There are a lot of small toys around her.

Bamboo dragonflies, rattles, small puppets.

The production is not as beautiful as in the market and in the toy stalls.

The bamboo dragonfly is crooked, and the rattle rope is also of different lengths.

Frogs, puppets like little tigers, with crooked stitches.

At first glance, I know that it was made by a layman.

The little girl did not dislike it at all, holding a piggy puppet with an open thread in both hands.

His expression was numb, and his eyes were dull and empty, as if he had lost his soul.

At the entrance of the side hall, two palace maids guarding the door.

glanced at the room, with a look of pity on his face.

There is a pair of people talking.

"The life of the princess Wan'er is really hard, she was born until now, two and a half years ago, and she is still so stupid. "

"It's strange to say. "

"Our emperor, how high is your cultivation, how can you give birth to a child with a mentally incomplete mind. "

"And, no matter what the panacea, the magic hand can't heal. "

The palace maid on the left sighed softly.

In order to cure the princess Fang Wan.

In the past two years, Fang Lingxiao and Gan Qingyun have exhausted their methods.

exhausted all kinds of resources and connections of the Great Departure Dynasty.

Even at the expense of heavy treasures, he invited the elders of the Medicine Immortal Valley of the Northern Fall Domain to come over for healing.

But the result was still in vain.

According to the elder, it was the lack of an innate soul.

There is no help.

When these words came out of his mouth, she was basically sentenced to death.

And since then, the emperor and queen have ceased to be obsessed.

And Fang Wan also specially built a side hall for her next to the queen's bedroom.

It is convenient for the clouds to shine.

The other maid shook her head as well.

"Mother is such a good person, God is really unfair. "

"However, Niangniang really loves the princess. "

Not only did she have to cook all the meals herself, but even the children's toys. "

"You have to make it yourself. "

The two of them said this.

They all couldn't help but sigh.

This may be the only thing Gan Qingyun can do for her daughter as a mother.

"By the way, did you hear that noise in the sky just now? "

"I hear you. "

"I don't know what's going on, maybe it's the sound of a bird flying over. "

"Hehe, if you don't say that the good people of the mother have good rewards, look at the birth of the prince, how strong the momentum is. "

"In the future, it will definitely be Mingjun. "

"We're staying here, and we haven't seen the prince yet. "

"Don't worry, there will be a chance in the future, maybe you can still hug him. "


The more they talked, the more excited they became, and their faces were smiling.

Rubbing his hands excitedly.

But they didn't pay attention.

In the palace, the royal daughter Fang Wan who has been stupid all along.

The dull eyes were first full of confusion.

Then, a little light filled the eyes from the inside out.

The next moment.

In his eyes, there was a sudden burst of astonishing brilliance.

A low murmur.

From her mouth, faintly came out.

"The turbulent flow of time and space rotates, and the confusion in the womb is locked. "

"The tide above the sky, today I know that I am me!".


She slammed to her feet from the ground.

The small body shook slightly.

Although she doesn't have any cultivation yet.

But there is a terrifying aura that dominates the Eight Desolations and sweeps Liuhe.

From her body, emanating.

The eyes that originally did not have the slightest brilliance were as cold as frost at the moment.

Anyone who looks at these immature eyes can't help but feel ashamed of themselves.

There is even a terrible illusion of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, the heavens and the earth are blood-red, and the gods and demons are falling like rain.

It's just that this terrifying aura is just fleeting.

Soon, the aura on her body slowly disappeared.

It's no different from an ordinary little girl.

She stood still, as if remembering something.

After a while, there was a hint of luck on his face.

"It's dangerous. "

"The mystery in the womb of the ninth deity is so terrifying. "

"If it weren't for this tidal message of heaven and earth, it would open the heavens and the earth and shake the avenue. "

"Awaken my lost soul. "

"In this life, I'm afraid I can only spend it in a mess, and then completely fall. "

She patted her chest with her little hand.

Big eyes narrowed, and he let out a long breath.

The memories of the past two and a half years are also like flowing water.

It flowed through her heart.

She lowered her head slightly, looking at the toys scattered around her.

And the little pig puppet in his hand, which was sewn crookedly and opened.

The hands were subconsciously clenched hard.

"Is this the father and mother of the deity in this world?"

"It's so nice...."

She looked up at the top of the temple and blinked a few times.

Then, he looked at the queen's bedroom next door.

"Mother-in-law should be born today. "

"I don't know if it's for me to have a brother or a sister. "

"Go and see. "

"Although the tide of heaven and earth is faithful, the great world has arrived, and everyone should fight for it. "

"But the deity is not bad for this meeting. "

At this time, her soul has returned, and the avenue can be expected.

Naturally, the mood is good.

He walked towards the door.

I was still thinking about it in my heart, and my mother would see me for a while.

Wouldn't it be surprised to jump up.

Thinking about it, she stretched out her little short legs.


With one kick, he kicked open the heavy side hall door.

Swaggered out.

The two palace maids at the door are idle and bored.

The loud noise behind them startled the two of them.

I thought something was wrong.

As soon as he turned around, he happened to collide with Fang Wan.


A piercing scream followed!


"The princess, she.... She's coming to God!".


PS: Today's first update, there will be five more follow-ups.

Kneel and beg the bigwigs to vote some data, let me know that it's not a stand-alone machine, there are a thousand flowers today, a hundred evaluation votes, a reward, and ten changes immediately.

If you don't come out, you immediately scolded me in the comment area, and you will definitely add refinement to the top and not delete it.

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