Lin Shangzhou looked at Louis in shock, he looked at the door of the ward, and after confirming that it was closed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Editor-in-Chief Louis, you're really going to scare people... They all know syndicalists. "

Haha, I know a lot of people..."

Louis said with a laugh, Lin Shangzhou felt that if this person jumped out now, "I also know people from the French Commune", he would not think it was strange.

"Do you have any ideas for meeting them and joining them?"

asked Louis.


Lin Shangzhou hesitated a little, thinking about it, he remembered what Huo Wen said when he was in the factory: "They just told the organizers what to do and gave some advice, but they didn't lead us to strike.

This sentence made his impression of the German syndicalists much worse at the time, but now that he thinks about it, combined with the fact that he led the workers on strike, he can already say that he has a little disgust with the German syndicalists.

He shook his head.

"You don't have to join, I don't have a good impression of these people who are unwilling to give real help to the workers' strike.

Louis was a little surprised, he was surprised not because Lin Shangzhou was unwilling to join them, but because of his disgust, why would a person who could lead a workers' strike hate the syndicalists? Shouldn't they be welcome? Louis

said curiously:

"Look at the way you look at you, you hate the syndicalists a little, can you tell me why?"

The reason is simple: one of my co-workers in the factory told me that in the past the syndicalists had only given the workers in Strasbourg basic guidance for strikes, and had never led or participated in a single strike.

"I know that the situation of the syndicalists in Germany is very bad, but they are syndicalists, and since they bear this name, they should help the workers in Germany, and I do not ask them to be keen to help the workers, but at least they cannot only give guidance like this, and do not send people into the midst of the workers to fight with the workers.

"I'd like to meet them and ask them why they're doing this."

Louis looked at Lin Shangzhou, who was getting more and more angry the more he talked, and said persuadively: "Okay, okay, don't get excited, I'll take you to meet them when you're injured, and then you can ask them directly why."

He himself knew part of the reason, but he felt that Lin Shangzhou wanted the group of people to answer him personally, so he didn't tell what he knew.

Lin Shangzhou stopped thinking about the German syndicalists and said thank you to Louis.

"I'll bother you then, Editor-in-Chief Louis.

"It's a small matter, so would you like to consider joining the Socialist People's Party?"

After waving his hand lightly, Louis took the opportunity to woo him.


that Lin Shangzhou was still hesitating, Louis

felt that he might put too much pressure on him, so he said softly: "Don't worry, it's still a long time, you can think about it slowly, I've taken care of everything in Berlin, I plan to stay in Strasbourg for at least a month this time, you just need to tell me before I leave at the end of April."

After speaking, he approached Lin Shangzhou and whispered with a smile:

"By the way, if you ask me to introduce you to the party, then you will only need a few days to become a full party member, which is the back door I opened to you, the strike leader, and it is a treatment that others will never enjoy."

"There may be opponents in the party, but your achievements are enough to gag them.

Louis's words made Lin Shangzhou a little moved, but it didn't make him fully determined, and after thinking about it, Lin Shangzhou decided to give himself some more time to think.

"Well, okay, I'll think about it.

Lin Shangzhou said to him, for Lin Shangzhou, who did not agree immediately, Louis had no idea in his heart, after all, whether he joined the party or not was his own business, and he couldn't force others to join this weak political party.

"It's okay, think about it slowly, it's still a long time.

After that, he pricked another piece of apple and handed it to Lin Shangzhou's mouth, and after he ate it, he said to him: "Don't be too respectful to me in the future, although we are superiors and subordinates, I want to get along with you as friends."

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Shangzhou nodded.

"Luis, do you know who knocked me unconscious

?" "Finally remembered to ask this question?"

Louis looked at him with a smile, then his expression became a little more serious and said, "The factory administrator of the machine factory."

"He?" Lin

Shangzhou was a little surprised in his heart, because he hadn't seen the administrator since the victory of the strike, so he didn't care about that person, who knew that he would actually retaliate against himself.

He reached out and touched his head, the back of his head aching.

"The person was arrested on the same day, and he is currently being held in the police station waiting for the trial, and the court will not hear the case until you are healed, and I will take you to participate in it at that time.

