Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 576: - dead

First class.

"Conan," Ayumi asked worriedly. "What does gravity throw mean?"

"A means of unpowered throwing off the landing gear," Conan explained. "Probably... the plane will dive at a large angle, then pull up suddenly, and use the centrifugal force in the process to throw the landing gear out."

"Dive at a big angle?" Ayumi asked in surprise. "Is it that kind of... a violent dive down?"

"Yes!" Conan nodded. "So be mentally prepared and don't get freaked out later."

At this moment, the radio turned on again.

"The gravity throwing action is about to start, please fasten your seat belts immediately, the flight attendants sit down immediately, and the countdown is 10."

"Countdown 5—" At this point, all the flight attendants and passengers had already fixed themselves.

"Countdown 4—" Haibara Ai glanced at her seat belt a little uneasy.

"Countdown 3—" After checking his seat belt and confirming that there was no problem, Haibara Ai suddenly thought of Chiba who was still in the cockpit.

"It should be fine..." Haibara Ai shrank slightly, with a slightly worried expression on her face.

"Countdown 1——" Haibara Ai let the five fingers of her left hand touch her forehead, chest, right shoulder and left shoulder respectively - this is a Catholic prayer posture, Haibara Ai is a Protestant, so she usually doesn't draw a cross. But now she chooses to do it once.

I hope this time, everything will be fine. Praying like this, Ai Haibara clenched her hand tightly against her chest.

"The dive begins." With such a voice as if he was talking about what to eat tonight, Sadaji Takamori announced the start of the aircraft maneuver.

The next moment, everyone heard that the roar of the engine was reduced, and the nose of the aircraft was also lowered, and the speed of the depression was gradually increasing, and it exceeded 15 degrees in almost an instant.

"How far does this guy want to dive?" Conan has realized that the dive angle seems to be a bit large - if the dive is still accelerating when the dive angle exceeds 15 degrees, what angle does the pilot finally want the airliner to dive at? ?



"How many degrees do you want to adjust?" Chiba looked at the attitude indicator on the dashboard in surprise.

"45 degrees," Takamori Sadaji said indifferently. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if the plane dives at 60 degrees. I only dive at 45 degrees now because I'm just a little restrained considering the possible damage to the end of the plane."

Saying this, Takamori Sadaji finally started to push the lever forward again, and pushed it all the way to the front. "Prepare for positive loads!"

Speaking of this, Takamori Sadaji had gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on the lock indicator of the front landing gear.


First class.

The almost crazy engine sound fills everyone's ears - although the plane is now diving at a large angle, the angle is so large that all passengers have begun to use their hands to support the front seat to relieve the seat belt application. There was pressure on the waist, but an expression of relief immediately appeared on all faces.

Ayumi's face already showed a painful expression-because her hands were not long enough, she couldn't hold the front seat with both hands, so the seat belt had been strangled at her waist. At this moment, he realized that there seemed to be someone beside him who could be caught, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed Conan next to him.

"Ah—" Because Ayumi's action was to grab Conan's body tightly, and to relieve the pressure on her in this way, Conan was under the pressure of the two of them. After a brief moment of surprise, he immediately realized what was going on, so he immediately grabbed the back of Ayumi's chair to relieve the pressure. And the price of this posture is that Ayumi almost got herself into Conan's arms without any hindrance, and Conan, who had tried his best to grab the back of the chair, had completely lost his ability to judge. The only thing left for the man who crashed into his arms was the instinct to hold on—until the plane finally leveled off.



"I think we have to prepare ourselves mentally," Takamori Sadaji said in a deep voice. "Unbuckle your seat belt and get ready to take over."

In front of them, the indicator light of the nose landing gear still did not light up, but they probably had no chance to try again - the previous dive had already cost them 130 altitude (13,000 feet, about 4,000 meters. ), and the remaining height is only about 95. Considering that the hydraulic pressure of the aircraft is now out of use, and it can only barely rise by power, it is quite difficult to rise again to a position where a larger gravity throw can be performed.

In other words, they had to figure out a way to land without the nose gear.


First class.

"Huh—" Makiri, who was still a little groggy, held his forehead and walked back from the direction of the, do you have anything to eat? I feel like my stomach is going to cramp..."

"What to eat?" Yaguchi Masashiro immediately rummaged through the bag. "Is chocolate okay?"

"Okay," Mu Shuli nodded. "Chocolate will do..."

After Yaguchi Masashiro rummaged for a few times, Ferrero, a small three-ball, was taken out, and after three times and two tore off the sealing tape, Yaguchi Masadaro handed it to Makiri. "Give you."

"Well," Maki took the chocolate, unpacked it, and threw it into his mouth. "Ah, it's more pleasant to have something to eat."

After speaking, Makiri, who had put on a happy expression, sat on the seat like this, chewing chocolate happily.

"I'm about to be broken by your waist," Conan complained rather discontentedly. "I'm really going to die if you hold on for a few more seconds."

"I'm sorry," Ayumi said rather bewildered. "My mind went blank at the time, and I caught you when I realized it."

Conan was about to say something, but suddenly he heard an exclamation in front of him.

When they looked forward, they saw that Mushroom had stood up from her seat again—her expression was grim, with one hand reaching out to the front of her body, while the other hand was desperately scratching the part of her chest. "Uh-"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at what was happening in front of them. No one knew what was going on. In the end, Mushuli's back suddenly straightened as if it had been electrocuted. In the end, he fell straight to the ground.

"!!!" Conan was startled, and subconsciously looked at Masashiro Yaguchi, who had just handed the chocolate to Makiri.

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