Apocrypha 7. Hong Jooyoung (6).

Naturally, I expected it to be a lot.

All the mercenaries who came with me ran away and Eileo, who became a hostage instead of a hostage, said it was a huge amount.

However, the amount of diamonds in the basement of De Beers headquarters was greater than I thought.

Because there were hundreds of boxes about the size of a box of apples in safes 1, 2, and 3, and all of them were filled with diamonds.

Apart from that, there are even large, special colored diamonds stored separately.

That's why rumors, not rumors, came to mind.

That is, if the De Beers company releases all the diamonds it is holding, the value of diamonds will decrease more than gold in an instant.

As such, the amount of diamonds brought from the Debeers headquarters was enormous.

Anyway, my move this time definitely shocked me.


Aileo, who had been held hostage, handed me his cell phone and opened his mouth.

“No, I got a call from Chairman Connenti of De Beers.”

I immediately grabbed the cell phone that Eileo had handed me.

It was the call I was waiting for.


“Give me exactly 12 hours. If you don't come in person within that time, the company called De Beers will disappear after Diamond. Of course you too.”

With those words, I immediately pressed the end call button.

Because it is more effective to have a face-to-face conversation than a cell phone to have an honest conversation.


7 hours later.

Connenti was given 12 hours, but he showed up after 7 hours.

With only two attendants, I have no intention of being hostile to me.

first of all.

tick. tick.

He beckoned to him, who was not ready to approach him even after he got off the helicopter.

And he approached me at my hand gestures, and unlike the first time he was crouching, he did not avert my eyes and held out his hand.

Naturally, the action meant a handshake, but it was clear enough that it wasn't just a handshake.

In other words, an indirect expression of being on an equal footing with me.

Also an expression of wanting to be treated equally.

Of course, I had the ability to crush those actions in an instant.

For example, by turning the helicopter that Chairman Connenti was riding into a lump of scrap metal with a single gesture, but also by turning the entire area around this place into a land of ice.


With a smile on his lips, he grabbed his hand.

Obviously I don't want destruction, looting, or chaos.

First of all, when we shook hands like that, Chairman Connenti opened his mouth first.

"nice to meet you. Connenti is responsible for De Beers.”

“Lumen. My name is Lumen.”

I already introduced my name to Oliveira in São Paulo, Brazil, as Lumen, so I said the same to Connenti Chairman Lumen.

"Lumen... that's a good name. Anyway, there seems to be a misunderstanding between them. It's late, but shouldn't we clear up the misunderstanding?"

"right. Misunderstandings need to be resolved quickly. Otherwise, if it piles up one by one, it comes back angry, right? right?"


He didn't directly mention where the painter was going, but he seemed to have a clue as to whether he was ignorant or not.

So he hardened his face for a while, but he loosened his hardened face and spoke to me."Yes. Any misunderstanding can lead to distrust. But it is clearly not me who created this misunderstanding. I am… a victim.”

Actually, I would have been embarrassed to say that it was a red bean in the middle of the night.

Because I appeared in the place they had managed and maintained well and destroyed everything.

They also robbed their headquarters and lost all their diamonds.

But I also had something to say.

"a. not a victim It's all illegal anyway. The real victims are the Sierra Leonean government and the people of Sierra Leone who are as corrupt as the rebels but have legitimacy anyway. Does the fortress grant ownership even when it is illegal?”


Chairman Connenti is silent for a moment.

But he didn't care and continued speaking.

“Smuggling, kidnapping, providing weapons, murder teacher, aiding murder, conspiracy to revolt in another country using rebels, etc. Well, if you're still upset, bring an official contract or certified documents stating that the diamond mines in Sierra Leone are yours.”

Of course there can't be

Obviously, Sierra Leone's diamond mines are government-owned, but rebels have illegally occupied them and robbed them.

De Beers made a deal with the rebels.

He offered information about government troops, weapons, etc., in exchange for diamonds to the rebels to keep them there.

First, looking at Chairman Connenti, who was still unable to answer, this time he uttered a stinging word.

“Do you still want to have this place? then take it out Just like I cleaned up and took the trash rebels. Oh, isn't that how you guys do it too?"


As soon as he finished speaking, he put his hand into the pocket of his shirt.

Then he grabbed a handful of rough diamonds, pulled them out, and set them down on the table in front of him for Connenty to see.

“By the way, there are so many, isn’t it too expensive to say that they are jewels among jewels? Oh, this is a compliment, not an insult. Heartily. If you want to do business, you have to do that. However..."

He picked up about four rough diamonds on the table with his thumb and forefinger and began to apply some pressure.


turn off. squeaky.

Bass. Bass.

At first, it sounded like a grimacing fingernail scratching the blackboard.

Next, I rubbed my thumb and forefinger, and as the diamond became powder, it slowly began to blow away in the wind.

“Did diamonds mean eternal or unchanging love? But doesn't it look like that?"

widely. widely.

First, the powdered diamonds were blown away by the wind, clasped their hands as if wiping them off, and turned their gaze to Connenti Chairman.

“Now what I have to say is over. Now, shall we hear your story again? Oh, before that, know this. That I said a lot more than I thought.”


Even after my words were over, there was no sign of President Connenti's mouth opening.

But it didn't rekindle.

All kinds of thoughts are running through your head.

A resentment against the sky as to why such a dog-like situation had arisen.

And let about 10 minutes pass.

"Po... I'll give up. And I will accept all the conditions you made in the first place.”

Of course, it was fully expected that such an answer would come.


