Episode 24. Yet time passes. (One)

“Heh heh.”

30 minutes.


Sitting in a cafe and looking at the guardian sword of the Ice Emperor in front of him for 30 minutes, he burst into laughter.

Of course, the fact that hunting was forcibly banned for the time being because of the level 100 limited enhancement quest also played a part.

“By the way, is this the weapon that you are supposed to use at level 700?”

Of course, it can be used exactly at level 700.

However, if you invest all your stat points during level 700 in only one intellect.

But it is impossible.

Investing 7000 pure stat points for only one intelligence means that the rest of the strength, agility, stamina, and mental strength have the 10 values ​​you had when you first created the character.

Even at level 700.

Of course, it is possible to raise it with items or skills, but the amount of stat points that items or skills raise in the first place is not large.

At the time of the 3rd Closed Beta, rare-grade items had only 50 to 100 stat points attached.

What's more, you need physical and mental strength.

so it's hard

Because it is quite impossible to have only items that have the options and values ​​you want among numerous items.

So, considering all of this, if you eventually grow normally, I thought that it was only possible to wear at least level 800, or at least level 900 or higher.



laughter came out

because i can

Exactly what to use at level 700.

It's not plentiful, it's not plentiful, it's full of vitality and mana.

Because the physical strength that will show the same level as pure intelligence, and half the intelligence, but still have the mental strength that will show tremendous numbers.

Then something else stood out this time.

500 strength and 300 agility.

At first, it was very disappointing that I did not have the intellect itself.

However, the thought that it is a pity that the increase in intelligence due to the item does not apply to the shared growth has gradually faded.

Of course, stamina and mental strength do not rise due to shared growth, but if there is an increase in intelligence by 100, it is true that intellect increases by 100.

So of course it would be nice to have.

My main stat is intelligence, no matter what.

However, since I plan to invest all the stat points obtained from leveling up in the future, I thought that there is no need to have intelligence attached to the Ice Emperor's guardian sword.

Then, I was grateful that I did not have the physical and mental strength.

If the Ice Emperor's guardian sword had physical strength and mental strength, it would have been so unfair that I would shed tears.

Of course, there was a separate main option for the Ice Emperor's Guardian Sword.

Increases the power of all Ice-type skills by 10%.

And to be honest, when I looked at the item itself, it seemed to be at an ambiguous level.

Because there was no increase in intelligence to add power to 10%, and the magic attack power was only 899.

And the value of 899 is slightly higher than the 3rd Enhancement Staff of the rare grade at the time of the 3rd Closed Beta.

In other words, an absurdly low number for a mythical item.

but i have

The number is different, but the effect is the same. It has the characteristic of 'Ice Man', which increases the power of all Ice-type skills by 30%.

And a 10% increase here is a total increase of 40%.

That was enough.

Even if only the increase in magic attack power of 899 was added.

And it won't stop at 899 forever.

Because I have a ‘god of fortification’.

Moreover, I know because I have often scoured the 'Revival Legend' website while playing games.

The safety enhancement of 3 applies to general and regression. Precious, up to the legendary level.

In other words, the level of mythic safety enhancement was initially set to 0.

Even so, it was also a 0-reinforced myth grade item that overwhelms any 3-reinforcement legend grade item.


In an instant, goosebumps all over my body.

Beyond the safety reinforcement 3 reinforcement, 4 reinforcement 5 reinforcement, and the 9 reinforcement myth grade weapon boasting a red haze of me standing there.

Of course it will take some time.


I immediately got up from my seat.

I can't stand still because of the euphoria that surrounds my body just by imagining it.

So it moved right away.

There are things to do even if you can't hunt.

Acquire skills right away.

So I went straight to the huge tower in the central square.

[This is a tower where the abilities of heroes are recorded.

-Acquisition restrictions exist depending on one's ability.]

As I approached the tower in the central square, the message I had always heard rang.

I was used to it, so I spit it out naturally.

“Search for ice-based skills.”

[There are currently available ice-based skills.]

[There are currently upgradeable ice-based skills.]

-2 level ice ball. (Required Golden Ring 700 Golden Ring.)

: Throws a fist-sized block of ice at an enemy within 15 yards.

: Range and damage increase according to intelligence level.

: It can be upgraded to level 3 ice ball in the future.

-2 level ice bolt. (Required Golden Ring 700 Golden Ring.)

: Fires an ice bolt with slight penetrating power at enemies within 15 meters.

: Range and damage increase according to intelligence level.

: It can be upgraded to level 3 ice bolt in the future.

-2 level ice weapon (requires 700 gold ring.)

: Covers the weapon with cold ice to inflict additional damage to the opponent when hitting.

: The additional damage caused by the ice increases according to the intelligence value.

: It can be upgraded to level 3 ice weapon in the future.

