
Chapter 539: [Big Wedding (5)]

The entire city of Denzel and even the Northern Army, no one does not know the relationship between this Yulia and Xia, it is said that this dead husband of Yulia was once the best brother of Xia, and even more fateful Friendship, Charya took great care of Yulia, and the two high-ranking generals in the Northern Army, Shalpa and Cato, also paid great respect to this lady Yulia, so the whole army knew Dan Such a figure lives in the city of Zell.

Who doesn't know that in Denzel, this lady is the "sister-in-law of General Xia Leiming?"

When Yulia came out, she also saw Nene, and she was also stunned, but this stunned but simply shocked Nene's appearance.

Yulia stared at Nene deeply for a few times before she showed a kind smile on her face, praising: "What a pretty sister." Nodded to Nene, even if she said hello, she was about to Go out.

Nene suddenly felt a move in her heart and came up with an idea.

"This lady, please wait a moment." Nene whispered to Yulia, and Yulia turned and looked at Nene with a doubtful expression: "You ...," is calling Me? "

"Yes, ma'am ..., Nene tries to make her expression look more natural:" Ma'am, I'm calling you. "

Yulia stood still, looked intently at Nene, and then shook her head: "Miss, I am sorry, I do n’t remember I know you." Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Women's Winter Jacket m looks, as long as I have seen it once, I will not forget. We don't know each other. May I ask you ... "

"Mrs. Yulia, please help me"

A flash of strange color flashed in Yulia's eyes, and Nene looked up and down: "Do you recognize me?"

Nene hesitated slightly and whispered: "In Denzel, I'm afraid I don't know a few of you. Madam Yulia ..."

On the streets, the city's patrols have been alarmed, and the whistling sharp whistle is blowing in the distance. More and more patrols are approaching this area. There are infantry and cavalry. With a cry, each street is blocked. As a result of strict inspections, the patrolling soldiers went from house to house and went to the shops and pubs and dwellers along the street.

Someone injured the patrol cavalry in the city, and the news that the track was okay has spread. Many people heard the sighs in their hearts: Where did such a bold thief come to Denzel to evacuate the field?

On this street, the soldiers have set up guard posts at the end of the streets, and pedestrians and horses passing in and out must stop and check. The soldiers have searched all the streets and found nothing.

At this time, a carriage slowly moved out of the street and came to the place of the checkpoint. The patrol immediately stopped the carriage.

There were several guards in plain clothes next to the carriage immediately greeted them. Although these guards were not wearing military uniforms, they were all rigorous in raising their hands, clearly they were from the army, and they were all strong and physically looking. Incomparable.

A guard came to the captain of the checkpoint, glanced at the other side, said something in a low voice, and then found a micro-chapter-like thing out of his arms. The captain of the checkpoint looked at it suddenly, and immediately yelled loudly. The patrol soldiers around gave way and stood aside, saluting respectfully to the carriage.

The carriage drove slowly, and the soldiers at the checkpoint watched away. Then someone came up and asked his captain: "Boss, what is the origin of this carriage? Is it from the guard house? But it is not like ..."

The captain glanced at the questioning subordinate and whispered, "You stupid boy, this is Mrs. Yulia's carriage, and the lady is sitting in the car."

The soldier was stunned.

Who doesn't know that Julia is Charya's family member, and Julia is the widow of the military, and it is naturally a kind of sympathy and closeness in the army. Furthermore, Yulia has a good reputation in Denzel. Although she is respected by Xia Ya and admired by the entire army, she never does anything in response to the situation. During the war last year, there was a shortage of supplies in the city. The lady also took the lead to reduce the food and clothing, to pay for military supplies, and to wear coarse cloths in person. The migrant women helped the army to cook the cooking slurry and wash clothes. Everyone up and down the city mentioned this lady and was impressed.

Blocking the streets to capture the thieves, no matter how you can find Mrs. Yulia. No one would have thought that this lady Yulia would help the thief escape.

