He was a somewhat old and stooped man. Although his spine was no longer so straight and his skills were no longer so strong, at this moment, he was still a swordsman.

The biting murderous intent was concentrated in the dark night. The drunkard shivered subconsciously. After sobering up for a while, they swallowed and raised their hands to make an innocent expression.

The old father snorted coldly and continued to follow his daughter to protect her.

In the deserted streets, what happened before seems to be constantly replaying before our eyes.

When Alina and her old father arrived, it was still an empty night.

Only the breeze blew their cheeks.

The old father looked at Alina with questioning eyes. Alina thought for a while and suddenly said: "The other party said, let us wait for him here at three o'clock in the afternoon?"

"Noon? Three quarters?" The old father frowned. He thought about the meaning, but he had never heard of such a unit of time.

Luo Ya, who had just arrived here, secretly thought that something was wrong. He subconsciously moved the time measurement unit of the previous life to this place. Fortunately, he was bored and came out early. If he had waited until he arrived here at the agreed time, he would have seen In the empty streets, both parties will have an unpleasant memory.

I just don't know if I don't know, but after a little pondering, I roughly know the time. After all, there are not many time periods that can be called noon, so I am definitely not too late, and I should be a lot early. ‘

But, do you want to keep waiting like this?

After thinking for a moment, he finally decided to wait. It was worth spending a little time waiting for an opportunity. Because he didn't have a master, he knew how many detours could be avoided with a strong and reliable master.

The two of them just waited in silence.

Luo Ya was also very curious to see how long the other party would wait. As the saying goes, only hard-earned things are the most cherished.

He deliberately whetted the other party's appetite, so he kept watching silently.

As time passed, Alina and others yawned, her face fell, she squatted on the ground and buried her head, falling asleep in a very strange posture.

Roja raised his eyebrows, but estimated that the time was almost up.

So Roja slowly emerged from the darkness. The dark coat danced with the night, but Roja still didn't show his true face, nor did he use the conspicuous yellow-haired character.

The old father, who was a little tired at first, was slightly stunned, and his heart trembled when he saw Roja who suddenly appeared.

He didn't notice the other party's existence until the other party appeared in front of him.

Subconsciously, he held the hilt of the sword hanging on his waist with his left hand and looked at the opponent warily.

Luo Ya did not take the other party's vigilance seriously. He said solemnly: "Weak person, I want to accept your daughter as a disciple."

Alina suddenly woke up, and what she saw when she raised her eyes was Roja dressed in black. She asked with some uncertainty: "Are you the person from the morning?"

Roya did not reveal any more information.

In fact, this is indeed the case. He changed his perspective.

The dragon god and the human god have been engaged in a duel for hundreds of years. He claims that this is not too much.

The old father fell into silence, and Alina's originally sleepy face suddenly became energetic.

"The last evil?" Alina's eyes widened.

"There are too many sufferings and too many disasters in this world, but how do these compare to the destruction of the world?" Roja's cold voice floated on this street. The spring breeze blew by, but it could not blow away this wave. A sad voice that has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Luo Ya was not being alarmist. The purpose of the human god was too evil. He was surfing the Internet to ask the prostitute, and he almost knew the details of this guy.

This guy has a dark history of destroying four worlds.

But the voice of the man in front of him was calm and had an unspeakable charm. In order to show the reliability of his words, Roja even condensed the phantom of the devil.

The huge dark shadow of the demon gradually solidified, an ominous aura overflowed, and the sky was burning with demonic flames.

The jet-black windbreaker kept fluttering, and a strong ominous aura almost overflowed, which made the father next to him twitch his eyelids.

"Human God!" The man in black replied with a pitiful and hateful voice.

At this time, the father already regretted letting his daughter find a so-called backer, maybe she was not looking for a devil.

The man in black robe stretched out a hand and placed it in front of the white-haired Lolita. He said in a deep voice with his unique voice: "Become my disciple, join us, and fight against the source of evil in this world."

Alina's dull hair stood up at this time, and her burgundy eyes were like fine wine that had been aged for many years, making people immersed in it.

She subconsciously wanted to reach out, and her intuition told her that as long as she took the hand of the young man in front of her, everything in her future would change drastically, but her reason told her that she could not touch him. The man in black robe in front of her was like a Pandora's box. When she opens it, she will get something unexpected, but at the same time, she must pay the price.

The father opened his mouth to say something, but looked at the five-meter-tall shadow of the devil behind the man in black that exuded a faint divinity, and finally fell into silence.

The final result had seriously exceeded his expectations.

Dad is just a small person. How can he understand the words of people in black robes such as gods and humans? He only knows that there are seven great powers in this world. The first great power is: "God of Technology" Laplace (complete form) , the second power: "Dragon God" Orsted, the third power: "God of War", the fourth power: "Demon God" Laplace, the fifth power: "God of Death" Randolph Marion, The sixth great power: "Sword God", the seventh great power: "Northern God".

And all these he learned from an ancient book. He had never heard of human gods, but neither human gods nor the seven great powers were something that a small person like him could participate in. Subconsciously, his father wanted to stand Come out and say to Alina: "Let's go back."

Seeing that the other party was reluctant to reach out and take his hand, Roya's eyes flickered, and the dark magic flame completely enveloped Roya's body. He spoke again: "You only have one chance, and you can only have one chance this time." , I am not an unreasonable person. I have seen your future. Your future is not easy. It can even be described as miserable. I know what you are hesitating about. Join us and I will give you strength to protect your family. The power, the power to do whatever you want, I will not restrain you, but you must complete the task I asked you to complete, and this is my only condition."

Alina remained silent. The more the other person said this, the more terrifying and weird she felt.

If people don’t like writing like this, they won’t write like this anymore.

The author hit the second grade.

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