Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3343 Too bullying

"Just handle these matters yourself," Chi Feichi paused, then reminded, "Among the people we went to investigate Kusuda Rikudo's files today, Officer Takagi represents the Japanese law enforcement agency. I can influence He is a financial figure in the operation of his industry, and Mr. Mori is currently the most famous detective in Japan. Some people are unwilling to ask for help from the police, but are very willing to ask for help from Mr. Mori. Three such people went to the hospital to investigate Kusuda Rikudou and discovered the information in the hospital system. It has been deleted, but the dean still has not told us the fact that FBI agents have touched the system data, and until 8 o'clock tonight, he still has not tried to contact me, Teacher Maori or the police to give us a little hint. It proves that he is more determined to help the FBI conceal it, so we should pay more attention to it.”

Toru Amuro nodded, and a wry smile quickly appeared on his face, "No wonder you said 'too bullying' today. You are not talking about Kusuda Rikudo, but the FBI people and the dean, right?"

Chi Feichi was silent for a moment and said with relief, "Be clear about it, they are not just bullying you, they are bullying everyone responsible for security in Japan."

Amuro Toru was choked and wanted to throw a knife at Chi Feichi, but he restrained himself politely and restrainedly. He opened the food bag on the table and took out the food he had packed home, "You So, do you want to comfort me, or do you want to hurt me? After hearing what you said, I almost couldn't think about it anymore. I can still bear being bullied by them alone, and the domestic security department A large group of colleagues were bullied together, it’s really shameful!”

"This is definitely a comfort," Chi Feichi said firmly, "I mean, they can join forces to bully you, but you also have colleagues from the domestic security department, so you don't need to fight alone."

What the FBI does in Japan illegally is like having an elder relative come to your home. The other person enters your room on their own initiative without your permission or even asking for your opinion. Looking for what he wants among the items.

What people like the dean do is like someone in your family supporting the other person and helping them open your bedroom door, trunk door, and cupboard door.

The relative or the person who opened the door for the relative may also tell you - 'Don't be stingy, they just came to our house to look for something after they lost something', 'Don't worry, they don't like your three melons and two dates'... …

Isn't this bullying?

Yes, that annoying relative may not take your things away casually, but this is not a question of whether the things will be taken away, but a question of whether the other party respects you as an independent individual.

But having said that, when the US military was stationed in Japan, it was already difficult for Japan to exist as an 'independent entity'. This is equivalent to that relative already having the key to your house, and his brother may have arrived from time to time. I've been staying at your house for a while.

In this case, it's no wonder that when that relative enters your room, he follows you into his own home, without even considering whether you are willing or not... No, that relative won't even consider whether he should ask for your opinion.

In the eyes of that relative, he can make the decision.

Who makes him the elder?

This is the mentality and approach of Andre Cameron and Judy Stelling. They think they are here to investigate the organization's affairs and for justice. The reason why they did not tell the Japanese police in advance or Taking the initiative to cooperate with the Japanese police without seeking the consent of the security authorities in Japan is for better investigation. It carries with it the arrogance of 'I am your elder, so I can make decisions without your consent'.

If someone expresses dissatisfaction, the FBI may still find it difficult to understand - we are here for justice, why do you care about those small details?

Just like that annoying relative who came into your room, rummaged around in your room, found that you were dissatisfied, and said incomprehensively - what kind of privacy do you want as a child? Isn't it more important to get things back now? Why are you so ignorant?

Therefore, Amuro's bad attitude towards those in the FBI is not entirely due to Akai Shuichi.

In this matter, Amuro is the child who cleans his room every day, tidies up the things in the room every day, and wants to make his room better. Then one day, that annoying elder relative comes in without saying hello. I was rummaging through my room, and there were family members nearby actively handing each other the keys to the cabinet.

It just so happens that you have brothers who understand your family's situation and have the support of your family. If you use the legitimate reason of 'retrieving things', Amuro, a child, can only stand in the corner, clenching his fists unwillingly, staring, looking for I have the opportunity to say a few yin and yang words.

Even he felt that those people were too bullying and felt that he should comfort Amuro.

Children who carefully protect their own homes are cute, and are much better than those intruders and those who take the initiative to hand over the keys.

If he had said, "Be more liberal, it's not the first time I've done this," then Amuro would have really lost his mind and wanted to stand up and challenge him on the spot.

Although that is also true, it is too revealing.

He said, 'You're not the only one being bullied anyway', which didn't sound very nice, but at least changing the statement could make Amuro feel a little more relaxed.

"Okay, I'll just assume you're trying to comfort me," Toru Amuro put the cup of coffee aside helplessly and opened the food box, "Have you had dinner? If you haven't eaten yet, I'll Go to the kitchen and cook some noodles so that the two of us can eat together."

Chi Feichi took out the cigarette case from his pocket and said, "I had dinner before I came here."

"Then I won't be polite to you." Toru Amuro stopped being polite to Chi Feichi and picked up the chopsticks. "By the way, consultant, when did you get these two videos and computer operation records?"

"Some time after you started investigating the truth behind Akai's death." Chi Feichi answered, taking out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

This is also true.

During the time when Toru Amuro began to investigate the truth about Shuichi Akai's death, Noah wanted to collect information about Shuichi Akai, so he found traces of these two videos from the hospital's surveillance storage device, retrieved and saved them down.

As for the computer operation record, Noah also dug it out from the dean's computer.

"In other words, when I went to the FBI to test whether Akai was dead, you had already checked the hospital?" Toru Amuro lowered his head and ate while reflecting on himself, "Your movements are much faster than mine. , no wonder we were able to lock down Akai’s whereabouts so early..."

Chi Feichi wasn't sure what plot Amuro Toru had imagined, but he didn't explain it. He took out a lighter from his pocket and lit a cigarette.

As Toru Amuro ate his meal, he thought again and said, "It's a credit to hand over the contents of the USB flash drive to Team Zero. I think you should hand it in yourself. I won't interfere. You can hand it over directly." Give it to the public security committee member who is responsible for contacting you. Even if you don’t need a promotion or a bonus, this will make the person responsible for domestic security investigation owe you a favor. Don’t underestimate this favor. People who can be responsible for domestic security investigation are not simple. , when you encounter trouble in the future, the other party can help you a lot. "

"If you hand over the USB flash drive, not only will you get a favor, but you will also get a bonus and a record of achievements that will help you get promoted," Chi Feichi said. He changed his tone and asked, "Based on this, it's more cost-effective for you to pay it."

"But this is what you got," Toru Amuro stopped eating while laughing and crying, "You have helped me a lot, how can I take the credit from you again?"

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