Hearing that the man was locked up in the police station, Lin Shangzhou clenched his fists and had an idea in his heart to go to the police station and beat him up, Louis saw his clenched fists, so he smiled and said: "Don't think about that guy, he has been beaten by the factory workers so that there is no place on his body."

Hearing this, Lin Shangzhou felt much more comfortable, although it was more relieving to beat him with his own hands, but the workers had already finished doing things for him, and at the same time, he also had doubts in his heart, wasn't that person arrested that day?

Wasn't he arrested? How did the big guy beat him?"

Louis laughed twice and said

, "The police turned a blind eye, you don't know how angry the workers were at that time, if the police stopped them, they would probably even beat the police, and I had no choice but to let the police turn a blind eye."

"You have a really high status in the hearts of the factory workers, not bad, much better than the party members.

As he spoke, he gave Lin Shangzhou a thumbs up.

"Thank you for the compliment.

Being praised by him, the resentment in Lin Shangzhou's heart dissipated a little, and he planned to go to the factory to thank the workers when the injury was healed.

"So you're going to join the SPD?"

Louis asked again, retracting his hand.

"If you join the party, you can get special protection, at least here the police will focus on protecting you, and the vigilance force in the area where you live will be increased by several levels. (

How much Louis wanted to pull me into the SPD...)

Lin Shangzhou complained in his heart, thinking about it, this relatively weak party needs the participation of hardliners, although this is also a condition that makes him tempted, but it is still not enough to make him make up his mind.

"I'll think about it again,"

Louis looked at Lin Shangzhou's face with a little loss, but quickly recovered.


He nodded cheerfully.

After that, Lin Shangzhou was recuperating in the hospital, and the doctor said that he recovered well, and he could leave after a few days in the hospital.

On the morning of April 7, a middle-aged man came to Lin Shangzhou's apartment, took the note in his hand and checked the house number, identified this place, and then walked up and knocked on the door.

Ten seconds later, Wolfgang, who returned to the apartment this morning, came to open the door, and after opening the door, he looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked, "Who are you looking for?" "

I'm looking for Fritz Hipper, I'm his uncle, and my name is Follandon Hipper. "

The person who came was Lin Shangzhou's uncle Lin Yangyu, who had not received a letter from his nephew for nearly two months, and there was no response to the letter he sent, although Cecilia told him that the letter was stopped by Klein, and Lin Shangzhou would not have anything to do, but he still couldn't rest assured, yesterday he couldn't bear the worry in his heart, and asked Alexandrine to take a few days off to come to Strasbourg to see if his nephew was doing.

Wolfgang looked at Lin Yangyu unexpectedly, he had just returned from out of town and didn't know about the factory strike and Lin Shangzhou's attack, so he turned his head and looked at the corridor and saw Lin Shangzhou's bicycle parked there, and said to Lin Yangyu:

"Uncle Filitz... He's on the third floor, and I'll take you up.

He didn't know that Lin Shangzhou's bicycle was actually driven back by Louis from the newspaper office.

"Thank you, thank you.

Lin followed Wolfgang to the third floor, and Wolfgang took him to the third floor and stood at the door and said to him, "This is the room where he lives, so I'll go downstairs first." "

Thank you.

Lin thanked Wolfgang again, and then he stepped forward and knocked on the door, waiting for his nephew to come and open the door.

Ten seconds later, he heard the sound of the door opening, he looked at the door with joy, waiting for his nephew to appear behind the door, but the next second the door was opened, when he saw the girl standing behind the door, he was dumbfounded.

"May I ask who you are?"

Laetia looked at Lin Yangyu suspiciously.

Lin Yangyu reacted and said to Ladia:

"I'm looking for Fritz Hipper, I'm his uncle. "

Now Letia is dumbfounded, why did

Lin Shangzhou's uncle come over suddenly?" "Uncle, please come in quickly!"

Letia hurriedly invited Lin Yangyu into the house, and after entering the house, Lin Yangyu saw the slippers on the shoe rack and consciously took off his shoes and put on Lin Shangzhou's slippers.

He sat down on the sofa and looked at Ladia, who was serving tea and water for herself, and secretly glad that he had one thing - fortunately he didn't let Noah come with him.

After learning from Laetia what happened to his nephew, he was not calm.

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