On the sea, a huge ship is sailing, and on this ship, a gorgeously dressed blond man is sitting on a gorgeous lounge chair, holding a glass of red wine and swaying silently.

"Ah... As expected, this is life."

The man sighed, and behind him, a pair of blond twins looked at him speechlessly.

"Jason, we made you the deputy captain, not to let you be lazy here. Can't you be as reliable as Lin Ye?"

Listening to what the brothers and sisters said, Jason suddenly jumped up from the recliner and shouted with great excitement:"What's wrong, deputy captain!" The deputy captain means that if the captain is not here, I will be the captain!"

The Dioscuri Brothers and Sisters……

"Why are you... so excited... We just talked casually"

"How can it be casual! I can do what Lin Ye can do, and I can do what Lin Ye can't do. The captain should have been mine! You say it! Why can he be the captain!"

Polux Dioscuri""It's over, brother, Jason has been a captain for a few days, isn't he a little swollen?""

Castor Dioscuri" seems to be the sister of -."


I always feel that I am looked down upon by others.

But this is not the end, because there are more than just these two brothers and sisters on the boat.

Pollux:"Lin Ye can turn the world upside down, can you?"


Castor:"Lin Ye can predict the future, can you?"


Asklepios, the god of medicine passing by:"Lin Ye can kill gods, can you?"


Atalanta berserker, who has been silent for the whole time:"Besides, Lin Ye is more handsome than you."

"I'm not convinced by this! I, Jason, am also a famous handsome guy in ancient Greece, okay! right! Medea!"

Medea Lily, who had been sitting aside wiping her wand, looked at Jason, then turned her head disdainfully and stood next to Atalanta.

Although she didn't speak, her attitude said everything.


Jason sighed helplessly. Since there was Jason on the Argo, why was there Lin Ye?

After the large-scale simulation that year was over, the heroes of the Argonaut later gathered according to history. Although Lin Ye did not appear, everyone still considered it because of the memories brought by the simulation and the real benefits gained. There must be a leader, so Jason was considered the deputy captain. Then everyone made a strategy according to the content of the simulation at that time, arrived at Colchis, and met Medea.

Medea, on the other hand, helped them get the Golden Fleece without saying a word. After all, she also knew that they were Lin Ye's friends.

But to be fair, Jason was not convinced. After all, he actually led everyone to complete the trip. However, Lin Ye's status was higher than him in everyone's heart. How could he be convinced?

As for why Jason wasn't convinced and Lin Ye didn't go to fight with Lin Ye... Jason said that he was just dissatisfied and not a fool, so he fought with Lin Ye. Was he crazy?


Jason looked at the crew members in front of him. He patted his chest and promised everyone:"So, this time I will take you to complete a greater journey, and I will prove to you! Even if I don't Lin Yeshuai! Not as strong as him! Not as good as he can see through the past and present! Not as proficient in encyclopedia as him! But! My leadership is definitely stronger than him!"

Pollux:"Sister, although what Jason said is very impressive, , but why do I always feel that he is so pitiful?"

Castor:"Yes, brother, seeing that he is so pitiful, let's help him. After all, he was the one who summoned us here with the Holy Grail."

So, Seeing the impassioned Jason, everyone present applauded!

And looking at everyone cheering for him, Jason also raised his head confidently. On the current Argonauts, Jason, Medea Lily, her senior sister Circe, Gemini Dioscuri brother and sister, Atalanta berserker, and the god of medicine Asclepius have been The foreign aid he sent out was Hector, the eight heroic spirits! This lineup is full of flying dragons! Tell me how to lose!

0Flowers requestedAnd what he didn't tell this group of people was that he not only summoned these Argonauts this time, he also summoned a powerful foreign aid!

At this moment, on an island, a two-meter-tall muscular man shot a huge wild boar to death with one arrow, and then expertly skinned it and started grilling it!

He is the 㡳 card summoned by Ia!

"This Jason, why did he summon Orion the Crown? Is he so lucky?"

Golden Deer," Lin Ye murmured in a low voice as he lay on the recliner shaking a red wine glass.

Clairvoyance EX, Lin Ye used it the moment he arrived at this singularity. After all, Kesu, who had experienced the Faranxi singularity, Lu incident and the beast Nero incident in Rome, he decided to be more cautious.

And after seeing everything with clairvoyance, he also felt quite helpless

"Jason... actually wants to take Argo on a circumnavigation of the world, and in order to become the first person to sail around the world, he has to deal with Drake first. What kind of brain circuit does Teemo have!"(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But think about it, Jason's idea is really right. After all, although it is said that Columbus was the first person to complete the world travel, everyone knows , Columbus died halfway through the voyage, and it was Drake who really completed the voyage.

"Alas, what should I do if my little brother is not convinced? Just give him a lesson."

Lin Ye sighed, then turned to look at Matthew, who served as helmsman, maintenance worker, navigator, musician, ship's doctor, and cook, and asked

"Matthew, how far are you from your goal now?"

"Captain, five minutes left!"Ma Xiu replied seriously.

After listening to Ma Xiu's words, Lin Ye stood up from the recliner. He drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, then waved his hand and said

"It's time for you to come out, my crew!"


The second method is activated! The next second, accompanied by a burst of space fluctuations, several figures walked out directly!

Achilles! Hercules! Medusa! Caenis!

The heroes of Argo, this This time, everyone came together.

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