Shaking my head.

I shook my head in response.


“That was the condition I had in the first place. Is this your second place? Don't you think it's naive to think that the first one and the second one are the same?"

As I said that, I felt like I was drowning in myself.

But obviously these were worse if worse than the rebels who killed, robbed and robbed people for no reason, and never were the good guys.

Because these guys were the ones who gave weapons from behind and actively supported them to do so.

Still, unlike the rebels, he was in a state of being spared.

In other words, it was the same as having already used a tremendous amount of generosity.

Of course, Chairman Connenti in front of him may not know that.

At any rate, I continued to open my mouth, leaving Chairman Connenti who was blushing at my words.

“But don’t be too disappointed. I'm sure it'll give you guys an advantage too. So it's only natural to bang Sierra Leone perfectly, and it doesn't matter to slap diamonds cheaply at others. So, I pay only the diamonds from the mines I own, and I don't need to intervene any further.

i don't think i will Of course, do it in moderation. I mean don't frown. And... 50%. In my heart, I want to swallow all the diamonds I got from De Beers headquarters, but if that happens, you too will have a bigger problem, right? So I will only have 50%.”


Chairman Connenti opens his mouth to my words.

But he stopped him from saying that.

And I opened my mouth first.

Unlike before, with an expressionless face.

“You told me before. I said a lot more than I thought. I didn't ask any questions or talk to the rebels. But now I've done a lot. So speak carefully. God. middle. under. crab."


First of all, the conversation was delayed once again, but it was not rushed.

It's still vacation in Seoul, so there's still plenty of time left.


a few hours later.

Cheongdam-dong, Seoul.

"son! It's vacation, but I'm not going out too much these days!"

Her mother spoke to me as I opened the front door and came in.

She's been out a lot these days, to the point where she can't even say that.

And as soon as the mother finished her words, she heard a voice coming from the living room.

as soon as.

“Sometimes, Jooyoung said he liked going out instead of staying at home. Even if you gave me pocket money.”

sister's voice.


As soon as my mother rebutted my sister's words, I acted faster first.

By hugging her mom.

at the same time.

"Hehe. Now try to avoid going out. I've seen everything I've seen, and school starts a little while ago, but now I have to prepare."

It was something I would never have done in the past.

But now I did it without hesitation.

It might be embarrassing for a freshman in high school to do it, but I didn't do it before that.

First of all, I got over the awkward situation and moved to my room on the second floor.

and not long after

Knock. Knock.

As soon as the knock was heard, my sister appeared.

"Hmm... If it's an alien, reveal your identity. And is my brother alive?”


It was a voice I often heard from my sister-in-law.


Shaking my head.

He shook his head left and right and did not respond.

Because once you do it, there is no limit.From asking the past to pinching my cheeks and ripping my hair all the way through.

Of course I'm going to reveal the evidence that I'm not Hong Jooyoung.

Of course a joke.

No, to be honest, it would be half the truth and half a joke.

That's how I changed completely.

At first, I thought it would change slowly, but it was too difficult and cumbersome than I thought.

For example, pretending not to notice.

Now pretending to be indecisive even though he's obviously not indecisive.

In other words, pretending to be ugly like this and that was too annoying.

So I just acted like it was going to happen.

Anyway, by waving my hand to my older sister who was playing pranks like that, I reminded her to leave, and my actions like that.

“I am also an alien. When everything is done, return my brother and leave.”

As soon as my sister said those words, she ran out of my room.

First of all, after sending my sister like that, I looked back at what I did in Sierra Leone this time.


It was definitely extreme.

He said he would refrain, but if the rebels were included, the number of dead exceeded a thousand.

But this had to be.

We have been living in a time when human life has no real value.

Aside from that, the thousands of people who died at my hands were just kidding.

'okay. It goes beyond being dull, as long as you don’t get eaten by it.’

First of all, it's time to organize all your thoughts.

Knock. Knock.

Another knock was heard.

Of course, it wasn't her sister.

It wasn't her mother either.

Oh Tae-seok, who came at that time, asked In-soo Seok to send only one person at first.

He opened the door and came in.

“Did you call?”

"okay. come this way.”

Although it was my room, it was quite spacious and there was a sofa on one side, so I led Oh Tae-seok and sat there.

As I said before, I stopped talking because it was our second meeting.

And when Oh Tae-seok sat down, he immediately opened his mouth.

“Go to Sierra Leone tomorrow. First of all, when you arrive in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone via Europe, there will be people waiting to meet you. You know it's De Beers, right?"

"...when it comes to diamonds, isn't it almost monopolistic?"

"right. There will be someone out there. No matter how much you secure a diamond mine, it will be difficult to do by yourself, so I told you in advance.”

“Have you secured a diamond mine?”

Oh Tae-seok opened his mouth with a surprised expression when he heard that I had secured a diamond mine.

"Huh. Pretty good. Because it was managed by De Beers and paid attention to. Of course, the security there is insecure, so I have requested mercenaries from a fairly capable PMC (Private Military Company), so even if I go there, there will be no problem with safety. Anyway, I've prepared everything, so I'm going to Sierra Leone tomorrow. of course there

It's not meant to be stuck. I have a lot of work to do on my behalf in the future, so within exactly six months, Oh Tae-seok, let me go back perfectly without you. If you have someone you can trust, raising him is also your job. Use this card if you need anything. It’s unlimited.”


Oh Tae-seok, with an expression of disbelief.

But he made no further comments.

You'll find out if you go and see it for yourself.


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