Cosma Empire

Chapter 492 Night Attack [Part 2]

One bad news after another kept coming to Mr. Todd from the outside. The quiet atmosphere seemed to be the greatest mockery of him. According to past practice, some people would bring gifts and fine wines to have dinner with him here at this time. He would Treat these people with delicious food, and then talk about some light talk, maintain his own team. Only by making these people feel that following him has a future, can he truly control the city.

But it was six o'clock, and no one came, and these people may never come.

He had already called people in several strongholds in Odis City. Since Du Lin threatened him in this way, he would definitely not sit here and do nothing. He originally planned to let these people also attack Du Lin, but all the calls seemed to become empty numbers at this moment. The busy signal that could never be answered made him realize that the danger was approaching. While cursing Durin, he asked his wife to pack up.

He has to run.

"Why do you want to go?" His wife is fifty-five years old this year, but she is well maintained, and those "little puppies" are crazy nourishing, making her look only in her forties, not fifty . The plump body and the graceful temperament on her body are like a noble lady. All her eyes were on her fingernails, which just had new nails done by a puppy yesterday, and they looked pretty good.

Although it cost 150 yuan to do the nails this time, she thought it was worth it, it was a rare experience.

Todd opened the secret compartment behind the mural in the bedroom, took out some documents and two stacks of one-hundred-denomination banknotes, and urged: "Of course there was a little accident. If you don't want to be unlucky, go and clean up now." Personal belongings, I will only leave you five minutes!" Unknowingly, there were some beads of sweat on his forehead, and just now another call came to him, his most powerful assistant, namely The chief of police is dead.

He died in his office. Someone shot him in the head and sprayed his brain on the wall. The murderer was a postman, and the police station was looking for him. In addition, they also found that more than 20 large-denomination tokens that were very popular in Odis City were scattered on the body of the police chief.

There is no doubt that it was Du Lin's action. Todd will not doubt his judgment at all. What he doubts is whether there is something wrong with Du Lin's brain.

He asked himself that he didn't hurt anyone around Du Lin, and he didn't even threaten him. He just minted some tokens secretly. This is obviously a small matter, the two of them are the mayor, not those gangsters on the street who can take out a knife and stab each other in the body for a hundred yuan. Is it appropriate to go on a killing spree for such a trivial thing?

Of course, he won't call to verify anything, all he has to do now is get out of here!

His wife took off her pajamas slowly, and her smooth body was already out of shape. After all, the ruthlessness of the years is the most powerful in women. She changed a piece of clothing, Todd had already packed his things, walking around anxiously, constantly urging, hurry up, hurry up!

"Aren't you the mayor? Who dares to do anything to you?" His wife was a little curious. Since Earl Linders was killed by her husband in prison, she has never seen him panic like today . It is also impossible for her to understand how a cowardly nobleman who is afraid of death can measure how crazy a madman is?

Seeing that his wife was already wearing a dress, he immediately grabbed his wife's wrist and walked towards the stairs, "Now is not the time to talk about these things. I will tell you in detail after we are safe. Now we first All you have to do is protect yourself!"

The bodyguards have prepared a custom-made car for him. This car is five times the material of other cars, and has greater torque and power. Even ordinary rifles can't pierce the thick car. steel panels—except for the glass windows.

Although the glass windows are custom-made,

However, it will still crack if it is hit consecutively. Fortunately, it is difficult for a moving car to be hit continuously in one part. This is also one of his trump cards for escaping.

There were four cars guarding him two fronts and two backs. When he and his wife walked out of the gate of the villa, they were immediately assisted by bodyguards and stuffed into the bulletproof car. The captain of the bodyguard who was in charge of this escort mission waved his arm, and the cars of the entire convoy started to pull up.

At this moment, there was a sudden thunder.

A second ago, Todd wanted to look up at the sky with joy in his heart. If it can rain at this time, it will definitely be a good thing for him. The performance of firearms in rainy days will be affected to a certain extent, such as aiming and the like. At the same time, the rain screen will also become a natural barrier, giving him more opportunities to reach Lizhua before dawn. As long as he reaches the state government in Lizhua, and Harry, there is probably no way for Du Lin to do anything.

