Although Anna and Kaguya still hope that the gambling club can be completely abolished.

But considering that behind the gambling club, there is the support of the Baiqiu family.

If you can't get the gambling club to be abolished through the usual methods within the school, it's best not to act rashly.

Otherwise, once it rises to the extent that it is beyond the scope of things within the school.

That's going to get a lot of tricky.

After all, from the point of view of power;

Although Kaguya is the daughter of the Sinomiya chaebol, she has little say in the Sinomiya family.

As mentioned earlier, if it was because of Kaguya, there was a conflict between the Sigong family and the Baihu family;

Then her future family status will only be more difficult to move forward.

As for Anna, her background can't be compared with these two major consortia.

Therefore, until we find a suitable method, we can only turn a blind eye.

But let's be honest.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Baihu family chaebol is a behemoth that is difficult to shake.

But in Zhou Mingyu's eyes, it is something that can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers.

But Zhou Mingyu is still thinking about Qi Luoli's cold sister and sister.

Gambling club or not, in fact, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a sister paper.

It just so happens that Kaguya-sama hopes that she doesn't want to do whatever she wants in the real world.

Zhou Mingyu planned to continue to keep the gambling club and have a good time with Na Qi Luoli.

After a few more small talks, I saw that it was almost time for class.

After saying hello, Zhou Mingyu got up and left.

And when Zhou Mingyu walked like this, he still looked a little sabre-rattling just now

Kaguya and Anna, who are in a-for-tat confrontation again, have suddenly become happy sisters again.

gives people the feeling that it is more difficult than gold, not to mention that it is more difficult than gold.

Of course, both of them kept silent about Zhou Mingyu.

I'm afraid that as soon as I mention Zhou Mingyu's name, I'm afraid that these two sick girls will have to compare and contrast again.

Zhou Mingyu's side, what he was going to take was an elective course.

If nothing else, I can be in the same classroom with Kitagawa again.

So, Zhou Mingyu took Kitagawa and sat in the last row of the classroom secretly.

It's very warm and intimate, helping Kitagawa rub his legs and massage the acupoints.

Those beautiful legs wrapped in white silk naturally made Zhou Mingyu love it.

As soon as he thought of Anna's sprite-flavored drinking water, Zhou Mingyu was a little nervous.

It's no longer satisfied, and only helps Kitagawa massage.

Suddenly, Zhou Mingyu made a seemingly inadvertent move;

made his pen fall off the desk with a 'click'.

Zhou Mingyu immediately said in a loud voice, "Classmate, can you help you pick up the pen?"

Kitagawa didn't think much about it, leaned down, ready to pick up the pen...

Zhou Mingyu had already used magic as an intermediary to get in touch with the space gem on the Infinity Gauntlet out of thin air.

Through the space gem and the reality gem, a barrier like a single glass is created in the vicinity.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, both of them are obediently listening to lectures and taking notes.

It wasn't until the end of class that Kitagawa finally found the pen that had fallen somewhere.

Only then did he get up and hand the pen to Zhou Mingyu.

Zhou Mingyu pretended to speak out, "Thank you, classmate, for helping me pick up the pen." "

Kitagawa replied in a hoarse voice, "No... You're welcome..."

After all, the average distance from a woman's front teeth to her throat is ten centimeters;

Incisors to the vocal cords, with an average of fourteen to sixteen centimeters;

The depth of the oral cavity, with an average of seven to eight centimeters, has a maximum volume of ninety-two milliliters.

Revisit it again, after having a little common sense about the mouth.

It is not difficult to understand why Kitagawa's voice is a little hoarse.

Although Kitagawa has long mastered it, a variety of ventilation techniques have not been choked.

However, the front teeth to the vocal cords are only 16 centimeters at most, which is obviously not enough.

This is a problem that cannot be solved empirically.

I can only say, get used to it slowly.

However, Kitagawa was injected with countless black light viruses.

Not only physical fitness, has far surpassed ordinary people, but also has a certain amazing self-healing ability.

It is estimated that in only seven or eight minutes, her vocal cords will be repaired as before.

In addition to Kitagawa, there are also Yumeko, Saotome and Lilika, the three heroines of R on campus.

Zhou Mingyu naturally wanted the rain to be even, but he couldn't leave them out in the cold.

So, as long as there is a chance, Zhou Mingyu will take turns to take the sisters;

Or to the rooftop, or to the warehouse, or to the toilet;

Or the most exciting, but also the most uncomfortable infirmary.

This classic map, all walked through one by one.

Among them, I have to say that Lilixiang still has a lot of potential.

But no, it's just that it has potential.

Because after taking off the mask, Lilixiang is the same as Wiz, a soft and cute girl with a weak personality.

can only be honest and let all kinds of bullying.

A morning passed, and it was time for the lunch break.

Take your phone out of your pocket and send a message to Anna.

"President Anna, are you there?"

The message was immediately read, and then it was replied in seconds

"What's the matter, Hastyfami-kun. "

Zhou Mingyu edited a text message and sent it;

"It's okay, I'm just a little curious, what kind of ingredients are used to make the cookies I eat in the morning. "

"It tastes good. "

Anna's message again, visibly happy to the naked eye;

"Really, do you still want to eat it?"

Zhou Mingyu smiled slightly, and replied to a text message.

"I want to eat it, but I'm more curious about how the cookies are made. "

This time, Anna didn't reply to the message in seconds.

After all, the raw materials of that cookie are really a bit difficult to get their hands on.

Zhou Mingyu continued to send messages, "What's the matter, President Anna?"

"Don't you want me to know about that cookie and any other exclusive recipe?"

Anna replied, "No..."

Zhou Mingyu took advantage of the victory to pursue: "Then if you are free today, you might as well teach me how to make cookies." "

PS;Kneel and beg for flower tickets~

The better the data, the faster the car, really begging

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to rush immediately(Event Period: August 10 to August 20)

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