Cosma Empire

Chapter 313 Misunderstanding! [5] Adding the [4] update for

Those who were not born in that era will never be able to understand the great reputation of Mr. Kesma in that era. He is like a legend, tearing apart the darkness and ushering in the first line of light. Even in the new party, there are some who remember Mr. Kesma vividly. If emperors and nobles ruled the day, Mr. Kesma ruled the night.

A loud gunshot rang out, and the first of the three newly appeared cars wobbled out of control and crashed into the side of the street. The car flipped out when the tires collided with the curb. A large amount of water vapor appeared on the canopy again. The simple and honest man wiped his glasses and got down from the canopy completely. The first two times can be said to be unexpected, but after the third shot, the opponent will definitely come to the door, and he has to move to another place.

While constantly complaining to his father, while thinking about how to modify the weapon that is said to be a certain prince, he hid in the bushes not far away, squatted on the ground, raised the shotgun in his hand, and pulled it again. trigger.

A guy who climbed out of the car was blown up by him, and the horrible scene made these people fearful. Even though there were only two people on the other side, they were helpless. While this sense of shame terrified them, it also gave birth to a kind of unwillingness to admit defeat. Maybe, if they hadn't hid behind the car body and shot.

Mr. Kesma is not at all like a person in his fifties. Whenever he leaves a place, he will be covered by bullets in the next two or three seconds, but these bullets can't catch Mr. Kesma. He is like a gentleman at night, dancing gorgeously on the street alone, every gunshot is a drumbeat accompanying him, and the sound of bullets flying across is the track.

In less than five minutes, the last drumbeat stopped, and an attacker hiding behind the car lay down limply. He touched the blood oozing from his chest, and a gleam of confusion flashed in his eyes. The small hole on the door just reflects the "stalwart" figure of Mr. Kesma. He stood on the road, motionless, and waved to the bushes.

The honest young man ran over and scratched his head, "Sir, what shall we do next?"

Mr. Kesma raised his head slightly, "Help me to the evacuation point, I seem to be shivering."

The gunshots at night alarmed many people. The chief of the Al Odo police station was woken up in the middle of the night by the ringing of the phone. He casually put on a coat and rode the police to the scene of the crime. At this time, many policemen had already protected the scene. Looking at the dozens of dead bodies on the street, he felt headaches. This may be the most vicious case this year. The key is that neither party in this case has the slightest intention to hide.

As the capital of Canles State, Al Odo is not really full of harmony and tranquility as people see it. There are also fighting and fighting in places out of people's sight, but those people are very rational, and they put these places far away from the city. Everyone knows that the governor is a very serious guy, and he does not allow things that affect the image of the city to happen within the city.

if it happens,

So sorry, whoever is behind these forces will be uprooted by him.

But this time, something really big is going to happen.

The police were busy looking for information on the corpses left after the Rush. Only after the dead were identified could they find another group of people who were involved in the Rush more effectively.

While they were busy looking at the photos of the dead across the city, Mr. Kesma had already boarded the car back to the town of Alfalfa.

People seem to ignore something, such as doctors who have begun to receive treatment in the hospital but are unwilling to "wake up". For example, it looks like she is sleeping, but she is actually a puerpera who was kicked into unconsciousness.

No matter how long this case continues to rage, the participants have already left, and they may be able to find some clues, but it will not help.

Two days later, Mr. Kesma, who had returned to the town, returned home with the support of the honest young man. Mrs. Kesma's face flashed a look of shock, she immediately pushed the boy away, supported Mr. Kesma herself, and Check him for injuries. But after searching for a long time, she couldn't find it. She looked at him, and he looked elsewhere. After coming over for a while, he said with an ugly face: "The waist flashed."

Mrs. Kesma breathed a sigh of relief, and only then did she notice that Mr. Kesma was holding a basket in the other hand. The basket was covered with a layer of light blue cotton cloth, and the basket seemed to be shaking slightly. A look of joy suddenly appeared on her face, and regardless of Mr. Kesma's old waist, she snatched the basket from his hand, lifted the cotton cloth, and her whole body was about to melt.

