"Okay, come on. "

The football game began.

On the court, Inushu Xiu began to serve, kicked out and flew in the air in a perfect arc.

Kazumi looked up at the sky on the field, shaking his head left and right to confirm that the direction had just stood on tiptoe.

"Ahhh!!" The

shoelaces on his feet broke in an incredible state of existence, and then he fell to the ground.

(Wouldn't it, was Kazumi so unlucky when he first came on?)

). The ball landed and rolled to the enemy's feet, but fortunately Shiraishi appeared from nowhere and passed the ball to the other player.

"Kazumi-san, are you okay.

Shiraishi asked with concern after helping Kazumi up.

Kazumi stood up and thanked him: "Thank you, Shiraishi-san." "

............ The game continued

, and then, on another pass, Kazumi was squeezed out by the opposing person, just in time for unknown reasons, suddenly a stone was there, ready to step on.

(Not too outrageous)

Qi Mu still removed the stone.

After Hequan stood firm, the ball moved to his feet, and then Hequan began to exert force, but the moment he made his foot ready to kick the ball, a small wind blew the ball, a little to the right, He Quan's foot fluttered and fell to the ground.

(It won't be.)

"It was really unlucky to start out so quickly.

"I hope that Kazumi-san can hold on to this game and won't get hurt too much after the match."

Shikimori and others, who had not yet started the volleyball game, were also watching.

Finally, Kazumi stood up and chased after him, and Kazun stood next to the door frame to help the goalkeeper defend, his foot was on his side, he almost fell, but fortunately he stood firm.

But the enemy had already shot in the direction behind Waizumi.

"Pay attention to Kazumi-san.

"It hurts, it hurts, come on?" [

Waizumi looks at your head]

Kazumi stands up. I thought someone was cheering for him, but when I heard Qi Mu's voice, I looked back and saw a football flying towards him.

(Not if you get hit.)

Then Qi Mu controlled the ball with his mental power, flew towards the door frame, and deviated from the direction.

(Oh, I shouldn't have shot, but if I continue like this, the injury will be serious, and I won't shoot again in this game.)

Saiki thought it was safe, but he bounced back to the front of Kazumi, and Kazumi fainted.

(Really fake.)

Inushu Hide: "Waizumi!" Shiraishi: "Kazumi-san!"

Everyone walked over, but Saiki still appeared and carried Kazumi on his back.

Nagisaki Kubo: "Saigi-san?"

"Saiki and Izumi..."

Saiki glanced at the crowd around him [I'll just take him to the infirmary, and then the game will be up to you.] [

And Kubo-san and Shikimoru-san, let's go to the competition first, and you're ready to start.]

Finally, Qi Mu carried Kazumi and walked to the infirmary, and after everyone was stunned for a while, what should they do.

After a long time in the infirmary, Izumi woke up to look at Saiki and was stunned for a while, then asked, "Saiki-san, did I pass out again?

Qi Mu picked up a bottle of water and handed it to Kazumi [you don't have to worry about the competition, drink the saliva first] Kazumi

Yu took a sip and stood up: "I feel that my body is already better, thank you, Saiki-san." "

[It's nothing, I just sent you to the infirmary, and the teacher wasn't there.] Just

now, Saiki had already used his recovery ability to heal Kazumi's body, and he hadn't suffered any serious injuries.

It's just that just now Qi Mu saw that He Quan had other wounds on his body, which were already old injuries, and knew what he had experienced before.

[If you're going to play, go for it, it's still time.]

"Thank you, Saiki, I'll go first. After

thanking Izumi and Saiki, they left for the match.

(Oh, if it's still in such a hurry, you'll get hurt.)

Then Saiki came to the scene of the volleyball game and basketball game, and the basketball game also came to the end.

Hachimanjie didn't know if he was using all his strength, and he looked like he was panting and running as if he was paddling outside, but his face still maintained his usual expression.

Then the ball came into Shiina's hands, and after a turn and back, the ball fell perfectly into the basket.

The whistle sounded and the game ended looking at the victory score of 31:25.

[Oh, it doesn't look like it's easy to take.]

Qi Mu looked at the inside of the opponent's first-year C class, and there was still a soil burial.

[No wonder]

Saiki looks like he is still panting Shiina Madayu (is it really good to do such a strenuous exercise before the cold is good.)

Kubo and the others also noticed Saiki's arrival.

Shimori wanted to go over and say hello, but looking in Saiki's direction, she also looked in the direction and noticed Shiina Shinichi.

She must be clear about the angel in the mouth of this classmate, but she didn't expect Qi Mu to keep looking at her...

Kubo didn't care so much, walked over and broke Saiki's head back, looked at him, and looked at him: "Saiki-san, today's heroine is not Shiina-san, although he is very good-looking, but you should also pay attention to us."

After Saiki broke free, [what are you talking about, I just happened to be watching the basketball game end, I was supposed to cheer you on]

The code appeared melancholy behind the topic and patted him on the shoulder: "Saiki-san, are you familiar with Shiina-san?"

Shiki Mamoru looked at Saiki just now when he saw Shiina Shinichi's eyes, and he always felt that their relationship was not ordinary.

[I'm not familiar, I was watching Hachiman-san just now.]

"Oh ∽?"

[Then again, the game is about to begin.]

Nagisaki Kubo: "Yes, wait for the next topic classmates must help us cheer up, otherwise you plus you just went to see other girls, we will be angry." "

[Got it, got it. (

Really, it's just a look at others, is it necessary? If anyone becomes the boyfriend of these two in the future, it will be really miserable and the wife will become a strict manager.)

Hachimanjie came over breathlessly: "Qi Mu ~ classmate, you are also ~ here." "

[Hachiman-san looks very tired.]

Hisashi Maozaki: "It's really hard, Yaman, next you and Saiki will help us cheer on."

"Good ~ okay. "

[So who are your opponents?]

Shikimoru pointed to the blue-and-blue haired girl on the opposite side, and her eyes looked like a popular girl in the starry sky, "That's Wolf Valley in Year 7, and she's very strong."

Nagisaki Kubo pointed to the other. She is also blue-haired, but her eyes look particularly spiritual, and her eyes look like something is glowing: "That is a year C class Tachibana Silfinford seems to be very powerful, but people look a little strange." "

[Well, it doesn't seem like an ordinary opponent, but I think it's normal to say that you still can't win you.] ]

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