Something terrible seemed to have happened before this, the two little people were tightly curled up in an inconspicuous corner of the room, and from time to time, little Mu Ziling's whimpering could be heard coming from the gap between the two.

I saw little Mu Ziye in the corner, like a little devil who just got addicted to blood, his mouth was full of blood and scars, his empty eyes were faintly mixed with a trace of fear, but deep in such fearful eyes, there was a coldness and sharpness that did not match his age.

But obviously he is also so weak, obviously his body trembled faintly because of fear, but his eyes never blinked, staring vigilantly at Bai Susu who was sitting not far away like a falcon, and even more tightly guarded the younger sister in his arms, murmured continuously in his mouth, comforting her.

"Ling'er, don't be afraid... Mother didn't leave us... Mother just fell asleep..."

"Brother won't hurt you, what you see is all fake...don't be afraid, it's all fake..."

"Linger is the most obedient... Linger, don't cry... Those are all fake, fake fake... Don't be afraid, brother will always protect you..."

I don't know how long Xiao Mu Ziye repeated words and murmured comforting words until Xiao Mu Ziling's crying gradually stopped, but she still buried her face deeply in her brother's arms, never daring to show her head.

The two small figures seemed to have suffered too much stimulation and injury, and finally couldn't hold on, and fell asleep one after another, but the boy's hands still held his sister tightly in his arms, as if no one could separate them.

the other side--

Bai Susu has a simple and elegant face, looking kindly, gentle and kind, but under such a hypocritical appearance, there is a frightening aura emanating from her, which is weird and rampant.

I saw that a large piece of clothing on her abdomen was torn to pieces, and it was covered with scarlet blood. There was a bloody wound on the exposed skin of her abdomen.

The wound was not deep, but a piece of flesh was lost. It looked shocking, but Bai Susu didn't seem to feel the pain at all, and there was always a motherly smile on the corner of her mouth.

However, this woman with a motherly smile on her lips seemed to turn a blind eye to the two poor little figures curled up in the corner at this moment, and seemed to be watching coldly, unmoved from the beginning to the end.

It wasn't until the room was so quiet that Bai Susu stood up from the chair, walked to the edge of the bed, and looked down at Li En on the bed, her pair of treacherous and deep eyes seemed to have turned into a black hole that sucked people in that instant, making people dare not look directly at her.

Bai Susu seemed to be watching a joke, her face suddenly became ferocious, mocking, chuckling——

"Li En, Li En, we are all degenerates in the world, why do you bother? I don't believe you hate or envy that bitch... Everyone says that bitch can save the common people with his kind hand, and is called the proud son of heaven, a legendary woman... She is the focus of attention wherever she goes, and attracts attention wherever she goes. Even the man we admire and love is willing to bow down for her..."

"'s really ridiculous. What kind of living dead and white bones, what is the world's peace in the world, are all her sorcery. I hate the ignorance of the world, and they are all blinded by her. It is so is still the same here...Why do you say that bitch? Why did Jun Lintian swear to be lonely for her in the name of love? Why is she?!"

"Do you think you can protect anything for her like this? Let me tell you, Li En, it's impossible, even if I go to the poor and Biluo, I will find her, and I will never die... She can control the stars and confuse the people, then I will destroy the stars, let her body and body be destroyed, and she will never be reborn..."

——The body and body are all destroyed, and they will never be reborn forever!

These words were like a cursed nightmare, lingering and lingering in Mu Ziling's seemingly real and illusory sleep, making her sleepy mood become restless and restless...


Jialuo Imperial City, Mu Mansion.

Over the houses in the deep part of the mansion garden, there is a cloud that seems to be mixed with green light, full of vitality, but it has covered the already dark and lonely night with a layer of dead silence that no one dares to care about.

In the room, Yue Linglong closed her eyes tightly, raised her head suddenly, and swallowed a bowl of green marrow spell in one gulp.

Normally, when pregnant, the body will gradually become bloated as the belly grows bigger, but at this moment, Yue Linglong's body looks extraordinarily thin and skinny. The only thing that stands out on her body is her big belly that is as indestructible as a rock.

The marrow curse entered her stomach, and her stomach, which seemed to be seven or eight months old, suddenly seemed to be churning wildly inside, making her not know how many times she had endured such painful cramping pain.

After the pain, the green skin on Yue Linglong's body gradually faded. She was sweating profusely, panting heavily as if she was dying after a catastrophe, and looked angrily at Aunt Su, who was always calm and calm: "I have suffered, I have endured the pain, and you still refuse to tell me, what's the use of conceiving this evil seed like this?!"