In the next second, his bulletproof car sank down violently, and then jumped up. The roof of the entire armored vehicle was deeply sunken, with a small broken hole, and it was still smoking. The driver of the armored car pushed open the door and fell out, bleeding from his ears and nostrils.

The bullet didn't hit him, but at the moment when the bullet hit the roof of the armored car, the huge shock made him almost faint, his eyes were dizzy, his ears were ringing, and the whole world was doubled. He struggled to get up, but he would fall down as soon as his hands were off the ground.

The two bodyguards immediately pushed and opened the door of the armored car, dragged Todd out who also had black eyes and lost his sense of space, and carried him back to the villa. As for his wife..., she has obeyed the call of God and returned to the kingdom of heaven.

Kina frowned on the canopy. This was the best sniping location he could find. Todd's villa is located on a bulge in the entire villa area. His villa is almost higher than other villas. At about six meters, Kina could only find the tallest tree nearby and climbed up.

This sniper position is not very good, because the leaves on the canopy are too dense, and the branches near the edge of the canopy are too slender to bear his "tonnage". At the moment when he was about to send Mr. Todd out of this world directly, a leaf swayed in the wind and blocked all his sight. After the leaves left, Mr. Todd had already got into the bulletproof car.

If they were allowed to leave, they might run away, so Kina directly changed from killing Todd to preventing him from leaving.

A large cloud of smoke in the canopy also exposed him to the sight of the bodyguards. Before the bodyguards could react, he fired another shot. The bullet shattered the first man's chest and then shot through the second man's thigh. .

One shot, one death and one injury, the superb shooting skills made those bodyguards who were going to "capture" the sniper hide behind the bunker, and kept firing blindly at Kina's position. Many of these people are retired soldiers, and some of them are veterans who participated in the Great Patriotic War. They immediately realized that this was a heavy weapon. Although they didn't know when the empire had a heavy weapon that could be used by individuals, it didn't prevent them from understanding the damage caused by this caliber weapon.

If this thing is rubbed, it will either die or be injured!

The guy on the ground that was ripped in half from his chest was telling everyone with everything he's been through, don't show your head.

Kina climbed down from the tree carrying the three-eyed gun. Only he can use this weapon, especially after he modified it, it is even more powerful. Last time Duffer said he wanted to take a shot, Kina, who was a little bit overwhelmed by Duffer, gave him a try. The price is that Dover's shoulder is directly dislocated, and if his body is not very strong, it may cause more serious consequences.

This kind of gun can only be used by a guy like Kina who is jokingly called a "half-dragon man".

The gunshots in the villa area made the whole community suddenly quiet, and the windows that were lit not long ago turned off their light sources one after another. The entire villa area was like a dead city, and there was no vitality to be found..., No, no, at least the lights were on in Todd's house.

Todd covered his head in embarrassment and looked at the captain of the bodyguard who was close at hand. This bodyguard had been with him for nine years. own side.

"Can it be solved?"

The captain of the bodyguard turned his gaze from the outside to Todd's face with a solemn expression, "Do you want me to tell the truth, or do you want me to tell a lie?"

In fact, when he said this, Todd's heart began to sink continuously, and he asked with some fear, "Why?"

The captain of the bodyguard smiled and shook his head, "The other party even took out heavy weapons, Mr. Todd, why do you think so?"

Of course, he will not be given a chance to escape. Using heavy weapons is a very troublesome act. Up to now, the gendarmerie in Kanles state is still investigating the case of using foreign heavy weapons in the hospital. It is conceivable that since the other party dared to take it out here, it shows that the other party is completely confident in keeping them all here.

Todd fell silent, but the captain of the bodyguard looked relaxed. He took off the pendant hanging on his chest and put it on the table, "Mr. Todd, thank you very much for taking care of me in the past nine years. This has allowed me and the children of my comrades who died in battle to have A stable life. We may all die here today, so I must say thank you first, or I may not have the opportunity to say it again."

He took a deep breath, "I will do my best to protect your safety. Next, please temporarily hide in the storage room on the first floor. If we win, we can talk about anything. If we lose..."

Todd sighed and looked at him, "We will win, and I will give you a raise tomorrow, one thousand dollars a week!"

"This is a rare high salary!" The captain of the bodyguard checked the magazine supply chamber of the pistol, showing his big white teeth, "Word is what you say!"

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