The technology of the Super God Universe has developed very powerfully. In addition to divine body technology, there are also micro-wormhole transport technology, large worm bridge transition technology, and stellar energy drive technology. They are all very powerful technologies.

Xu Ye wanted to see if he could use some of the technologies that can be produced on earth now in exchange for some of the technologies that he needs.

“I can help you contact the Super Seminary and the head of the Chinese military.”Leina nodded.

There’s nothing wrong with being a matchmaker. You won’t lose anything anyway.

And since it’s a mutual exchange of technology, it must be a win-win situation for both parties.

If not, it should be called plunder.

Chat group There is an announcement about traveling through the world. If a group member does something bad to this world, the group member in this world has the authority to send him back to the original world.

“That’s no problem! Xu Ye pointed at the projection screen and continued:”The entire battlefield now covers the entire Tianhe City. In order to avoid the escalation of the war, Ainz Ooal Gown, you can use high-level magic to block the entire Tianhe City later. No problem, right?””

“Can!”Ainz Ooal Gown nodded.

To destroy the entire Tianhe City is a matter of magic. Let alone sealing Tianhe City, it is a simple matter.

“Well. Xu Ye looked at Zhongli:”Zhongli, you are responsible for cleaning up the Taotie troops who came out of the Taotie spaceship and entered Tianhe City. I am responsible for building strike weapons to destroy the cross-shaped vanguard flagship!””

When Zhongli heard the words, he nodded without saying anything. Instead, Reina listened to Xu Ye’s simple deployment in a few words and pointed at herself.

“what about me?”

I didn’t hear Xu Ye’s answer for a long time. One eye was big and the other was small. Reina just looked at Xu Ye.

This is the super god universe. It is nominally her universe in the chat group. There is a war in this universe. Didn’t she have anything to do?

Seeing this, Xu Ye touched his chin and thought for a moment:”You……Just be responsible for fighting guerrillas. Wherever there are gluttons, go there.”

Things have been allocated, and the allocation is to give all the members who come here a chance to perform. Otherwise, it is estimated that Ainz Ooal Gown alone can leave Taotie on the earth.

Under this situation, it is really difficult There is nothing assigned to Lena

“fight as a guerrilla……All right.”When fighting guerrillas, you just don’t have your own highlights, and that’s okay.

Although Reina is still a little unconvinced, for the sake of the Gauss rifle, that’s it.

Seeing this, Xu Ye looked at the people present A few of them looked at the group chat again and said:”By the way, I see that the chat group has a group live broadcast function. Let’s turn on the group live broadcast and let the group members also see our strength, so as to avoid group members appearing in the future. What is the problem? Misjudgment of our strength leads to regrettable things.”

Hearing this suggestion, several people present started the group live broadcast.

And Reina looked at Xu Ye and muttered:”Why do I always feel like you are criticizing me by name?”

I misjudged the strength of the group members, and then there was a war without telling the group members in the chat group. Doesn’t this refer to her specifically?

Although, she just felt that Taotie was not enough evidence….

【Group reminder: Group member”Zhongli” started the group live broadcast】

【Group prompt: Group member”Ainz Ooal Gown” started the group live broadcast】

【Group reminder: Group member”group member” Xu Ye started the group live broadcast】


【Mi Toma: Live broadcast, members of the humble group have finally not been forgotten this time! 】

In the house, Doma turned over on the bed and entered the group live broadcast function.

The group live broadcast is not divided into live broadcast rooms, but a whole virtual large screen is divided into four parts, displaying four different live broadcast contents.

【Mi Toma:”This live broadcast function is actually live broadcast simultaneously, so you don’t have to worry about missing a highlight shot.”】

【Ouyama Mahiro:”This live broadcast method is really good. Compared with the live broadcast software on mobile phones, it is simply weak.”】

【Emiya Kiritsugu:”6, there really are undead people.”】

Emiya Kiritsugu was a little surprised when he saw the skeleton in the group live broadcast, and he didn’t know if it was a fantasy species.

【Yinglili:”Is this really real???”]