"This is Mr. Kesma, right?" She lifted the thick quilt, saw what she wanted to see, and covered the cotton cloth with satisfaction, the wind outside was strong. She called the children with a loud voice, and asked them to help Mr. Kesma back home.

In the evening, the nurse had already fed the little Mr. Kesma, who had been hungry for a while, and left. Mr. Kesma was sitting on the rocking chair, smoking his beloved pipe, looking at the shining stars in the sky. What to think about.

After a long time, he slowly said: "These people feel a little familiar to me, and I sent someone to investigate them."

"Do you know one of them?" Mrs. Kesma was a little surprised. He told her everything outside, so she thought that she met someone with a similar face among these people.

Mr. Kesma shook his head, "No, it's their eyes, the same as that time."

Just when Mr. Kesma suspected that the instigator behind this group of people was his old friend, his old friend also had a headache.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Kesma that day in the hospital, there was more than one person watching the battle a little further away.

"You mean there's a guy with two weird pistols in his hand, and a hidden sniper with a shotgun that bursts out a lot of steam?"

The monitor at the time nodded, "That's right, the pistols in the hands of their main combatants look very gorgeous, more like decorations than weapons."

Memnon pointed to the door and told the guy to leave. He leaned back in his chair, his brain hurting. When he knew that Alyssa was pregnant, he immediately realized that this was an excellent opportunity to capture Du Lin's little lover and his child, and perhaps he would be closer to the batch of gold. He didn't expect that the first batch of people he sent had no response for some reason, and then he sent the party's elite executive team to deal with this matter.

At that time, the feedback information was that someone was also eyeing Alyssa.

This is not an unacceptable thing. Memnon thought that since he could discover the relationship between Alyssa and Du Lin by monitoring Alyssa, the group of people who had never met could also find out. Now that everyone has discovered this secret, the next step is to see whose method is more effective. He told people not to disturb the other party, and not to have conflicts, and waited until the day Alyssa gave birth before doing anything.

At that time, in case one is accidentally killed, there will be at least one more, which is double insurance.

But he didn't expect... He covered his face with his hands, and now he was in trouble.

According to the descriptions of these people, it is obviously Mr. Kesma and that bastard Layton, maybe not Layton himself, but it is definitely related to Layton.

Mr. Kesma's double guns come from the collection of a hereditary marquis. It is an absolute handed down craftsmanship. It surpasses the length of ordinary pistols, allowing the pistols to have a longer range and higher explosive power. It has always been Kesma's Mister's favorite weapon. And the long gun that burst out with huge water vapor should be the shotgun of Duke Willy at that time.

He wanted to swear, and he had carefully avoided Mr. Kesma, why did he get in touch with this matter again, who was that damned Alyssa, and that damned Durin and Kesma What does it matter to Mr., which of the two of them is Mr. Kesma's family, or relatives? Why didn't those bastards investigate and tell themselves?

Memnon recalled the "frame posts" that once made the nobles tremble. Whenever the black envelope appeared, it meant that someone was leaving this world. He immediately sat up and summoned his housekeeper, "Immediately, immediately write a letter to Mr. Kesma, tell him the whole story of this matter, tell him that this is our inadvertent mistake, we will not be chasing This line is broken, please forgive him."

Memnon felt his eyes twitching at the thought of Mr. Kesma being able to kill the enemy as "coquettishly" as before. What is this all about? !

In fact, everyone who knows Mr. Kesma knows that Mr. Kesma is also a human being, but in the dark and long years before the dawn, Mr. Kesma used the heads of nobles to compose his own. myth. None of the nobles who received the "frame post" survived. No matter whether it was a duke or an ordinary baron, they could not escape the pursuit of Mr. Kesma.

He had been injured, and more than once, the worst time he almost died. But he survived, and the head of the nobleman was placed on the gorgeous gold plate. It seems that in everyone's impression, Mr. Kesma is invincible. He may be injured, but he will never die. Even the god of death is afraid of Mr. Kesma!

When people are in awe of a living myth, he is a myth!

Including the ambush, Mr. Kesma was able to escape and rescued Walt. He is an eternal myth.

Once some things are engraved into the bones, into the soul, they will never be erased!

The problem is that now that the myth is about to "fall" on him, and he may become a villain, Memnon is not so happy.

He wants to fix it!

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