COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 728: Laphroague has a good idea.

But Tsushima Shuji was lying on the bed watching the mission scenes of all parties.

Hiding under the quilt, there were three mobile phones in front of him.

No sound was made.

The scenes on the three mobile phones are Gin's mission scene, Tiamali's mission scene, and Laphroaig's mission scene.

At this moment, Laphroaig has completed his mission.

He also knew the other party's plan.

Brainwashing Judy?

Shuji Tsushima touched his chin.

It’s not impossible.

It's just that Shuichi Akai may be a little more sad.

I hope the other party can laugh about the pursuit of his ex-girlfriend and his biological brother.

Anyway, Tsushima Shuji was about to laugh.

However, the effects of brainwashing and hypnosis are actually average. The drugs developed by Juneric combined with Chablis' fabricated memories are much more effective.

But Laphroaig couldn't know.


Once the other party thinks that he woke up in the Chablis laboratory, he will start to guess whether he has experienced fabricated memories.

This is not possible.

He looked at Tiamali sitting on the corpse laughing crazily on the screen. Trinidad shot one figure at a time, hitting the target accurately. Penon dropped a few small bottles, and white, red, and green ones appeared in an instant. The thick smoke poisoned everyone inside the building.

Negronis and Bronx, as well as gin and vodka, haunt the ruins left by the explosion.

Chianti and Cohen appear in Tiamali's mission screen, joining the frenzied killing spree.

Shuji Tsushima curled his lips indifferently, looking at these pictures.

The viewing was subsequently canceled.

Switched to another screen.

Pictures featuring primary school students.

The opponent has already put on a full set of equipment, a small blue suit, a red bow, a watch, glasses, and...sneakers.

Heading to White Crow's location.

Shuji Tsushima thought for a while, opened a mobile phone, found a number, and sent a text message.

[Please teach that little detective for me not to be too impulsive. ]

There is no signature, but the other party must know who it is.

Then he closed the Edogawa Conan screen and sent a message to Chablis on another mobile phone.

[La Forge has captured Akai Shuichi’s ex-girlfriend alive and is going to apply to brainwash her. I’ll leave this kind of thing to you. ——cahors (Cahors)]

While he sent a message to Chablis, he also received a message from Laphroaig.

[Can you help me? ——laphroaig (Laphroaig)]

[uh-huh? ——cahors (Cahors)]

[I captured the FBI named Judy alive and decided to apply to the organization to brainwash her and say hello to Junerik for me. ——laphroaig (Laphroaig)]

[This is a small matter. ——cahors (Cahors)]

[Thanks. ——laphroaig (Laphroaig)]

Shuji Tsushima looked at the word "thank you" and curled his lips with an unknown meaning.

At the same time, a reply came from Chablis.

[OK. ——chablis (Chabli)]

He put away his cell phone, lay calmly on the hospital bed, and finally poked Toru out of the quilt.

Having already seen Laphroaig, Negroni and Birth of the Bronx once, he had no interest in making up his memory by watching it again.


He clicked on the organization's app and started extracting blank codenames.

The pointer on the big turntable stopped in a blank grid.

A codename jumped out.

[Remember to give our investigator a past that is comparable to Laphroaig. If successful, the codename will be Dita. ——cahors (Cahors)]

Tsujima Shuji clicked on Tita's code name and found that the previous Tita died very recently.

So close...

At least the area around Chablis is clean and can be settled.

"You're here." Chablis nodded towards him.

"Where's the new toy you and Kaa found?" Junerik asked directly.

"Cough cough cough -" Chablis suddenly coughed.

"What toy? It's an experimental subject you're talking about." He shook his head.

Junerik spoke as if he and Kaa had some shady hobbies, like getting special toys.

"Aren't experimental subjects just toys?" Junerik said indifferently.

He grew up in the organization and saw many experiments. Even at a very young age, someone took him to participate in experiments.

Of course he also used experimental subjects when he was young.

If something is broken, it is broken. There will always be a new one.

Same as toys.

This is what his parents taught him.

This is the education he received since childhood.

But later his parents died, and he was sent abroad to study by the organization. After returning, he became a code-named researcher.

"You're right." Chablis didn't correct the other person's idea after thinking about it, but instead smiled and agreed.

It is normal for members of the organization to treat experimental subjects as toys.

"Do you want to stay and take a look?" Chablis asked casually.

I wouldn't mind if Junerik stayed to watch.

"Forget it, I still have experiments going on..." Junerik shook his head.

"This is for you. It's the last thing I have in stock. I don't have any more." He took out a small box and handed it to Chablis.

It contained amnesia-inducing pills he invented himself.

If you eat it, you will forget all memories.

"I'm going back to work." Junerik left in a hurry.

"The younger you are, the more reliable you are." Chablis shook his head.

He didn't close the door to the laboratory. Instead, he opened the door wide and sat at the door waiting quietly.

Twenty minutes later, cleaners wearing protective clothing appeared in the corridor pushing carts.

Lying on the cart was a blond woman, with broken glasses still on her face. Her breathing was weak but steady, and she looked like she had been rescued.

But he didn't save the person completely, he just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please sign for the new experimental subject, Lord Chablis." Someone among the cleaners said.

They only need to ensure that the person being transported does not die on the road, there is no need to revive the person.

The life or death of the other party is determined by the member who accepts the other party.

"Well, you can go back." Chablis waved his hand, stepped forward to take over the task of pushing the cart, and said to the cleaners.

A few of them nodded and left quickly.

Chablis slowly pushed the person into his laboratory and closed the door.

He shook the small box given by Junerik, poured out a pill from it, opened the woman's mouth, and stuffed it into the other person's throat.

Then start pouring water on the other party.

Pour the medicine in.

"I always feel that my ability to write scripts is getting better and better..." Chablis put a helmet on the woman and inserted a catheter into her body.

He came to the memory generator on the side and started to control it.

As for the training cabin? That requires stripping off the clothes and throwing the person in.

After all, the other party was a woman, and Chablis was not prepared to do this.

He is a gentleman, so he naturally has the so-called gentlemanly demeanor.

Just give the other party some peace of mind, as long as he doesn't die.

After the memory generation is completed, send it to Peno.

They are all women and have more common topics.

Well, let’s add another setting: Tita is a good friend of Peno and Tiamali.

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