In the daily world, Yinglili hides in her room and looks at the chat group that appears in her mind, always feeling a little unreal.

I haven’t done anything too tiring these past few days, so how could I have hallucinations?

【Mi Toma:”The newcomer finally emerged.”】

【Ouyama Mahiro:”Really or not, the chat group should have transferred some knowledge about this group chat to you. You will know it after a talent match.””】

【Yinglili:”Talent matching? Is this it? (Picture jpg.)”】

【Mi Toma:”Yeah, that’s right. With just one click, you can awaken your unique talent and the superpower that best suits you.”】

【Toma Mi:”By the way, Eiriri, is there a big boss in your world who can destroy a city at once?”】

【Eiri:”Destroy the city at once? Isn’t that impossible? No one can do it except nuclear weapons.””】

【Mi Toma:”It’s confirmed, the newcomers come from the everyday world just like us!”】

【Oyama Mahiro:”Humble group members +1!”】

【Mi Toma:”I suddenly thought of a question, another friend from the everyday world came here. Doesn’t this mean that the snack supplier staff +1?”】

【Oyama Mahiro:”According to the principle that the cake remains unchanged, there is one more person sharing the cake. This is indeed the case…….Group status -1!”】

【Yinglili:”Uh, sorry, sorry”】

Although I don’t know what I did, joining this chat group seems to have affected these two people.

【Tsuchima Mi:”Well, it’s okay, it’s okay. I was just joking. The big guys in the group are very talkative and don’t care about these things.”】

Even people from the everyday world can tell that the identity of snack supplier is just a name. The boss asked Li to help them develop the given identity.

Otherwise, happy water, and snacks like potato chips.

It’s not difficult to make these things. Goddess Reina and scientist Xu Ye can do it.

【Toma Mi:”@英丽丽, go and match your talents and see if you are a European emperor or a non-chief.”】

In the Sawamura family, Erili saw the urging and clicked on the talent matching function.

【Group tip: Group member”Yinglili” has successfully matched her talents and gained the ability”Tentacle Sensing””】

【Group tip: Group member”Esita” has successfully matched her talents and gained the ability”Absolute Thinking””】

【Emiya Kiritsugu:”It seems there are still divers.”】

【Mi Toma:”Indeed, but this”tentacle sensing””……This name is difficult to understand, and there is also”absolute thinking”. Is this changing one’s own thinking mode?”]

Tentacle sensing. Sensing is easy to understand. It increases sensitivity and so on. But why add a tentacle in front? Is it possible that this new member is a tentacle monster?

【Yinglili:”Tentacle sensing……It makes me understand the tentacles better and allows me to feel the tentacles like octopuses from some distance. This ability……It’s somewhat useful to me”】

Understanding the tentacles better would allow him to paint some indescribable things more smoothly.

Sensing tentacles from a distance……

This can be considered a superpower, but I don’t know what its use is.

Thinking about it, Yinglili sent the introduction of her ability to the group chat.

Immediately afterwards, Esta also introduced her abilities.

【Esta:”Sorry, sorry, I have been dealing with some things before, so I didn’t notice this chat group.”】

【Esta:”Absolute thinking allows me to change my thinking mode and think about a problem with all my strength. This ability is very helpful to me as a webmaster.””】

Thinking hard about a problem can increase the efficiency of work many times.

This ability is very helpful to her as the commander of the Black Tower Space Station.

【Tsuchima Mi:”@ESTA, I wonder if your world can destroy a city at once? (Curious jpg.)”】

【Esta:”Destroy a city……This doesn’t seem difficult, right?”】

【Oyama Shinhiro:”Isn’t it difficult? (Alert jpg.)”】

【Mi Toma:”Group status -1″】

【Tsuchima Mi:”I wonder what the boss’s world is like?”】

【Esta:”I took a look at your divisions of the world. My world should have all three.”】

Technology, there is a Star Destroyer in the Star Rail World.

Power, here are the Star Gods and the envoys who have gained authority.

Magic is also used by some people in developed civilizations, but it is relatively rare.

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