Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 609: Grab Uzo by the tail

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Xia immediately thought of the gold that was so much that it made him tired. First, I felt a little tired reflexively, and wanted to collapse on the neighbor's sofa. It would be better to have a fried shrimp roll to soothe my soul.

But considering that I am driving the villain vest that I have been waiting for for a long time...

In the end, Jiang Xia's face remained unchanged and she replied softly: "Of course."

Following these words, he turned sideways and his eyes fell on the clock on the wall of the restaurant.

According to the usual action pattern of a detective, he should walk over at this time and demonstrate how to trigger the mechanism.

But then I thought about it and felt that it would be disrespectful to roll up my sleeves and go into battle in person. And now, he is playing a terminally ill patient, and there is a group of detective "audiences" waiting to accept the results across the wall.

So in the end, Jiang Xia just moved a little and fell back to her seat.

He still closed his eyes and pretended to have failed to get up, trying to absorb the dizziness.

After a second or two, he pointed to the huge watch on the wall: "Sorry, you better do it. I really don't feel well."


Mother-in-law Qianjian always felt that Kurosawa, who was using the previous plastic "host" as a stepping stone, was not as weak as he appeared.

And just now, this young man who had to stagger twice when walking, actually arrived at the restaurant before her. The central control room was obviously further away from the restaurant than the secret room she was in...

However, the bait of "the location of the treasure" is too tempting.

Senjian Shiyo tried his best to think calmly like a detective, calm down his reasoning, and smooth out all the suspicious things about the young man in black. However, the "dong" and "dong" sounds of her heartbeat hit her dull eardrums, and the excitement and anticipation were pushed higher and higher.

Seeing that Jiang Xia really didn't intend to get up, Qianjian Shengdai finally compromised again.

Following what Jiang Xia pointed out, she walked towards the clock that might contain some dangerous mechanism.

"When the detectives searched the villa, I also went to see the situation - the Dusk Villa was vast and had countless rooms, but it only had a clock in one place, and that was the one on the wall in front of you... …Don’t you think this is weird?”

"..." Qianjian Shengyo listened to his voice, looked up at this unique watch, and nodded unconsciously like a policeman listening to a detective's reasoning.

——She carries a pocket watch with her and does not need to check the time with the clock in the annex. Therefore, although there were very few clocks in the annex, this did not cause any trouble for Senjian Yudai and could not leave a deep impression on her. Therefore, in the end, this did not become a strong booster to promote her thinking. .

In short, Senjian Yuishi simply realized that "there are very few watches" and subconsciously thought that the clocks in other rooms were taken and sold by the gourmet detective - although the guy claimed to have kept the annex as it was, according to reports As Senjian Furuyo knew, due to being in debt, the gourmet detective inspected some valuable items and found that there were no mechanisms inside them, so he recorded their locations and then sold these items one by one.

At that time, Senjian Yushiro had not yet been invited to enter this annex belonging to the gourmet detective, so she naturally thought that among the things sold, the clocks in other rooms were also included; and the watch in the restaurant It survived because it was the type that was built into the wall and had a plain dial that didn’t look valuable.

But now, judging from Kurosawa's words, there is something hidden behind this watch.

...Well, maybe Kurosawa didn't have a mobile phone or a watch with him, so he paid special attention to this aspect. Qianjian Shengdai secretly nodded. Habitually review your mistakes.

Then she chuckled and shook her head - after what happened tonight, from all angles, she could no longer be a detective, and she didn't have to bother reviewing it.

When she was a little distracted.

Kurosawa's voice came from behind:

"You still remember those 'tips' you left us through the mouth of the 'organizer'."

Senjian Fangshi was brought back to his senses by his gentle-sounding tone, but with a hint of weirdness in this bloody background.

She looked at Jiang Xia, suppressed the surprise in her heart, nodded to his question, and repeated the words that had been engraved in her mind:

"Two travelers looked up at the sky at night, and the devil descended on the castle; the king fled with his treasure, the princess shed tears on the Holy Grail, begging for forgiveness, and the soldiers swung their swords and killed themselves, staining the ground with blood."

"That's right." The young man in black rested his elbow on the armrest, held his chin with satisfaction, and tapped the top with his fingertips, "'Two travelers looking up at the night sky' means that the long and short hands of the clock point at the same time. Zero hour above.”

After speaking, he paused and looked at Qianjian Descendants.

Senjian Yushi looked at him confusedly and nervously for a moment, and gradually read a silent urging in his eyes: "I've told you the answer, why don't you work?"

"..." After a moment of silence, the elderly lady could only turn around, raise her hand like an obedient wage earner, and silently move the hands on the watch, setting them to the appropriate position as Jiang Xia said.

As the two hands clicked together, behind her, the voice of a passerby or a demon sounded again:

"The next steps have actually been written in your father's message. You should have also noticed the bloody writing on the piano - 'I finally hold the trump card to find the treasure'.

“The emphasis is on ‘cards’.

"So the 'King', 'Princess' and 'Soldier' ​​in the clue..."

After hearing this, Senjian Fangdai finally caught up with his train of thought and showed some qualities that a detective should have.

She blurted out: "It refers to the K, Q and J in playing cards. In addition, the 'treasure' refers to the diamond, the 'Holy Grail' is the heart, and the sword is the spade...K of diamonds, Q of hearts, and J of spades..." ?”

With such specific and detailed keywords, she suddenly remembered the blood-stained deck of cards that Ikumi Gunda had used when playing cards in the living room just now, and her heart moved, and she understood completely.

——Almost all the things in this annex are customized by the Karasuma family, including of course the deck of cards. Those three corresponding cards must contain clues to the treasure!

When we were in the living room just now, the entertainment chosen by Senma Shudai was chess.

She was not involved in the card game and could not remember the specific patterns on the cards.

I was about to rush to the living room and take down the deck of cards.

But just as this thought flashed across her mind, she suddenly heard Kurosawa say from behind her without any pause:

"That's right. So according to the direction of the character's face on the corresponding card and the number of the card. The way to open the mechanism is to first turn the pointer 13 degrees to the left, then 12 degrees to the left, and finally 11 degrees to the right... Huh? "Halfway through his words, he paused for a moment and asked in a chatty manner, "What's wrong? Why don't you go and give it a try."

"You..." Qian Jian descended but did not move, turning back to stare at him.

All kinds of suspicious things suddenly connected together in her mind. Although she could not completely understand them, they integrated into a larger whirlpool-like mystery.

There was a hint of questioning and deep horror in her tone: "When you were in the living room, you had been playing billiards, which is the farthest place from the card table. When Gunda called us over, he only showed his bloody black face. Peach jack. Later, you searched for the 'organizer', and you didn't even open the playing cards in the living room...

"How do you know which way the faces of the other two cards are facing?!"

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