
Chapter 278: [Mr. Legend Comes]

Chapter 278 [Mr. Legend arrives in the throne of the Seal of Siam for an entire afternoon, the Landis fleet is docked, the battleship is anchored in the military port, and the large transport merchant ship in the fleet is anchored in the number-civilian port The garrison collected a large number of civilians to carry unloaded goods at the port, and there were hundreds of garrison supervisors transferred around it. A large number of vehicles and horses concentrated on the dock, so that the harbour area that has been deserted these days seems to be renewed. Revitalized. For a moment, the throne of God Seal, the place was full of people's voices, and the noise of cars and horses was noisy.

The rebel fleet on the surface of the sea seemed to be reconciled to this failure. Several small warships tried to approach the harbor, but across the distance, in the fortifications on the shore, the crossbow guns roared and one moved. The rebel warship that was too fast was hit by several heavy crossbow artillery, and the ship's boards were suddenly penetrated by the two-meter long crossbow arrows, and then went away embarrassed.

The location of the Gallons Chamber of Commerce in the harbour area is very good. It is just a three-story building on a high ground behind the port city. Standing in the window of the third-floor room, facing the sea, it can cover the sea outside the port. Take a panoramic view.

Guro had stood in the window and looked at the lively scene of the harbor area, and had watched the afternoon for a full. His fat and bloated body, standing for a long time on the throne of the Seal of God, is obviously quite difficult. But this s · 1, the leader of the nominal Gallons Chamber of Commerce, who is actually led by the Landis spy newspaper, has a complex expression on his face, watching a large number of Gallons merchant ships moored on the shore carrying a large number of $ !, there are food equipment, and a considerable part of the ordnance, especially a lot of high-quality crossbow produced by Landis. Everyone knows that Landis' bowman is the strongest in the world. The crossbow produced by Tees is naturally a sought-after item on the Big 6.

"Ah, it's all awkward."

After watching one afternoon, Guro couldn't help sighing. To be sure, domestic support for the Byzantine Empire seems to have paid a lot of capital. Guro naturally knew that the fleet of Gislent, the son of the storm, had always been stationed at the estuary of the Inland Sea to deter the Byzantine Empire. Obviously, these materials were temporarily transferred from the naval port base at the estuary.

It cost so much ... Can the Landis royal family really win this war?

Guro still had great doubts in his mind.

Thinking of this, the fat man sighed softly. I hope this decision was not wrong, because the domestic decision to make such a decision is largely related to the information he provided here.

"Dear Mr. Guro, it seems that you are not in a good mood. The sun outside is so bright, but your sighs seem to have brought me back to the rainy season in Yat City ..."

A thin voice came from behind. The sound was not loud, and even seemed to be a bit ridiculous, but even a slightly soft voice, but suddenly made Guro's whole body tremble, he turned back arrogantly, His eyes were almost bulging, with a startled expression, staring at the guy behind him. This was originally Guro's own room. Without his permission, the people in the chamber of commerce would not enter this room.

But at this moment, right at the door of the room, a guy stood there leisurely, with bright eyes and a playful smile, examining Guro.

This guy was wearing the clothes of a docker, a brown roll commonly seen by Landis, sweat beads on his forehead, the sleeves of his arms and the legs of his legs rolled up, as if stained with some stains. His shoes were afraid that they hadn't been scrubbed for months. Standing on the expensive handmade rug in the room, there were a few dirty marks on the rug.

This is a man, a young man, of medium build and thin, but the body is well-proportioned, the contours of the facial features are a little thin, and the lines are a bit feminine. His looks should be considered handsome, especially It is women who like his feminine handsome man very much. The playful smile on the corner of his mouth was a bit unflattering.

This guy slowly took off the hat on his forehead, and even shook it slightly. He then dropped the hat on the table next to the noble tablecloth. "Special Commissioner No. 1 of the Kingdom Supervision Department, Popo Dave Dux reports to you, Master Guro. "

Guro's expression at this moment seemed to be suddenly cut.

