Chapter 486 Amakusa Shirou is about to cry without tears.

Ten minutes ago, in the Sky Courtyard, a group of people were using magic to watch everything happening in the Thousand World Tree as if they were watching a movie. At this moment, Shakespeare could not help but sigh while watching.

"Empress of Assyria, I have to say that you are more like a caster than me. Your magic level is really too high."

Listening to Sabi's words, the empress just said unmoved:"That's a compliment. I only know a little bit about magic."

Shabi""To be too modest is to be proud.""

Sabi thought that the empress' magic level was very strong, but the empress shook her head,"I'm not modest. You think my magic is strong just because you haven't seen any stronger magic. Okay, let's take a look."

After the empress finished speaking, Amakusa Shirou, Zabi, Atalanta, Achilles and Little Sun Karna started to watch together. It was quite normal at first. Gold took Siegfried Astolfo blocked Astolfo, and then Astolfo resisted desperately, and even used his own spear that penetrated the death thorn, but~, in vain.

Achilles:"What is this! The same move he used was too weak. If it had been me, that Siegfried would have been dead!"

Achilles is not exaggerating, he does have this strength. On the other side, Amakusa Shirou looked at Achilles curiously and asked

"So Achilles, I never understood, what's the connection between Astolfo and Achilles? Why do you all do the same thing? Also, if I remember correctly, shouldn't the Spear of Death Thorn be Cu Chulainn's signature move?"

"this……"Listening to Amakusa Shirou's question, Achilles also said in confusion,"I don't know that. After all, I learned the spear that penetrates the thorns from my uncle... Wow! Uncle!"

Achilles While Si was explaining, he suddenly saw Lin Ye coming to the rescue on the screen! In an instant, others were stunned!

Seeing Lin Ye appearing, especially seeing the command spell in Lin Ye's hand, Amakusa Shirou was also quite shocked:"This... is Achilles's uncle? How is it possible? How could he appear here!"

And What shocked Amakusa Shirou even more was what came next! Because Achilles shouted out Lin Ye in shock! The next second, Karna, Atalanta and Semiramis also shouted at the same time

"Lin Ye!!!"x3!!!

Amakusa Shirou???

After calling out Lin Ye's name, the four of them looked at each other and shouted at the same time

"How do you know Lin Ye!"X4!!!

"What is your relationship with Lin Ye?"



_ It’s too late. So Sabi asked

"So everyone, who is Lin Ye? or? Can you each tell us about your relationship with Lin Ye?"

Amakusa Shirou also looked curious.

It wouldn't be surprising if Achilles and Atalanta met Lin Ye at the same time. After all, they are both heroes in ancient Greece, and they are not much different in age.

But Gal from the ancient seal Na, Semiramis of Assyria! Your span is a bit big, right?

"Let me go first."Achilles is not polite. After all, he always calls uncle and uncle. There is nothing bad to say about his relationship with Lin Ye.

"My real name is Achilles, and this name was given to me by Lin Ye, because my father Peleus is the hero of Argo, and Lin Ye is the captain of Argo, so my uncle takes good care of me."

Amakusa Shirou, huh??? The name Achilles was given to you by Lin Ye! I've learned a lot.

On the other side, Atalanta also said directly:"I don't have anything to say. Argo's crew, and Lin Ye is my husband"

"What!"Semiramis couldn't sit still when she heard this. Good guy, the man I didn't get is actually your husband?

Semiramis looked at Atalanta up and down.

Whether this Atalanta is in shape or appearance, How can he be better than me! Why shouldn't Lin Ye be my husband?

But Semiramis still gritted her teeth and said,"Lin Ye... is my master."……"

No, I can’t say Master, so aren’t I a generation inferior to Atalanta? How can this work! Anyway, Lin Ye didn't say he would accept him as his disciple!

"Lin Ye is my counselor. It is because of his help that I can become the empress."

After Semiramis finished speaking, everyone looked at Karna again, and Karna didn't hide anything. He said directly.

"Lin Ye………He should be my life mentor. He helped me find the direction of life, and at the same time, he always encouraged me and supported me silently from behind. He was by my side when I was at my lowest, and by my side when I was most confused. He was by my side when I was most close to death."

0Please give me flowers0Shabi

:"So...are you sure it's not you from the other side? ?"


Before Sabi could finish speaking, two spears, a bow and a chain were directly pressed against his throat.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will send you directly back to the Hall of Valor!"


"I was wrong! I take it back."

Good guy, I almost died after just teasing you. What bad words can you really say? These four guys are not going to tear themselves into pieces!

And Amakusa Shirou also quickly stood up to break up the fight:"Ahem, don't be impulsive, Sabi doesn't mean any harm. , he is simply a bitch."

Hearing what Amakusa Shirou said, everyone put down their weapons.

Seeing everyone stop, Amakusa Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, but having said that, they didn't expect that Lin Ye held such an important position in their hearts.

"This is troublesome."

Everyone continued to watch, and then there was the scene of Astolfo hugging his thigh, and the scene of Siegfried and Lin Ye reminiscing about the past.

Amakusa Shirou……

"So...why does Lin Ye know so many people! What's going on with Astolfo and Siegfried! These are two completely different places!"

"SIEGFREY I know. Atalanta suddenly said,"Some time ago, we joined forces to save humanity in a place. This Siegfried is a companion of Lin Ye's camp.""

"Save humanity! As expected of him!"Karna's eyes suddenly lit up.

On the other hand, Amakusa Shirou looked at Achilles who had already started to pack things and asked

"Achilles, what are you doing?

Achilles, on the other hand, said without raising his head,"Of course I'm going to pack my things and go to Lin Ye.""

Amakusa Shirou... where is my previous Achilles who was blaming the sky, the earth, and the air? This Achilles! It's definitely a fake!

And Achilles feels like it's natural.

What a joke!

He He dares to fight Racules! He also dares to fight Chiron!

But Lin Ye presses Shen Gan with all kinds of meanings when he disagrees! Even if you give him the courage, he won't dare!

That's not brave! That's seeking death. Ah!! One!.

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