It has been less than three months since she was banned here, and she lives like a year every day, and every three days she has to go through such a torture that is worse than death, and because of that bowl of disgusting food, her stomach, which was originally only six months old, has been urged to grow by two months.

The hateful thing is that during these few months of living like years, she is like a puppet raised by Aunt Su, and she is obedient except for obedience.

Aunt Su came to supervise her every time she took the marrow curse, and then watched how she was strangled and tortured. She never expressed condolences, and after seeing her suffering every time, she left with a happy smile.

Just like now—

Aunt Su stood up from the teacher's chair, with a subtle smile flashing in her cool eyes, she didn't look at Yue Linglong, but walked towards the door and left, but an emotionless voice followed: "What's the use of this child, you don't need to know, all you need to know is that when the child is born, it will be your first day, just wait, that day will come soon."

Aunt Su's voice still echoed in the room, but she was gone.

Yue Linglong's emotions were not soothed by Aunt Su's ambiguous words, on the contrary, she intensified and became more and more angry. She stumbled out of bed, pulled out a long whip, went straight to the opposite side of the bed, and whipped viciously at a corpse erected by the word "ten".

Whip the corpse!

This corpse has long been dry like a stone, no matter how much she whips it, it will not be damaged, but it can make her feel extremely happy to vent her heart.

It was this man who could never be redeemed, who made her suffer so much humiliation and torture... So even if he died, she would make him restless day and night, and his soul would have nowhere to go.

It was like this that she could vent her anger and hatred, Yue Linglong's eyes were about to split open, and she was full of anger, venting it on the mummy that she had whipped thousands of times back and forth.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

In a dark night without a moon, the dark blue night sky is dotted with countless stars. The flickering stars are shining brightly, seeming to add some vitality to this lonely night.

Aunt Su stood in the yard, looking up at the starry sky, her dark eyes were full of reflections of the bright stars in the night sky.

However, in just a blink of an eye, the starlight in her eyes instantly dimmed, and quickly disappeared without a trace in her piercing eyes...


"As soon as the celestial baby emerges, the stars will die! Hahaha... once the celestial infant emerges, the body will disappear, and you will never be reborn... Hahaha..."

A rampant and sharp female voice, as if passing through time and space, penetrated into Mu Ziling's mind for a long time, and then pulled out her still beating heart bloody from her body.

pain! It hurts like suffocation!


Mu Ziling, who was sleeping, suddenly caught his breath, as if he was bound by something irresistible, his whole body was tense, his hands were tightly clutching the clothes in front of his chest, he kept shaking his head, as if trying his best to escape from this cursed nightmare.

But what happened was that, no matter how hard she tried to escape, the terrifying scene that seemed real and illusory was relentlessly chasing her, grabbing her.


After falling asleep with Mu Ziling, Long Xiaoyu walked up to the roof.

He rested on the roof with one hand on his head, took out the jade pendant given by Bai Xiaosheng and studied it carefully.

At first glance, this jade pendant does not have any lines, it is just a piece of smooth jade.

However, this jade block soon changed with the illusory dragon shadow that emerged from Long Xiaoyu's body.

This illusory dragon shadow is exactly the phantom virtual dragon that Mu Ziling has seen a few times before. In the true sense, it is not a phantom, but more like a dragon soul with faint vitality, so it is called the soul of the dragon shadow.

The soul of the dragon shadow appeared in the air for only a second, and it turned into a stream of golden light and poured it into the jade block in Long Xiaoyu's hand, causing the smooth and translucent jade block to suddenly appear golden.

In a short time, the golden light disappeared, and the embedded golden lines emerged clearly on the jade block, and finally the shape that appeared on the jade was the soul of the dragon shadow.

Taking a closer look, Dragon Shadow Soul's body is still covered with dense meridian patterns like cracks. It looks fine and complicated, but it seems that the distribution of the patterns can be found in a regular way.

Long Xiaoyu concentrated his attention and stared at the complicated lines on the jade pendant for an unknown amount of time, as if he wanted to clearly engrave the dense lines on this small piece of jade pendant in his memory.

But at this time, a small voice broke his train of thought as if it was invulnerable, and even disturbed his concentration that would not be disturbed by any outside world.

this voice...

Long Xiaoyu frowned, and suddenly a voice that could break his mind was heard more clearly.

That little woman is crying?

This idea has not been settled in Long Xiaoyu's mind, and his figure has disappeared from the roof...

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