The carriage gradually moved away from the closed block, and Nene felt relieved in the carriage. But Yulia was sitting aside, squinting inside and looking inside, and her eyes were getting weird, and then she whispered, "You ... What you said to me just now are true? This ... This is too It ’s incredible "

The small riots in the city were not known to Xia. Naturally, such small things were handled by the city's defensive patrol department first. If they were not handled properly, a major disturbance would occur before they were reported.

Charlie drank a little wine in the evening, which made him feel a little weird, but it was an incident in the guard house.

His awesome adoptive mother, Merlin, was not in the city at the moment.

This adoptive mother's whereabouts have always been intriguing, and no one dares to take care of her, but now, after all, it is only one day away from her wedding, and Merlin is actually absent, and I don't know if I can get back in time.

Although Merlin was very harsh on Charlie on weekdays, and she never showed half of tenderness, Charlie knew that this adoptive mother was very good to herself, whether she looked at the face of the dead old guy Yes, but at least Merlin saved herself a few times and really helped herself a lot.

Speaking of which, Xia was originally an orphan. After the death of the old man of the adoptive father, he was an orphan in this world. At this time, it can only be counted as his elder relatives. There is only one like Merlin. " Adoptive mother ".

For such a big thing as getting married, his adoptive father has died and can't be around. Xia Ya really hopes that Merlin can be aside.

By the way, disappearing with Merlin, as well as the old and unscrupulous guy of Asslan of Battle Sword.

There was no speech overnight, and the next day, Charlie received several emissaries who came to the ceremony, but they arrived from the Besta Military District.

The Governor's wife wrote a congratulatory letter and sent a very sincere gift.

For such a thing delivered to the door, Charlie naturally smiled.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Mrs. Ximou was afraid of complaining about herself.

Provoking the war by himself, originally the Bestas wanted to pick the cheaper ones behind. However, I did not expect to hit and fight, and the fight was so fast, the three military districts were flattened three or two times.

Originally, I wanted to pick up the cheapest Beasts. As soon as I heard that Xia had sent troops here, he immediately mobilized the troops to start assembly on the border. However, he did not expect that the assembly on the border was completed. The blocking of the army of a flag group!

Xia ’s meaning is very clear: Do n’t think about it if you want to swallow these pieces of meat alone.

The Bestad assembled 20,000 or 30,000 people. If it was forcibly crossed the border, the flag group that Charya stayed at the border was only 2,000. In fact, it was impossible to resist, but the Bestad did not dare to do it immediately. . Immediately send someone to reply to the message and ask the governor's wife, and then come back again, when the governor's wife gave instructions, want to divide the troops around the border to block in ... Sia ’s battle is over!

Such a degree shocked the Beasts. Although it was too irritating for Xia to go to war alone regardless of the covenant and you ate meat, not even the soup to let the allies sip.

However, flashing battles such as Xia broke through four military regions, and the powerful and thrilling combat power that was exposed really gave the Bestad people nowhere to withdraw.

The governor's wife, no matter how annoyed, could only pinch her nose and recognize it.

But in this way, the strength comparison between the two allies has changed tremendously!

It turned out that the two can barely say that the strength is quite good. Although Charya is slightly stronger, the Besta people are not weak, basically they are still in the same grade.

But now, Charya swallowed four military regions in one sitting, and he owned land in seven counties, and the Beasts had only two counties. No matter their military strength, land, and population, they were dropped by the Northern Army. Go to the street.

This ally's relationship is going to change a bit.

The former two were allies with equal status, but now that the Northern Army has suddenly expanded so much, the Beasts will inevitably be much weaker!

What made the Governor's wife somewhat frightened was that she suddenly showed a very dangerous signal: Even without the ally of Besta, the Northern Army seemed to be fully capable of calming the entire North of the Empire independently!

From this point of view, the Northern Army does not seem to need the Allies as a ally, but the Beistars need the Northern Armed Forces.

