Episode 233. Black Liquid Human (3).

A great roar rang out.

And he would have been disappointed if it only ended with a roar.

That means it's finally blocked.



A huge amount of black energy poured out, so much that I couldn't even see an inch in front of me.

After that, as the black energy was lifted, something with a really bare bones appeared.

Of course it was a black liquid human.

[No... Absolutely not. This... this can't be possible.]

A black liquid human with wide-eyed eyes, who staggers back and forth as if he were writing a monologue.

It seemed like a pretty big shock to me when what I was confident enough to say that I was invincible by myself was broken.

But it has nothing to do with me.

No, it was rather what I wanted.

So, he groaned and opened his mouth.

Because there is still a lot of time until the end of the limited skill ‘Excellent’.

Moreover, this ring of death that he installed became a prison in which he was confined.

“No what. By the way, was that your last trump card? Any more?”


If it had been him, swearing was the default for my sarcastic remarks, and he would have attacked me right away.

But this time, there was no abusive language, let alone an attack.

just staring at me with open eyes.

First of all, he continued talking about it.

“Ah, I have no hobbies to bully children… and even more so with such a skinny child. So should I watch it?”

As he uttered those words, he glanced at him gently.

But the boy's expression still didn't change.

Following the wide eyes, the tightly closed lips showed no sign of opening.

So I made a decision right away.

“Retribution Ice!”


He used the punishment ice exactly at the guy's head.

Of course, considering the relentless effort to find out even the slightest bit of information in the past, the behavior is inconsistent.

But he couldn't save him.

Obviously, I still had quite a bit of time, but somehow I had to watch the end until just before the end of 'Excellent'.

In order to do that, they fought like this relentlessly.

Of course, there was also a way to gently coax him.

Because the guy was definitely in a corner.

However, the moment he realized that there was something I strongly wanted, he had no choice but to have a weapon by itself.

I could use that as an excuse to offer conditions that I had no choice but to worry about.

And variables always occurred while thinking about it.

So I decided it'd be better to kill them cleanly early before anything happens.

The result has already come out, but giving the other person time while dragging on the regret was itself providing a clue to that variable.

In any case, the punishment ice in the state of using 'extraordinary' like this produced a tremendous power different from before, and it did not simply generate air bubbles and emit black energy, but eventually penetrated the guy's head.

And that moment.


Its body exploded with a loud sound, like a huge balloon filled with wind.

In the meantime, unlike before, a darker, darker energy emanated from it.


At the same time, the black liquid disappeared all over the place, leaving only the usual transparent water scattered on the ground.

In other words, the end and my victory.


But because he was such a strong enemy, he had no choice but to stand at the end of the shabby end.And in the meantime, a message rang.

[There is only one person left in the ring of death.

-The Ring of Death is released.]

kuo ooo

A red pillar towering to the east, west, north and south that made a small square ring.

It disappeared like dust as soon as the message sounded.

And only then did I realize that I had won.

Not only me, but everyone on the outskirts.


“I won! I won!”

“ Hong Jooyoung! Hong Jooyoung!”

“Ashirante! Ashirante!”

For a moment, there was a loud shout that shook the atmosphere.

First of all, he raised his hand slightly and responded.

Obviously, more than ever, I needed to be compassionate as much as I had suffered.

And I moved slowly following them who chanted me over and over again.


The place where the Ring of Death was created that night.

The battle was over, but the traces of the fierce battle were bound to remain.

And on the outskirts of that fierce battle, there was something slowly and very slowly coming together.

smal smal.

Something black, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Moreover, since it was a dark night, no one could find it by all who patrolled in case of an unexpected situation.

First of all, the black things didn't stop coming together from late at night until just before dawn when the darkest of darkness fell.

After that, the moment when the size of the little finger's nail is lumped together and there is no longer anything black that rushes to it.


There was something sticking down towards it.

Just a huge chunk of ice.

A voice came out with him.

“Sheesh. I knew it would be like this.”


I don't have much experience with murder compared to my name value.

But that didn't mean they didn't have any experience at all, and they all had something in common.

A desperate struggle to live right.

This was especially true of Smith, and so did the four men and women who followed him.

North Korea's Kim Yul-jeong did the same.

Except for Seo Ji-hye, who was subordinate to Kim Yul-jung and wanted to die herself.

No, I don't have to limit myself to those I killed with my own hands, but all of the about 10,000 ordinary people who were abandoned by the Borneche expedition were generally like that.

He wanted to live, so he cursed and resented the Borneche expedition that had abandoned him.

Moreover, the black liquid human is strong enough to rival me.

If I were a black liquid human, I would have grabbed her crotch and asked her to live.

I am this strong, I tried to become this strong, but it is so unfair to die as it is.

Of course I wasn't sure.

Clearly, the clear eyes gave the impression of giving up on everything.

But the thought never left my mind.

So that's why I kept it here.



Something black, the size of a pinky finger's nail, fell to the ground with a whistling sound.

And the moment he looks at it again, he strikes at it.


It wasn't snatching it away, it was something that ate it up.

Just white roots.