First of all, the first things that appeared in the skill window were the skills that I have now acquired and that can be upgraded.

A level 1 ice ball becomes a level 2 ice ball, and a level 1 ice bolt and a level 1 ice weapon become level 2 each.

But first I skipped this part.

Because you have already decided what to learn first.

Just wide-area skills.

Moreover, if you do not have enough skill points, there is a need to delete rather than upgrade.

So, I skipped the list of upgradeable skills and started looking for a wide range of skills.

-2 Level Ice Field (Active, required 1 skill point, required golden ring 25,000 gold ring.)

: Turns an area within 10 meters in width and height into a thin piece of ice, inflicting damage to everyone in the area.

: The range of occurrence and damage are constantly increased according to the level of intelligence.

: It can be upgraded to level 5 and level 7 ice field later.

-Level -2 pouring hail (Active, required skill point 1, required gold ring 56,000 gold ring.)

: Creates and pours hail in an area within 10 meters in width and height.

: The area where the hail is falling, the size of the hailstone, and the amount of hail are constantly increasing according to the intelligence level.

: Later, it can be upgraded to level 4, level 6, level 8 pouring hail.

“Level 2 ice field, learn level 2 pouring hail.”

At the time of the 2nd and 3rd closed beta, the skills I used the most were the two above.

Of course, the 3rd closed beta also used the linkage of the 3rd level soft ice generation here.

[2 level ice field, 2 level pouring hail was selected.

- A total of 2 skill points and 81,000 Golden Rings are required.

-Are you sure you want to learn 2 skills?]


I chose to take it right away.

Because I was already thinking about learning this before coming here.

"Hmm. Are there any other wide-area skills that can be learned at level 2 other than this?”

There was still room for skill points.

If it was not enough, it was possible to secure it by deleting a level 1 ice ball.

Then, during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd closed betas, a wide-area skill that could not be found stood out.

-2 level ice blasting (Active, required 1 skill point, required golden ring 33,000 gold ring.)

: Blasts ice randomly to inflict damage to nearby enemies. (It does not take effect if there is no ice nearby.)

: Depending on the intelligence level, the size of the explosion is affected, and the range and damage of the ice scattered in all directions increases.

: Later, it can be upgraded to level 4 and level 6 ice blasting.

Of course, a skill that requires a base of ice.

However, it seemed to be sufficiently related to the ice field.

Because it is possible to use the Ice Field indefinitely whenever the cooldown returns, given my current mental strength and mana amount.So I steamed the ice blast and started looking for something else.

I found three wide-area skills, so this time with a single skill.

-2 Level Multiple Ice Arrow (Active, required 1 skill point, required golden ring 19,000 gold ring.)

: Fires 3 ice arrows at enemies within 15 yards.

: The range and damage increase according to the intelligence value, and the number of ice arrows increases up to 7 shots.

: It can be upgraded to 3rd and 5th level multiple ice arrow later.

“Level 2 Ice Blast, Level 2 Multiple Ice Arrow Acquisition.”

[Level 2 Ice Blast and Level 2 Multiple Ice Arrow were selected.

- Requires a total of 2 skill points and 52,000 Golden Rings.

-Are you sure you want to learn 2 skills?]


Soon, I scrolled for the first time to the message that I had acquired Ice Blast and Multiple Ice Arrows.

Then, the first list of upgradeable skills appeared.

‘Are you going to take your ice weapon with you?’

Originally, ice weapons were number one.

of the skill to be deleted.

However, the Ice Emperor's guardian sword had an ice weapon attached to it.

It's a level 3 max, but it's level 3 exactly.

And in the description attached to the Ice Emperor's Guardian Sword, it was said that it would be combined with the ice weapon the user had acquired.

That is, it was possible.

The original level 3 max ice weapon was changed to a level 6 ice weapon.

“Ice weapon upgrade and... Ice ball and ice bolt upgrade.”

[Do you want to upgrade your level 1 ice weapon, level 1 ice ball, and level 1 ice bolt to level 2 skills?

- A total of 2,100 Golden Rings are required.]


There is no castle in any other ice-based magic of level 2, so I tried to upgrade all the ice balls and ice bolts.

Even if it is deleted later, 3500 Golden Rings, which is five times the 700 Golden Rings, was enough.

And I know because I've done the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd closed betas before.

It is not a good thing to upgrade unconditionally.

Because by upgrading, there are things that follow as the overall power, including damage and range, increases.

Increased cooldown for immediate reuse.

So it was important to mix properly.

Unless you're thinking of sucking your fingers after you've been covered with magic with a long cooldown.

But I was able.

Even if you upgrade all of them to level 2, you can use them as if they were level 1.

Because the mental power that exerts a certain influence during the cooldown backs it up.

First of all, after tidying up like that, I stepped out of the central square tower.


ⓒ basso77


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