Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 636 Toru Amuro, offline

Kazami Yuya: "...?"

He actually didn't quite understand why Toru Amuro suddenly said such a sentence.

But I intuitively felt that something was wrong with the tone of the devil's boss - it didn't sound so devilish, but rather like he had been ravaged by the devil.

...Speaking of which, before their team set off, Jiang Xia was a suspect of the cadre codenamed "Uzuo".

Although along the way, as Jiang Xia's physique was revealed in the incident, the possibility of "Jiang Xia = Uzuo" has been greatly reduced, but now... they are all looking for someone at the police station, Mr. Fangtani will not fall over.

Feng Jian Yuya had a bad premonition and became alert: "Fang... are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Toru Amuro had finished taking a shower quickly. At this time, he was pressing the remote control to close the curtains, and pulled the soft quilt of the star hotel up to his chin, lying in an environment without Jiang Xia or screaming, I have never felt so good these past few days:

"You pick two people who are good at tracking and come to Zhifeng Hotel as local police to record Jiang Xia's actions for me - there are ready-made cases here, and there are many police here, so it won't be conspicuous if you just come here.

"Remember not to choose someone who has appeared around us before. Jiang Xia has a good memory, so be careful of being discovered by him.

"Okay, let's do this for now. If there is nothing important during this period, don't contact me."

Then he hung up the phone neatly.

Feng Jian Yuya: "..."

He originally wanted to ask about Jiang Xia and Wu Zuo.

However, on second thought: Mr. Jiang Gu suddenly delegated the tracking task to another party, which may in turn show that Jiangxia is not a big problem.

...But, since Jiang Xia has no problem, why doesn't Mr. Jiang Gu allow him to take the initiative to contact him? During this period of time, Mr. Jiang Gu's job was not only to identify whether Jiang Xia was the code-named cadre. The organization's tasks cannot be completed until Gunma County.

Feng Jianyu also noticed a slight violation and wanted to call back immediately to ask for details.

However, in the end, between curiosity and command, command prevailed.

He silently put down his phone.

——Maybe Mr. Furutani encountered an unexpected situation, such as a sudden encounter with a member of an organization who carried important information.

In this case, it’s better not to disturb Mr. Fukitani. Maybe he will soon start a hidden battle with those dangerous members as "Bourbon". If he makes a sudden call at this time, it may cause some irreparable losses.

With this in mind, Kazami Yuya carefully exited the call interface to avoid accidentally touching it.

After a while, he sent an email to other teammates, asking them to pick two public faces and go to the hotel to keep an eye on Jiang Xia.

Surveillance is one thing. On the other hand, Jiang Xia's mobile phone is still with them, and it has been damaged in name, so it cannot be replaced immediately.

In this case, a famous detective with an incident physique is in a foreign land, and he always feels that he is prone to encounter all kinds of strange emergencies. It is necessary to send someone over as soon as possible to keep an eye on it to avoid further complications.

Zhifeng Hotel.

In the room of the deceased.

The deceased seemed to have been preoccupied with other things during his lifetime and had no time to pay attention to hygiene. His room was littered with things, scattered books and wads of paper everywhere, and leftover food in the corner. Because there was a "no cleaning" sign on the door and the windows were closed, a bad smell filled the air over the past few days, and the entire room became dirty.

Jiang Xia originally wanted to follow and look for clues.

However, the second he stepped into this room, he changed his mind rationally.

——There are so many police here. Searches like this should really be left to professionals. If he, an inexperienced high school detective, went in and dug around, he might destroy some key evidence...

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia first instinctively returned to the corridor covered with soft carpets.

After realizing that he could smell the smell here too, he entered the room again and walked to the window. After the police checked, he opened the window and breathed in the fresh air outside while watching the progress of other people's searches.

Hattori Heiji was not that particular, he just rummaged around among the police.

If the police had seen something, he would go through it again just to be on the safe side so as not to miss any clues.

After all, Hattori Heiji really couldn't trust his police teammates. Jiang Xia, who was standing next to him, respected the police so much that he did not even search for the sake of protecting the scene...

Thinking of this, Hattori Heiji glanced at Jiang Xia, who was standing in the corner, leaning against the window, with a low sense of presence, trying not to cause trouble to the police, and sighed.

——I can only do it by myself.

It turns out that this well-known Osaka high school detective is very reliable when it comes to finding things.

It didn't take long for Hattori Heiji to make a new discovery: "Hey, come and take a look at this!"

Jiang Xia turned around from the window and found Hattori Heiji standing in front of the wardrobe.

The cabinet door was wide open, and there were many clothes hanging inside, almost filling the closet.

Jiang Xia came closer and saw Hattori Heiji reaching out and pushing his clothes to both sides, revealing the wooden board behind.

——There are several newspapers hiddenly taped to the wooden board of the wardrobe.

At first glance, it seems that I don’t want my clothes to rub on the wardrobe, so I put a layer of newspaper on it.

But if you look closely, you can find that those newspapers are not just a whole sheet posted casually, but specific reports are specifically cut out, and there are relatively obvious traces of outlines on the reports.

The hotel obviously doesn't post this kind of thing to its guests.

And if they were left by previous guests, the cleaning staff will also clean them up.

In short, this should have been posted by the deceased himself.

The police took away the hanging clothes and carefully peeled off the newspapers and found that each page was an independent report.

"Serial theft of art works", "Suspected reselling organization exists in the dark"... several news items all point to the same theme.

"He actually posted a case report in his own room. He is indeed a screenwriter who is good at suspense scripts." The police officer looked at the newspapers with short sentences and question marks scrawled on them, as if he was taking notes, and guessed, "Could it be? Are you borrowing these to find inspiration?"

"Art theft group..." Jiang Xia also leaned over to read the newspaper and flipped through the script in his hand.

Just now, he didn't just stand aside and paddle, but while waiting for someone to search, he read the scripts of the two episodes before and after:

"There is no similar organization in the script, and there are no key items such as 'art objects'. I heard from the director that this is a 5-episode short drama. Since there is no such thing in the first two episodes, I'm afraid there won't be any more in the future. Appeared - these reports should have nothing to do with 'looking for inspiration'."

As he spoke, he turned his attention to the crew members standing outside the door, poking their heads.

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