Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 46 Sound from Underground

The cool breeze blurred the noise in the camp.

The cold-blooded species used crude polished lenses to observe the starry sky, while Obamon and the Skink Priest discussed the vague future predicted by the stars.

Lin Qi looked at the flames quietly. When the flames suddenly trembled for a moment, he almost thrust his weapon into it.

Lynch thought it was the devil who had broken through the power of the ritual and wanted to have a fight tonight.

When the flames trembled again, Lynch realized something was wrong.

It wasn't the fire that was trembling, but the whole earth was trembling.

The elves and cold-blooded ones picked up their weapons and quickly arranged their formations.

The bow-wielding sea guards were escorted to the center by the lizard men. Lynch carefully observed the surroundings, waiting for possible attacks.

The earth just trembles, there is no enemy.

The magic swordsman and the priest each cast spells, trying to find the source of the abnormality.

There was a burst of thunder in the distance, but there was no sign of rain in the sky. The stars were still clearly visible, and there was not a single dark cloud.

The thunder gradually faded away, but the ground was still shaking with fear.

Lynch's keen hearing locked onto some discordant sounds.

It looked like there was a creature building a large building underground, and it was shaking due to the thunder in the distance.

Lin Qi leaned down and listened to the movement underground.

It looked like someone was hitting the rock hard up from a hundred meters down. Lynch thought it was rat men. They always like to dig everywhere underground.

Lynch inadvertently scanned the bushes in the distance, which seemed to have grown taller.

An unpleasant suspicion appeared in Lynch's mind. He stood up suddenly and carefully observed the height difference between the distance and here.

It’s not an illusion, this place is slowly collapsing.

A gang of Skaven trying to sneak up from underground?

Regardless of whether this guess was correct or not, Lynch gave a short order and led the dazed elves and cold-blooded species away from the camp, marching to the woodland where there was no sign of collapse.

The army was on alert facing the cave-in area, and now even those with the poorest eyesight could clearly see the depression in the distance.

But until the ground stopped sinking, Lynch could not wait for the incoming rat-men.

It seemed like just an accident.

Subtle sounds like whispers appeared in the depression. In the grass that was taller than a person, it seemed that two creatures crawled out of the ground and communicated under the cover of the vegetation.

Under Lynch's vigilant gaze, two rat men wearing masks and strange devices were communicating and looking at their surroundings. They pushed aside the ferns and walked out openly.

One of the rat men was spitting and talking, and the other rat man subconsciously paid attention to his surroundings, his green eyes meeting the cold gazes of the cold-blooded species and the elves.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and the rat man subconsciously pushed his companion in front of him, blocking the terrifying glare from the enemy.

It took off its mask, its nose twitched slightly, sniffed the air, and rubbed its eyes in confusion.

The Triton's arrows and the Skink's poisonous needles broke the suddenly solidified atmosphere. It was like seeing a ghost. The two Skaven screamed and activated the dimensional stone devices on their bodies.

"Elves, elf things!"

"Yes, there is a lizard thing!"

The poisonous needles and arrows were blocked by the illuminated energy shield of the device, and the two ratmen fled into the vegetation. By the time Lynch led the team to rush into the grass, they had already disappeared.

The magic of the mage came here, and the plants came to life under Obamon's control. They jumped away from this place with their roots, making way for the warriors to see.

There was only a small hole in the bare ground that had been filled in.

The mages used various magics to try to dig out the cave, but there was still soil under the soil, and even ten meters below was covered with rocks. Although it was very loose, it successfully prevented the eldest son and second son of the ancient saint from invading.

"Hurry, block it, block it!"

Underground, the souls of countless slave rats emerged, and at an unprecedented speed, with the help of engineering warlock machines, the passage to the ground was filled in.

Another engineering warlock hurriedly approached the leader of the Caries Clan and sternly refused to continue carrying out the commission, wanting to return directly to the Skull Clan.

They were unlucky enough, and the horned rat seemed to be deliberately making things difficult for them.

Originally, they only needed to build a large experimental site, but first a demon came from nowhere and drove the entire Caries clan out of the clan's headquarters.

After finally re-selecting the site, the construction was almost completed, but for some reason an earthquake occurred.

When the two great engineers went up to investigate, they encountered another legion armed to the teeth.

Although the warlord of the Caries Clan is attached to the Skryre Clan, it is also connected to the Plague Clan and can change sides at any time.

Naturally, it would not agree to the request of the engineering warlock. If all the previous efforts were wasted, wouldn't its dimension stone be in vain?

In the midst of a fierce quarrel, a rat-man covered in abscesses stepped out of the shadows.

The engineer warlock retreated cautiously and faced off with the plague priest of the plague clan.

Eventually, the Skaven came to a compromise with each other.

Seeing that it was impossible to catch the Skaven and beat him up, Lynch had to give up this plan.

The army marched some distance further and encamped again.

The lizard men who kept watch at night patrolled even more closely, not missing any sign of trouble.

Thunder could be heard from time to time in the infinite distance, and the skinks began to talk about it, making speculations from various superstitious angles.

There were also uneasy whispers among the elves, and the name of Hakon, the god of earthquakes, was mentioned repeatedly.

The magic swordsman took the Sword Saint of Hoth and performed a prayer ceremony to Lilith, the goddess of dreams.

They hoped that the moon god would provide enlightenment.

The hazy moonlight fell down and vaguely merged into a huge object like a hill.

But it is too ethereal and cannot see the whole picture clearly.

After the ceremony, the magic swordsman can only hope that the pure girl Lilith will provide enlightenment through dreams tonight.

The lizardmen held a lively dinner of roasted insects, while the elves stayed away from the cold-blooded species calmly, hiding the disgust in their eyes very well.

After some sea guards prayed to Kunos, the father of elves and the god of hunting, the hunt brought back several jungle tigers and more amphibians and reptiles.

After dinner, while the skinks were singing to Kotego, some elves also sang songs in praise of the god-king Asuryan into the campfire.

Aubamon began to discuss ancient secrets with Lynch, tracing back to the era when the ancient saint walked on the earth.

Fortunately, Lynch has enough knowledge and knowledge that he can even recite the process from creation to the end.

The ancient saints had an ambiguous relationship with the elves and gods, and they got along well with each other. At the beginning, they were respected by the elves as their guides.

In the long past, there was an elf mage who foresaw the disaster. She warned the gods, but the gods ignored it.

So she hoped that the Ancient Sage could prove her right, but by then it was too late.

No one knows what happened on the night of the disaster.

Lynch used the starlight to once again observe the blurry data flow under the starlight.

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