Mu Yao's pregnancy is very unstable, vomiting in three days and two heads, leg cramps and edema at night, these are all trivial things. The most important thing is that Mu Yao can't eat.

I can only rely on some rice porridge every day, even if the research of the hospital day and night did not let Mu Yao eat more.

Kangxi was anxious, after all, seeing Mu Yao getting thinner and thinner, for the current Kangxi, he already had many children, the

prince had decided, and there was no need to worry about no successor. Now he is not the old emperor in the future, plus he does have true feelings for

Mu Yao! When Mu Yao was five months old, Kangxi was secretly rubbing and asking if he could give up this child!

God knows how collapsed Mu Yao was at that time, and he couldn't wait to give Kangxi a big slap in the face to make him sober up.

Mu Yao herself is very clear that her baby was discussed with the hairball, three in one child, and directly gave birth to the child, saving time and suddenly getting pregnant.

It was also because the child's birth order was not right, which made Mu Yao suffer enough.

If she beats this child according to what Kangxi said, she will have to give birth three times !! three times later


Who can bear it!!

so Mu Yao resolutely rejected Kangxi's bad idea, and clearly said that she must give birth to this fetus

, and even in order to prevent Kangxi from secretly attacking, she directly told Kangxi that if this child was gone, she would definitely not take care of him!

Helpless Kangxi had to squeeze the Tai Hospital and let them come up with a way as soon as possible, after all, no matter how much you want to keep this child, Mu Yao's physical health also needs to be guaranteed!

At this time, Guo Luo Luo Mingyi outside the palace sent news that she had found a grandmother who was good at this, and

Mu Yao let her try it a few times and found that the shang food she made was really very useful, that is, the usual home-cooked food, but it made Mu Yao's appetite go a lot

Kangxi knew that he had rewarded a wave of Guo Luoluo's family, and it was also this wave of Kangxi's reward, which let other forces outside the palace know that Concubine Shugui in the palace still recognized Guo Luoluo's family!


Yining is alone in the palace, how lonely she is! How scared she is!" "It's all to blame Mu Yao! If it weren't for her, Yining would still be the emperor's favorite concubine, or as soon as she entered the palace, she would have caused Yining to fall out of favor and be grounded in that cold palace!" Guo

Luo Luo Mingyi looked at his Emiya sadly, how could he not think of why he had only been away from home for a few years, his Emiyao and Ama would become like this!

He went to see the courtyard where Mu Yao used to stay, not to mention the remoteness of the main courtyard, even the furnishings inside were simple and pitiful!

Not only that, in order to prevent Mu Yao from being favored, he actually personally set out to poison Mu Yao!

Mu Yao is your daughter, you actually hurt her three times and twice, just for that

Guo Luo Luo Yining?" Mrs. Guo Luo Luo looked at Guo Luo Mingyi with a stunned expression, and muttered: "Yining is your sister..."

Guo Luo Luo Mingyi's face became extremely terrifying, approached Guo Luo, stared into her eyes and said: "I only have Guo Luo Luo Mu Yao one sister!"

After speaking, he kicked the screen behind him fiercely, and after the screen collapsed to the ground with a loud noise

, Guo Luoluo Mingyi said coldly: "From now on, let the Fucha clan take care of the family!

Let's teach your younger brothers at home when you have nothing to do!" After

Guo Luoluo Mingyi left, Guo Luoluo's three official protections stood up, and he would be exhausted after walking only five steps.

"Zhifu, let's do this in the future!" After saying that

, Guo Luoluo's three official protection's backs went down, since Guo Luoluo Yining's murder of Mu Yao was exposed, Kangxi took Guo Luoluo's three official protection's zoe collar, and now he is idle at home, and even the affairs of the mansion are handed over to Guo Luoluo Mingyi.

This is also the reason why Guo Luo Luo Mingyi can pass news to Mu Yao alone.

A few days after Mu Yao learned about the events in Guo Luoluo's mansion, Su Dehai came to report early in the morning.

Mu Yao sat on the top, and the expression on his face was a little incomprehensible to the slaves in the hall.

They didn't know that Mu Yao just felt sorry for the original body, if it weren't for that so-called master, maybe he could have a happy life, instead of rotting in this deep palace!

After a long time, Mu Yao said lightly: "In the future, just contact the uncle, a few shops outside the palace, copy a list and send it over." "

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