 or 700 seeds, so let's count it as 2,500..."

At this moment, Duffer took a deep breath. He looked at the hair on Du Lin's head in a strange way, "How does your head grow? If you can do what you said, an acre of land Can the income exceed two hundred yuan?", he calculated, five hundred hectares, three seasons a year, the income alone may be..., he snapped his fingers, anyway, it's millions!

It's also farming, why this guy's brain can think of things that others can't think of, so let Du Lin do the brain work!

Seeing that Dufo suddenly lost the motivation to continue the discussion, Du Lin stopped talking. In fact, the money is not what he cares most about. What he cares about most is how many people can be kidnapped by these lands. If one mu of land can accommodate ten people to work, then there are one hundred and fifty people in one hectare, and seventy-five thousand people in five hundred hectares. The 75,000 people placed in the south or east coast may only account for a few to ten percent of a city's workforce.

However, in the west, the population of a city will not exceed one million at most. Based on the calculation of those cities with a population of five or six hundred thousand, this can almost meet the demand for jobs in a city. In other words, as long as it can be ensured that these farmers and herdsmen can keep the salaries of these people. At that time, all the farms will be spread out in the west. It can be said that Du Lin will become the "boss" of most people in the west. More than thirty to forty percent of the people here are his employees.

At that time, here he has the final say.

Of course, mining should still be dug. The profitability of the mining area is far higher than that of farming and animal husbandry. The burden is smaller, the expenditure is less, and the income is more stable. It can help Du Lin make up for the economic pressure brought by too many farmers.

The workers on the farm are working in full swing, and before they know it, it is almost February, the tail of winter is looming, the pace of spring has already started, and people have begun to take off their thick coats, even in the desolate west. A scene full of vitality.

On the contrary, the city of Odis is still in the cold winter, and the winter in the north is slower than the one in the southwest. Early in the morning, in the meeting room of the city hall, Donald met with the representative of the Capet family in the meeting room of the city hall. Mr. Leigh Capet signed a contract for the comprehensive development of the second phase of the urban construction of the city of Odis. This means that the circle around the city of Odis will enter the construction stage. Outside the window was a crowd of people parading with plaques and banners, but all attention was focused on the room.

Polly is Solo's nephew and one of the contenders for the heir. The two heirs were assigned two jobs, one in the city of Odis and one in the new special zone in the south. Polly is the person in charge of Odis City, and whoever of the last two competitors can bring more benefits to the family than planned will be able to take the position of head of the family. This is fair, the Capet family has its own evaluation methods, and the battle for heirs has also entered the final stage.

Polly stood behind the desk facing reporters from local and other places, and exchanged contracts with Donald. Under a series of flashing spotlights, he announced loudly, "Starting today, the Anthem Consortium will draw no less than seven thousand The funds of 10,000 million will be used for the second phase of the urban construction plan of Odis City, and we will continue to expand one kilometer around the existing urban area, striving to build Odis City into one of the largest cities in the hinterland of the empire."

"In this process, we will at least provide no less than 180,000 jobs, solve some current problems, and assist the Odis City Hall to sort out some contradictions. I believe that with the cooperation of the Anthem Consortium and the City Hall, Odis The city will once again set foot on a new level..."

In fact, this speech should be made by Mr. Donald, the mayor of Odis City, but now he has joined the Capet family. As the next heir who may become the head of the family, Polly obviously has a much higher status than him. He had to give in for Polly.

He looked at Polly with a complicated expression. His secretary gently tugged at his sleeve behind him. He frowned and glanced back. His secretary pointed to the handset that had been put aside by the telephone cabinet next to him. .

He took a few steps back, turned around, walked to the side of the phone cabinet and picked up the receiver. The voice from the receiver made his emotions, which were still barely manageable, instantly lead to a very bad abyss.

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