The fat man had been fully impressed for a quarter of an hour to seal the throne, as if he had returned to God, and then he jumped up like a cat with a trampled tail, and screamed, "Hell! How can you treat you domestically?" This guy is the last one ?! God, how did you get in ?! "

The smile on Popov Dax's face was still so leisurely. He even found the most comfortable chair to sit down and then raised **** easily. "Your second question is simple: I Dressed as a sailor on a transport ship, and stole a porter's clothes, in order to hide my eyes, I did an afternoon job on the dock before I came to see you. And ... I have to say that as a kingdom stationed in Lanzhou The information center of Tis Osglia, your security defense is too bad, I came into your room with almost no decent obstacles-you should be lucky because I am not an assassin , Otherwise you are now a dead person. "

Having said that, a bright smile appeared on his face, "Well, by the way, I'm afraid you're looking for a new guard. The guy in the hallway outside the door is too vigilant. He's probably going to faint. God can wake up. "

The fat on Guro's face was trembling. He suddenly rushed to the door and glanced at the outside corridor. Sure enough, a guard warrior who had stood there in the corridor had softened to the ground, apparently. Fainted.

"Luo ... what happened to him?

"Nothing." Popov Dax smiled friendly: "I used a little potion, which can effectively stun, and the mind of the Seal of the Throne for a long time is not clear ... That is the result of my latest research. Formula, and the Ministry of Supervision has paid to buy it back. "

Guro didn't know if he should roar a few times or cry a lot, but just watching the man in front of him ... Popov, Dax one Guru is the old minister of the Landis Kingdom Supervision Department Son, how do you not know how prominent this name is in the Landis Supervision Department? For the Landis Supervision Department, this guy is simply a legend ... or, at the same time, a tumor.

This guy has a strong ability to work, and he can easily complete any difficult task. But at the same time, unfortunately, his troublesome ability is not inferior to his outstanding ability to work.

In the current Landis Supervision Department, among all the intelligence elites, this Popov Dax has a series of amazing recorders. He is the highest success rate in performing tasks in the entire Landis Supervision Department. Elite is also the guy who completes the task the most. In this regard, he should be the pride of the Landis Supervision Department.

But at the same time, he also has several extremely embarrassing records; for example, this Mr. Popov Dax is definitely not a qualified team leader, or directly, he lacks teamwork spirit, in his limited few times In the record of leading the team to perform the task, although the task was successfully completed in the end, often the team he led was wiped out, the members were killed and wounded, and the only one who could go back alive was the gentleman himself.

After several times, the Ministry of Supervision no longer dare to let this gentleman be a member of the team task.

In addition, there is an embarrassing record; this Mr. Dax is the record holder with the most violations in the Landis Kingdom Supervision Department. On average, he violates the rules more than three-r times per year, each time. The tasks must violate the rules of the four supervision departments. His most glorious record was during an investigation within the kingdom, where he was instructed to investigate the rebellion of a duke.

As a result, Mr. Dax was undercover next to the rebellious duke, and even became the duke's son-in-law. He was engaged to the daughter of the duke. But on the eve of the rebellion of the duke, he stabbed and killed the man who was against him In favor of the Duke of Youjia, at the same time, he assassinated six important members of the rebels. At the last execution of the arrest task, he arrested the fiancee who was engaged to him and killed the woman by himself. On the engagement night the day before, he also swore a pledge with the woman.

Inside the Landis Supervision Department, many people believe that this Popov Dax is definitely the coldest and most ruthless guy that has emerged from the Landis Supervision Department for hundreds of years.