"Hey! spit it out! Don't you pick up anything like that! Spit it out, man!”

First, he went straight up to the white roots sprouting from the ground and shook him.


dream wiggle.

He moved his body in the direction of my shaking.

It's like play.


A situation that can only be astonishing.

So there was nothing but nonsense.

But as if not knowing my heart, the white roots were still wriggling.

next day.

Definitely a great battle.

and win.

In other words, a noisy party had to be held.

It certainly wasn't without damage, but victory was much sweeter than that.

Of course, I, the main character, could not be left out.

First of all, it's been a long time since I've done my best in a battle, and it wasn't an easy battle, so I entrusted myself to the party.

Of course, there were some concerns.

Something black that the roots ate up.

Naturally, it had to be associated with a black liquid human.


Shaking my head.

I soon let go of that thought.

If the root eats it and becomes even a little stronger like a parasite, it's an unconditional benefit to me.

Anyway, I had a good time like that.

next day.

Everyone in Argentina, including the Sayens Guild, caught me.

But even tomorrow, there is no way that something stronger than a black liquid human can't come out, so I turned down their request.

A day off yesterday was enough.

Furthermore, I had to quickly catch the blue ancient spirit located at the level 1800 hunting ground and complete the monster engraving.

That way, you can use your wide-area skills to catch the ancient spirits of red, brown, and gray as much as you want.

But then, the guild leader of the Sayens Guild grabbed my hand as I shook hands and opened my mouth.

“Share the quest.”

[The quest ‘Destroy the Pylon’ was shared.

-Are you sure you want to accept it?]

It is an undeniable fact that events and quests have contributed greatly to my current strength.

Moreover, the quest was bound to be more enjoyable.

After clearing as a quest craftsman I have, I get an additional 100 to 300 remaining stat points.

No, it was a quest that had no choice but to leave it unconditionally and welcome it.

“I have already received something, may I receive it again…”

Of course, what I did was by no means a small thing.

So, starting with the Sayens Guild, I collected 10 Golden Rings from guilds belonging to Argentina.

A total of 50 billion Golden Rings.

But it didn't end there.

To be honest, coins are more precious than golden rings.

In other words, the Golden Ring given to me by the giant guild belonging to Argentina, led by the Sayens Guild, was exchanged for the coins they had.

So, in conclusion, a total of 50,000 coins were obtained.

Of course, from the outside, it seems like Sam's exchange of 50,000 gold rings for 50 billion gold rings is like 1 million gold rings required to exchange one coin, but that was never the case.

That 50 billion gold ring is a fee that the seller doesn't have, flying in the air.

In other words, acquiring 50,000 coins was almost the same as receiving more than 100 billion golden rings.

But from here to the quest.I couldn't help but be satisfied.

But it bounced once.

that's polite

Anyway, at my words, the guild leader of the Sayens Guild shook his head slightly and opened his mouth.

“I’m just sorry for the lack of it. So please don't mind and accept it."

First of all, he accepted the quest without refusing any more.

After that, we talked for a while and headed back.

straight home.


The time zone.

“You mean Basel is dead?”

“Who is that?”

“Are you kidding me?”

The three men and women who were sitting at the round table asked, as if in disbelief at Suha's report.

“His Soulstone has just lost its light.”

But again, the answer was the same.

The death of Basel, who smiled convincingly that he could be the first to go to Earth by drawing lots.




So the three men and women were silent.

Because it could never have happened.

can't even get up

Then, out of the three, the only woman spoke up.

“Did she say he lied to us? Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible that there is already someone who can beat Basel!”

"But she said he made 'Forgotten Legend' and 'Revival Legend' and lost all her powers and is incarcerated with us."

"right. Moreover, we have confirmed ‘Forgotten Legend’ and ‘Revival Legend’ ourselves.”

At the only woman's words, the other two men shook her head and spoke.

Then the woman opened her mouth again.

“Then how do you explain Basel's death? Do you think that's possible? What is the situation now?”



The other two men did not say anything to this woman's words.

They couldn't understand Basel's death even if they saw it.

Then one of the two men with red hair opened his mouth.

“It is not necessarily impossible. 1 person. It is possible if everyone on Earth really drives a coin to one person.”


"Are you kidding me? Don't you think humans are good? You know very well that a man who is a mass of desires, even when death is right before his eyes, he will never yield his things to others.”

At the woman's words, the man with red hair didn't say anything for a moment, then opened his mouth again.

“Of course you know. But isn't that a possibility?"


The woman didn't say anything to the red haired man's words.

If it's not really, it's impossible to catch Basel.

Even if Basel is unable to use all its abilities as it passes through a small hole connected to the Earth.

"great. So what should I do?”

The red-haired man thought deeply about the woman's question and opened his mouth.

“It should be removed. The privilege of exchanging coins at level 1100.”

Then, this time, not a woman, but a tall, plump man opened his mouth.

“But that comes with a penalty in return.”

“I can’t help it. Thinking about it later, it might be cheaper.”

After that, the three men and women talked more, and first of all, they agreed to delete the privilege of exchanging coins with the Golden Ring obtained at level 1100.


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