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Traveling during the National Day (continuously refreshed)

The originally scheduled trip in September has been moved to October

Staying at home all day, with one bed and one computer, the scope of activities is almost reduced to my bedroom

I thought going out for a walk would make me feel better, but I felt even more lonely when I got on the train alone.

This time, even my parents are not around anymore.

What's worse is that I caught a cold before departure. It's true that a weak body will make people weak mentally. I find that I miss home now.

But I can't just go out for a day and run back. It's very uncomfortable to catch a cold. I didn't sleep well today. I won't force myself to go out next time.

I spent all my rest time recuperating from my illness. Updates during the National Day may not be stable. Sorry.

[October 3rd: It was the first time in my life that I went on a trip by myself. On the first day, the most expensive thing was to spend 75 on a bottle of water for a whole morning]

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