There was nothing special about this night, and the ordinary morning was followed by an ordinary morning. Before setting off, Lin Qi said that the rumors he heard were quite interesting.

Mortals went door to door to get rid of last night's tenderness, and breakfast vendors and businessmen on the road appeared on the streets again.

A group of caravans from the west entered the city early in the morning. They seemed to be still in a state of shock.

The disheveled visitors brought news that made it difficult for every businessman to relax.

".It swallowed two horses, and poor Hawke. May his bravery before his death comfort Sigmar."

"How many times has this happened? How many times has it died?"

"It's as much of a mystery as asking who its mother is."

"The Sylvanians would say that evil endures and all else dies."

"What happened? Did you meet a troll?"

"No, it's worse than that! It's the Kronborg Shredder!"

The conversation in the distance suddenly became quiet. Some of the merchants who had planned to leave the city to the west stayed behind. Those who still insisted on leaving the city probably did not hear the conversation here.

They soon stopped, and there were always busybodies rushing to remind others.

Human exchanges have become more and more heated, and the uproar has swept through the secluded ancient forest town. Now everyone knows that the "Kronborg Corpse Shredder" has returned again after twenty years, after being killed last time.

Panic spread simultaneously. The mayor and nobles of the town appeared one after another and gave speeches to the crowd. Lynch suspected that the city would be closed down in a while. Under his urging, Eugen bravely shouted in public:

"Whatever it is, it doesn't scare me!"

For a moment, thousands of eyes fell on Eugen one after another.

At this time, Eugen, who drove the carriage out of the city, looked like a hero, or maybe

"Where did he come from?"

"Who knows, every year Imperial University students go on various adventures. Maybe he is the one who has graduated. I'd say he's really lucky~"

The mage with keen senses has already closed the car windows tightly and drawn the curtains.

A fool who was not afraid of death was certainly worth talking about, but now there were fresher and more pressing topics, so Eugen was quickly forgotten.

"I heard it once ate an entire tribe of ogres!"

"Not even the Demi-Gryphon Knights could destroy it."

"The last time it appeared, it almost swallowed a steam tank. What's worse than that, twenty years ago there was no living person near its lair! The worst part is that it often changes nests."

"It's great news, it means we don't have to avoid certain areas all the time."

"A joke that doesn't matter the occasion, boy! It made its home in Middenland a long time ago, and the number of people it killed in its mouth could almost fill a town!"

"Legend has it that a huge mouth full of fangs is hidden in the folds of its torso!"

"It's not an exaggeration. I almost met it twenty years ago. The soldiers who saw it were all insane. The color on it can drive us crazy, because it is not the color of the world."

Eugen didn't look well. He started to tremble secretly as he approached the city gate. The city guard tried to dissuade him as usual. The Oracle left the city with his eyes closed and gritted his teeth, as if he was heading to the execution ground.

it's not a big deal.

Lynch was only surprised by the weakness of the local people. Maybe the race did have a hidden influence - the Teutonic blood accounted for more in Middenheim, while in the west, the "Midden Territory" was more in line with the empire's standards. "In "Thuringian bloodline, the influence is even more profound.

This is also the reason why Middenheim became independent from Middenland and ruled Middenland several times, but finally Middenland became independent from Middenheim.

This is a bad debt within humanity, the kind that cannot be untangled no matter how hard it is.

The road to the west was much bleaker, and there was not a carriage within three miles of Wismond.

The quiet roads remind the creatures passing by of the past of this land. Before humans established their kingdom, there were no trails in the forest. The beastman tribe, the northern marauder warband and the greenskins jointly carved up the Duncanwald Forest.

Even now, greenskins are one of the dominant populations in Duncanvald, and they are likely still plaguing the Laurentian forests further north.

It is said that the greenskins of Lauren Loren Forest are the largest race in the area, and elves, humans and beastmen divide the remaining half of the fan map.

The journey was smooth sailing, and Lynch originally thought that some monster would jump out, such as the "Kronborg Corpse Shredder" among the mortals.

In fact, he only saw a few inns that had been bulldozed along the way.

The wooden walls of the hotel looked like they had been crushed down by some kind of giant object. Smooth marks were still left on the ground, and the soil was squeezed to create a large pit.

Only a few scattered supports were left on the hard wall. It looked like a big guy rushed into the house, had a meal and then left.

The blood stains on the ground were no longer clear, and the deformed paw prints made it difficult to identify its owner.

In just ten miles, Lin Qi saw four such inns.

Without exception, there was not even a scrap of the corpse left, and the other party seemed to have a good appetite.

He thought it was a dragon at first, but the downed trees in the forest told Lynch that it was not a dragon. Dragons tend to be reluctant to keep crawling on the ground like crawlers.

It seemed to be very light, because there were not many paw prints left on the ground, but the giant tree that was pushed down made Lynch realize that it had terrible power.

Perhaps it travels silently.

Maybe it wasn't until these mortals were dying that they noticed a monster approaching the hotel. This was no joke, Lynch could now guarantee it.

The birds stopped chirping at some point, the wind was still blowing, and there was an inaudible hissing sound hidden in the swaying leaves, as it got closer and closer.

Only then did the horse let out its first scream. It neighed in fear, shook wildly, and almost overturned the carriage.

Eugen's poor driving skills were clearly demonstrated at this time. If Tigris hadn't helped, the two of them would have been lying together in the mud ditch on the side of the road.

It was like boiling hot water, and the sound was obvious only now.

A stench had already approached Lynch first, and the fishy wind behind the stench carried a winding, twisted giant with various shapes.

It doesn't look too smart.

The scales on the multi-headed giant snake are arranged chaotically like arrows, and the bright, constantly changing fluorescence has colorful and disgusting colors. Lynch is not sure how it distorts the color of the scales so that normal creatures are disgusted. He knew why mortals feared it.

Its mere presence is a large source of light pollution.

Its scales are dark when lurking in the shadows, but when there is light, it seems to use the light to defeat Lynch.

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