Although he already had an arrangement in his heart, it didn't affect him to use it until then.

Although the energy intensity of the fire source is at the upper limit, there is a good saying that the older a man is, the more middle two he is, and the one who dies is a teenager.

What boy, or even man, can refuse a car that can transform into a robot seven or eight meters tall? Although Lin Yu himself did not open it, it did not prevent him from having it.

After making a phone call, within half an hour, a Ferrari with all the formalities and blue was delivered to the doorstep.

His palms brushed over the hood of the car, and he was satisfied with the streamlined bodywork.

After moving the car into the backyard, Lin Yu took out the source of the fire from the space he carried.

Then, the next moment, the moment the source of fire appeared, it was originally just a cold machine, but it seemed to have life, exuding some kind of rhythm similar to "boiling".

Without too much hesitation, Lin Yu held the fire source in his hand and gently pressed it on the hood of the Ferrari.

At the moment of contact, he clearly sensed that 02 sensed a strange, mysterious energy with a certain quality, transmitted along the source of the fire.

And the target was the sports car in front of him.

After a few seconds, the energy was like a ripple, centered on the location of the contact with the fire source, and quickly spread throughout the body.

However, the seemingly unrestrained energy did not overflow in the slightest, but was completely confined to the location of all the metal parts on the body.

After the ripples spread, the metal of the entire body began to surge, like a wave of metal, surging and tumbling.

Lin Yu let go of the fire source in his hand and took a few steps back, he wanted to see how far the transformers who had fully absorbed the energy of the fire source could go.

Ferrari, which had just received the energy of the Tinder, began to develop towards the Transformers at this moment.

He could clearly feel that countless faint consciousnesses began to be born in every metal part of the body, and they were individual consciousnesses, although weak, but numerous.

Immediately afterward, countless consciousnesses began to converge towards the location where the fire source had just been contacted, and slowly converged into a complete consciousness with self-thinking.

Right in front of him, a completely new soul was born on a completely lifeless "piece of metal".

The moment the consciousness appeared, the whole body also began to change its shape, of course, it may be more appropriate to use him or her at this time.

First the wheels, the hood, the engine, the doors...

Under Lin Yu's gaze, the original Ferrari turned into a twelve-meter-tall Transformer covered in azure blue and silver-white armor.

He had a greatsword hidden in the armor of his left hand and a cannon of astonishing caliber in his right hand, and his blue and silver-white body was solid and cold against the metal background, and his body exuded a violent beauty from top to bottom.


With the sound of metal slicing, the silver-white armor covering his face was opened, and the light of his eyes suddenly lit up.

Completely different from the mechanical life of Ji Kai, Lin Yu could clearly feel that although he was only a nascent Transformer, he had the most primitive and simple emotions in his eyes, rather than relying entirely on the program to drive his body.

The twelve-meter-tall metal giant knelt on one knee, and his huge hands held the fire source that was incomparably small to him and handed it to Lin Yu.

"Thank you to the Creator for giving me life, and I will defend your glory with my life!"

Lin Yu took the source of the fire, threw it into the space he carried, and nodded with satisfaction.

The finished Transformers were slightly more than he expected to be satisfied, and he was very satisfied with the first Transformers born in his hands.

"Have a heart, do you have a name?"

After Lin Yu took the fire, the Transformers changed from the posture they were holding just now to the etiquette of protecting their chests with one hand. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Give me a name, Creator." "Name..."

Lin Yu glanced at the blue and silver-white armor on his body, thought carefully for a while, and then clapped his hands.

"From today onwards, you'll be called Thunder."


Lin Yu could feel that the sound that emanated from the metal body carried obvious joy.

After carefully inspecting it again, he finally found the symbol of his thunder eye on the armor of Thunder's left arm, and couldn't help but sigh at the magic of creation.

Although Wild Thunder looks very powerful, his current strength is only at the fierce level, but because it is a pure physical attack, coupled with the energy reserves in his body, the destructive power at the physical level alone will far exceed the level of the fierce level.

And because of the full absorption of the fire source energy, the core of the wild thunder still has this deep potential to be tapped, and it will at least be a leader-level existence in the future.

As for the highest degree that can be achieved, it depends on time to give the answer.

"Usually keep the shape of the vehicle without my order, don't expose your body, I will arrange a suitable battlefield for you as soon as possible."


After speaking, the metal on his body surged, and the wild thunder changed back to its original body shape.

After looking at it again for a while, Lin Yu, who was originally scornful of the means of transportation, suddenly felt a little itchy in his hands.

He walked to the side of the door, without any 990 operation, the scissor door automatically flipped up, and the interior of the body automatically adjusted the seat and space according to Lin Yu's body.


After driving to the door, with Lin Yu gently clicking the accelerator, in a roar of the engine like a beast, the thunder instantly turned into a blue phantom, shooting out like a sharp sword.

In less than two seconds, we have reached the end of the road that is 400 meters long.

The car pressed down instantly, and the tires rubbed against the ground with a screeching sound, drawing a graceful arc on the narrow road, almost drifting against the wall and crossing a ninety-degree corner.

And what Lin Yu did was just step on the accelerator.

I have to say that the feeling of pushing back brought by this speed is not found in space jumping, and it is more like the feeling of rapid flight in comparison.

At this moment, all his previous disdain for transportation was left behind him.

What, you say I'm fickle? It's not a car, it's a mount! Do you understand the mount

However, this is an urban area after all, and Lin Yu still doesn't want to be too eye-catching after all, so he patted the steering wheel.

"Slow down a little, don't look too dazzling, and when you get to the suburbs, you can race as much as you want."

"Your will, Your Excellency the Creator."

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