
The next second, the entire mine collapsed instantly, and smoke and dust flew everywhere.

"Cough cough cough......"

Luo Chen, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, squinted his eyes, covered his mouth and nose, and stepped back while desperately searching for the trace of the angry beast of Sareth.

It wasn't until the smoke cleared that Luo Chen, who had been on tenterhooks, finally saw the Raging Beast of Sareth again.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Luo Chen's originally worried heart was instantly relieved.

Not only did Luo Chen let it go, he even wanted to laugh at this moment.

Luo Chen had received professional training in his previous life. No matter how funny it was, he would never laugh.

Unless I can't help it


Sure enough, Luo Chen didn't hold back in the end. He pointed at the Sareth beast buried under a pile of rubble and laughed like a pig.

With the wisdom of the Raging Beast of Sareth, it was not difficult to see that Luo Chen was laughing at it.

So it struggled hard to get out of the rubble, but the rubble and wooden beams covering it were too heavy. Even if the Sareth Beast tried its best, it would not help.

"You say, why bother?"

Luo Chen smiled and walked towards the Raging Beast of Sareth, but in order to prevent the Raging Beast of Sareth from suddenly jumping out of the ruins, Luo Chen chose to keep a safe distance from it.

After all, it’s good to show off, but don’t be greedy!

"Originally, I was even willing to give up such a large piece of Sares Crystal and was ready to run away. Luo

Chen said while looking at the single horn on the forehead of Sareth's angry beast, and he felt greedy again.

"As a result, you refused to let me go and insisted on chasing me."

"Can't you live a good life?"

Luo Chen stood in front of the angry beast of Sares, asking and answering himself

"It seems that you are determined to give me this human head, oh no, this animal head."

"It's such a great gift, I'm embarrassed not to accept it"

"Then let’s take a look! Dark Sacrifice!"

"Dark matter!"

"Dark matter!"

"Dark matter!"

"Energy bursts!!"

After continuously throwing three pieces of dark matter at Sareth's Raging Beast, Luo Chen threw out an energy explosion with his backhand, and then turned his head.

Don't ask why.

Because a real man never looks back at the explosion!!


, just when Luo Chen was still in the pretense of happiness, lowering his head and pretending to light a cigarette, a crisp sound from behind immediately made his heart skip a beat, and he quickly turned around and looked at Sares. Angry beast.

At this time, Sareth's angry beast's body, including the horn on its forehead, was covered with dense cracks.

"Brother! Don't!"Luo Chen quickly raised his hand, as if he wanted to grab something that didn't exist at all.


The next second, the body of Sareth's angry beast exploded and turned into countless debris, scattered among the ruins.

And Luo Chen Chen stood there dumbfounded.

Even if he beat him to death, he would never have imagined that the Raging Beast of Sareth would be broken into pieces like this after its health points were cleared!

It was broken.....

For a moment, Luo Chen's expression was uglier than if he had eaten a fly while eating.

He seemed to see thousands of gold coins turning into a pile of yellow sand before his eyes and flying away in the wind.

"Depend on! Depend on! Depend on! What a sin!!"

Luo Chen knelt down on the ground and kept hitting the ground with his fists.

Then, the boss, a piece of Sareth crystal, just gone.


Woo woo woo......

After sitting on the ground and crying for a while, Luo Chen was still reluctant.

He chose to dig through the ruins to see if there were any surviving Sareth crystals!

Even if it's the size of a fist, oh no, a small piece the size of an egg will do, as long as it's not broken into pieces!!

Luo Chen spent a long time digging through the ruins, his fingers turned bloody, but he didn't see even a single Sareth crystal.

This made him feel depressed.

Just as Luo Chen was about to get up and leave, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, which immediately attracted his attention.

Luo Chen leaned over and picked up an irregularly shaped crystal from the ruins.

Although the shape is irregular, the overall shape is inexplicably symmetrical.

If I had to say it, it seemed like something called"original stone" in a game that Luo Chen played in his previous life.

I am super, original? ?!

At this time, the crystal in Luo Chen's hand was glowing with blue light. There was no doubt that it was the Sares Crystal.

However, compared to the Sareth crystal that had grown on the forehead of Sareth's Raging Beast before and was longer than Luo Chen's forearm, the piece in front of him was not even as big as an egg.

The huge gap couldn't help but make Luo Chen feel depressed.

But fortunately, compared to getting nothing, this Sareth crystal still gave Luo Chen some comfort.

Just kidding, a little mage who is less than level 20 can survive the pursuit of a level 40 monster and complete the counterattack, and also got a small piece of Sares crystal.

What else do you need to drive directly?

PS: (Please collect, ask for flowers, ask for reviews, ask for monthly votes, ask for rewards, ask for everything!!!)

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