As a result, in the future, the relationship between the two will be changed. In fact, just after the four military regions that were settled by Xia Ya, the Bestars were unwilling and did some actions. The governor's wife sent Her Majesty's powerful general Rufes, and took 20,000 people to attack a military region that bordered it. As a result, the two sides fought repeatedly for nearly a month. Although the Besta army had the upper hand, it was difficult to advance. After fighting for a month, it damaged a lot of the army, but it did not take down an inch of land.

Finally had to retreat.

Although the news of the Governor's wife later learned that the opponent had secretly received the support of Armenian Governor Hughes, Hughes reportedly sent two infantry regiments to support the infantry, and also assisted many Armenian fine weapon armors.

However, the breakthrough did not make the Governor's wife very helpless.

It is also a strong northern force. Before the war, it seemed that the Bestad and the Northern Army were not too different, but they really fought. The Northern Army was one-on-one, but it was as if they were destroyed. Their own Besta was one-on-one, but they fought So ugly.

Although his opponent has the secret support of Hughes in the Armenian military area. It can be heard that Xia ’s opponent also had the old guy in El Salvador directly sending 10,000 troops to help, but he was still eaten by Xia.

Such a comparison really did not let the Governor's wife's high spirits be hit.

This time Xia ’s marriage also gave the two a chance to repair the rift: Before the Besta army assembled on the border and confronted the Northern Army, they wanted to cross the border to participate in the war ... Although they were nominally friendly, they really had to cross the border. The situation is changing. If the Northern Army loses and loses, the Bestad will never mind taking the opportunity to bite two.

This matter, both are well-informed, the Besta people may not be goodwill in participating in the war, but now things have passed, the Northern Army has become so strong, try to repair the relationship with the Northern Army, as far as the Bestar people are concerned More important.

The Governor's wife will not come to congratulate herself: it is too shameless.

The gift that was sent was really generous, so that Xia Ya, a greedy guy, couldn't help grinning while looking at the list of gifts, and sent his men to warmly receive the messengers of the gift.

However, as soon as the messengers were sent away, Charlie immediately called Sophie.

The chief of staff came very soon, and Charlie was too lazy to ask anything. He asked directly: "You have already sorted out the information inside Besta? I ask you, now ... Is it really everyone inside them Are you all with that governor's wife? "

Sophie was asked a question, and she took a look at Charya: "Why, do you plan to hit the Besta idea? It doesn't seem to be a good time. Charlie shook her head:" I don't want to hit their idea for the time being, but ... I do Thinking of one thing, maybe I can let the Besta people use it for me and come in handy. "

"The Governor's wife is not someone who can be easily exploited." Sophie shook her head. "I have never seen such a smart and cunning woman."

Xia Haha smiled: "You're welcome, I feel that the Lord Chief of Staff is afraid you will not lose to the governor's wife." After a pause, Xia Ya smiled slightly: "... there are always weaknesses, if I am Seize her weakness and make her use me. I'm afraid she can only pinch her nose to respond. "

Speaking, Xia Ya laughed and said, "Where is the emperor ... there should be news soon."

How clever Sophie immediately understood what Sia meant, but she still shook her head and said, "Even if you send someone to hold Lear in your hands ...", however, Besta's internal faction support for Lear was long overdue. The governor's wife had cleared it up, and there wasn't much trouble when she wanted to come. "

"I'm not paying attention to this." Xia Ya smiled lightly: "I have another hole card. If I can hold Lear in my hand and use that hole card at the same time ... it will definitely force the Governor's wife to submit. . This is her biggest weakness. "

Sophie glanced at Sia, but Sia didn't seem to explain it, and Sophie would no longer ask one by one. If she wanted to keep some secrets on purpose, Sophie wouldn't be foolish to ask anything.

Then she smiled and said, "There isn't much to do today, sir, you might as well take a rest earlier, tomorrow is the wedding ... if you have a pair of dark circles, I'm afraid it won't be too bad. good looking."

Xia Ya listened to ~ ~ with a slight movement on her face, stood up, and took a deep breath.

"Yeah ... tomorrow is the wedding ..."

Suddenly, the soil that came out of the mountain felt an inexplicable tension in his heart.

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