"I have two comrades-in-arms who are also from Lincheng, and they are now also farming at home, and they used to be my squad leaders and platoon leaders. "

"I have a comrade-in-arms here in Jingzhou. "

"I also have a comrade-in-arms in Gaochun County. "

Chen Jianjun and the three of them spoke one after another.

This year, who doesn't have a few comrades-in-arms.

Now that Qi Tongwei is short of people, he can just call their comrades-in-arms over, and by the way, they can also pull their comrades-in-arms.

"All right, you can call them all!"

"I'll give you two hundred and eighty yuan a month. "

Now Qi Tongwei is as much as possible, and when he finishes solving some things here, he can also lay out other things.

"Good ......


Li Ping'an and the three of them showed joy on their faces.

There is the joy of seeing comrades-in-arms, and at the same time, there is also the joy of helping comrades-in-arms.

They were going to go and call them all tomorrow.

Soon, another few days passed.

They had four more strong men in their ranks.

Zhu Xiangdong's two comrades-in-arms, He Yi and Zhang Gui. Chen Jianjun's comrade-in-arms Li Cai and Li Ping'an's comrade-in-arms Wang Meng.

All four of them were placed on the side of the warehouse.

On August 15, the price of ginger soared to 2.67 yuan a catty.

On August 17, the price of ginger soared to 3.24 yuan a catty.

On August 20, the price of ginger soared to 4.19 yuan a catty.

In the blink of an eye, the time has come to September.

Qi Tongwei went to the school on August 31 to report to the school.

Because the senior year is mainly an internship, and there is also a thesis to perfect for college, there is basically nothing in other courses.

Qi Tongwei bought some eggs and visited Mr. Gao.

The rest of the time, I basically stayed in the warehouse.

He didn't even go to the video hall, he stayed in the warehouse to try to perfect the papers, and the rest was to prepare for shipment.

September 3rd.

The price of ginger has come to 8.9 yuan.

Zhu Xiangdong and the two brought the four comrades-in-arms they called.

Six people drove a tractor carrying three tons of ginger tightly wrapped in tarpaulin, towards the largest vegetable wholesale market in Jingzhou.

Qi Tongwei is not easy to come forward with this kind of thing.

He handed over all these things to Zhu Xiangdong and Li Ping'an.


"Wait until we get to the vegetable market. "

"Remember to put all the knives at your waists. "

Zhu Xiangdong, who was sitting on the cargo bed of the tractor, said to the four people.

"We know ......".

The four of them naturally knew what was sitting under their butts now, in the words that Qi Tongwei had been saying.

It's all gold under their butts.

Soon, Li Ping'an began to tractor to the vegetable market.

It hadn't been a few minutes since the tractor stopped.

"Young man, are you here to sell sand ginger?"

An old man in his fifties walked up to Zhu Xiangdong and the others, as if he had taken out a pack of cigarettes from his own hands, and scattered a cigarette among each of the six people.



Zhu Xiangdong took the cigarette and hung it directly on his ear.

Li Ping'an and the five people were the same, when they came out, Qi Tongwei specially told them not to eat cigarettes and things given by others.

Naturally, they also know that the hearts of people in this era are sinister.

Like this time, when they go out with a knife, if they just left the army, it is estimated that they will definitely not think so.

However, it is only clear after experiencing real-life beatings.

"How much ...... do you want".

Zhu Xiangdong asked with one hand on the tarpaulin.

The old man just smoked a cigarette and didn't speak.

Instead, he walked to the side of the carriage, and just wanted to lift the tarpaulin to take a look, Li Ping'an suddenly slapped directly on the tarpaulin

Because of the fact that his movements used to be large.

The scabbard pinned to his waist was quietly exposed.

The old man then glanced at the five big men around him, and he knew that this was a hard stubble, and the other party was also prepared.

"How many ...... do you want to sell".

The old man looked at the carriage covered with tarpaulins and asked casually.

"Naturally, it is the market price. "



The old man chuckled and left.

Seeing this, Zhu Xiangdong and the others didn't even have a word to stay.

The old man walked for about ten minutes, walked around and walked over again, and said in a flat tone: "I'll give you eight yuan." "

"Eight pieces and eight ......".

"Eight pieces and one ......".

"Eight pieces and seven ......


"Eight pieces and two ......".

The old man smiled and quoted another price.

"Eight pieces and five ......".

"Don't talk about it below that. "

Zhu Xiangdong didn't bother to continue withdrawing with him.

quoted the price of his heart.

The lowest price Qi Tongwei gave himself was eight yuan three.

If it can be sold for eight yuan and five, it is naturally the best.

"Come with me!".

"Give money first......


Zhu Xiangdong sat in the driver's seat and said coldly.

"I'll lose your money. "

"Who can say clearly these days? "

The old man didn't speak, but took out the 20,000 yuan wrapped in newspaper from his bag and handed it to Zhu Xiangdong directly.

Zhu Xiangdong directly handed the money in his hand to Li Cai.

Li Cai took the money, stood behind Li Ping'an, opened the newspaper and touched it.

Then he took it out and counted them one by one.

After a few minutes, he nodded to Zhu Xiangdong.

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