Alice is actually not very talented in magic. Knowing a little magic is just the icing on the cake, and her talent in swordsmanship is undoubted. Compared to her path in magic, Roja is actually more optimistic about her swordsmanship. on the road.

Of course, it's not that the other party's talent is not good, it's just that compared to her talent in swordsmanship, Alice's talent in magic can only be considered average.

Thinking of this, Roja felt that it would be better for him to be honest, but he held back the words.

It's rare for the other person to be interested in learning magic, so how can I dampen the other person's interest?

And knowing a little low-level magic will be convenient for future life.

For example, making a fire or boiling water is actually quite good.

Just like learning, in fact, most of the knowledge is not very useful in life. After leaving the society, it is basically returned to the school. Only the part of the knowledge that is often used will be retained.

Learning shouldn't be so utilitarian, so Luo Ya didn't say anything offensive.

Roja comforted the girl and said, "It's great that Alice can reach this level when she casts magic for the first time."

Rudeus was not happy when he heard this. He looked at Roja with a pair of green eyes.

Recalling what Roja said when he asked about magic: "How can magic be such an inconvenience? Don't you know how to learn it yourself?" and so on.

Well, because the blow to him was too great, Rudeus was deeply impressed. However, looking at Roja's pleased expression, he no longer knew what to say.

The other party looks stupid, and he can't even cast a low-level water magic, but why do you show such an expression?

Obviously he always treated himself harshly, but he treated Alice like a different person.

Thinking about the sadness, Rudeus couldn't help but feel sad and heartbroken. Only Roya's praise could erase this unforgettable pain.

In response to Roja's compliment, Alice's slightly depressed expression disappeared and returned to a proud expression.

He folded his arms and looked proud.

Rudeus couldn't hold back his anger, and he deliberately shouted: "Brother Roya, how do you think about my recent progress in magic?"

Roja nodded in surprise and turned his gaze to Rudeus. He asked strangely: "Has your magic improved again?"

After thinking for a moment, Roja nodded and said, "Okay, let me see your recent progress."

Rudeus began to imagine the appearance of rocks, and rocks began to appear in his hands. Then, under Rudeus' deliberate control, they quickly rotated, and finally were launched into the distance. Rock cannonballs, which Rudeus was more skilled in. Of course, the principle of magic is similar to that of gunfire.

The bullet comes out of the chamber because the primer burns quickly and ignites the propellant in the cartridge (cartridge). The propellant ignites instantly, and at the same time generates high temperature and high pressure, which squeezes the projectile (warhead) out of the cartridge. At this time, the projectile is Driven by the high pressure generated by the propellant, it moves forward, is squeezed by the rifling, causes rotation, and is finally pushed out of the cartridge chamber.

The same principle applies to Rudeus' rock cannonballs, which continuously rotate and accelerate, constantly increasing the speed when launched, to create extremely fast and shockingly destructive power.

Roja looked at the rock cannonballs that were speeding away into the distance and finally disappeared without a trace.

Roja fell into deep thought.

Of course, Rudeus still had some tricks up his sleeve. He just wanted to let his elder brother know how powerful he was. He didn't want to shoot a hole in the sky.

Alice looked at Rudeus in surprise. She patted Rudeus on the shoulder earnestly and said like a big sister: "I didn't expect that your strength is not weak. Although Your swordsmanship is not very strong."

Roja nodded and said: "It's true, it's not bad, Rudeus."

Rudeus smiled. After so many years, his eldest brother finally praised him.

But the next moment, Roya's "but" made his smile gradually stiffen.

As the saying goes, the most fearful thing in everything is just two words.

Roja rubbed his head with a headache. He said this: "But your melee strength is really worrying. Even if you can launch such a powerful magic, if it is a sneak attack, You can’t even defeat an intermediate swordsman, right?”

Rudeus fell into silence, remembering the sword that flew towards him last night.

The biting chill was almost something Rudeus would never forget. It was the closest he came to death.

And at that critical moment, what he was thinking about was not catching the sword, but thinking about escaping.

This is due to his character. Although he has changed a lot now, he is still essentially the cowardly person who wants to escape when things happen.

Roja knew what was going on as soon as he saw the other party's expression. His nature was like this, so why did it change so quickly? But it was not just for Paul and the others, but also for Rudeus's sake. He could have shortcomings in close combat. But it can't be too obvious.

But how to change it is actually a difficult question.

Judging from Rudeus's personality change experience in the original work, every change is a torturous process.

After thinking about it, he was really not good at this kind of thing. After all, he could only rely on Rudeus himself for this kind of thing.

However, the opponent now has the strength of a saint-level magician, and the amount of magic power is about to reach the king level. This is also worthy of recognition.

Luo Ya cast his eyes on Alice, who was smug. He pointed at the yellow-haired guy next to him and said, "In the future, you must go all out when you compete with him, and try to beat him so hard that his parents won't recognize him."

Rudeus' face was full of question marks.

Roya patted Rudeus' shoulder earnestly, with an expression that said, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Instantly, Rudeus' face fell. Alice looked at his expression, slapped him on the forehead with disdain, and said loudly, "Rudeus, why do you always have such an expression?"

Rudeus was puzzled. He looked at the red-haired guy who was a head taller than him, and the yellow-haired guy who was several heads taller than the red-haired guy.

He couldn't help but wail in his heart.

Okay, okay, you guys play like this, right?

On Tuesday, you must read it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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