In addition, this Mr. Dax has an embarrassing record. He is the most able to spend money in the Landis Kingdom Supervision Department! The tasks he performs are often the most difficult and dangerous, but they are often performed. After the completion, the expenditures are several times or even several times the previous budget. This guy spends a year enough to support an elite agent to operate the same length of time. The Seal of the Seal of God. He is also the Minister of the Landi Jin Kingdom Supervision Department. Hate guy. The Minister Minister is often angered by this guy after three forks. I heard that many people in the Ministry often hear the Minister Minister roaring in the office, "I swear to the gods! I want to fire the **** Popov!"

But as a result, in this sentence, the Minister shouted for many years ... Even the Minister of the Ministry of Supervision has been replaced by three candidates, but the legendary Mr. Popov Dax is still serving in the Ministry of Supervision.

If it weren't for many things, he would have been fired by the Ministry of Supervision. It could be said that: Mr. Popov Dax is the most scattered employee in the history of the Landis Intelligence Supervision Department. , Undisciplined, scorching like flowing water ... Finally, the most important one: The most legendary, best, and most troublesome guy in the Landis Intelligence Supervision Department ever ... he ... he wasn't even Lan at all The Ties even traced his pedigree to the eight ancestors of his ancestors. He did not have the slightest Rantis bloodline Popov. Dax sat lazily in a chair and looked at Guro in front of him. Taking the wrong tangled expression like the wrong medicine made him feel very interesting. Even the legendary gentleman kindly asked, "Master Gu Luo, do you feel a headache for my arrival?"

This sentence was really a **** when the **** arrived at the house Feiguluo; "This is obvious." He immediately shook his head; "What are you doing? The ministry sent you ..."

"North." Popov played with his fingernails lightly, as if indifferent: "Relax, Mr. Guro, I won't stay by your side. My task is to go to the north of Byzantium. Now there are Odin, there is civil strife, and there is local resistance ... It's just too chaotic and too interesting. "

Having said that, he raised his eyelids: "Well, by the way, the Odin people have already moved south. Have you received the news?"

"Of course not!" Guro's complexion immediately became unsightly: "Having the Odin gone south?"

"Three ways." Popov sighed, his voice soft; "Hasting's Black Flag Army is in the east, Manninger's Red Snow Army is in the middle, and I heard that the Legion of the Odin Royal Family has also moved south, along Entering the Byzantine west ... "

"Then your mission to the north is ..."

Popov looked up and looked at Guro, his face was a little disappointed, and he shrugged his shoulders, still in a careless tone; "What else can you do? It is nothing more than fanning the fire and creating confusion ... The order given to me by the supervision department is very simple, But give me some ideas in the north of Byzantium to make some big moves, and play a big ticket ... ha, it seems that the guys in the ministry are very advanced, this task is quite in line with my rise. "

After speaking, he stood up, walked to Guro, stretched out a hand and spread out "" Bring it. Bar. "


"Badge token." Popov raised eyebrows. "I got the order. This time, I will provide the funds for your action. Since I ’m going to the north to do a big scene, I naturally need a lot of money. what."

Guro took a deep breath and took out a short golden arrow with the thickness of a finger only from his closet ~ ~ Hesitated and shoved it into Popov's hand. This thing, the Gallons Chamber of Commerce in various branches and strongholds in the northern part of the Byzantine Empire, you can infinitely mobilize funds and supplies ... you better not mess around, these strongholds, we have spent a lot of energy to bury One by one one one one one one one one one one one one "

Popov had taken the thing and turned to the door, seemingly not interested in Guro's last command.

But when he went to the door, the legendary man finally stood still and turned to look at Guro; "Well, almost forgot, Lord Guro, I want to thank you."

"Thank you ... me?" Guro looked blank.

Popov whistled, "Because of your proposal, the country will decide to plan an operation in Byzantium, and I will be sent here ..."

Having said that, he took a deep breath, the smile on his face was a little weird; ... it felt good to return to his home country. "

This legendary guy goes to the north of Byzantium ... You can think about how much chaos a guy who is ignited by a fan will bring about a mess ... hehe.

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