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Commander Cheol-Jin Jeong's words to move together.

Of course, if it was not a brown wolf, but such a menacing monster that the military unit accompanied by a tank could not sort out, it would have moved with Commander Jeong Cheol-jin without saying such a thing.

Or I move myself.

However, the brown wolf is clearly a level monster that can be organized as a military base located here.

In other words, it was a monster that did not need to move together.

Since I've never matched the sum, there's a chance that I'll just twist the wires.

And Commander Jeong Cheol-jin, who will not know about it.

First, I looked directly into the eyes of Commander Jeong Cheol-jin to understand his intentions.

Then he opened his mouth softly, still not taking his eyes off Commander Jeong Chul-jin.

“Captain Im Jeong-dae. There must be enough spare guards in the shelter right now, right?”

"of course."

When designing the Myeongjin Shelter from the beginning, it was designed with the assumption that more than 100,000 people could comfortably live there.

Therefore, we will not be actively recruiting that many people, but for some degree of control and protection from monsters, we need a presence that can take on the role of the police and military units, and the guards are within five or three fingers in Korea, not a hole-in-the-wall store. I had prepared everything in advance under the name.

To the extent that there is no need for such an unwelcome military unit.

Besides, I have

In any case, he continued to speak to Lim Jeong-dae, who was in charge of the captain of the guard.

“Please move with the military base.”

"Yes! all right."

Commander Jeong Cheol-jin shrugged his shoulders in response to the straightforward reply of Captain Im Jeong-dae, who is in charge of the guard.


“It’s also important to get along with the guards. But aren’t they there in Myeongjin?”

“Is it them?”

A situation in which monsters appear.

However, he was not so ignorant as to not understand the words of Commander Jeong Cheol-jin, who was looking for people other than the guards to deal with the monster.

In other words, Commander Jeong Cheol-jin was looking for those who could blow fire, wind, and ice from his hand and crush the monster's hard head with one punch.

Those who raised the realization rate by achieving level 1200.

So I pretended not to know, but I couldn't help but feel bad.

Because there is no reason for the military units, including Commander Jeong Cheol-jin, to look for them.

They were also those who were raised with the power of Myungjin.


“I don’t know what kind of monsters will come out in the future, but can’t we just waste the best opportunity to experience a real battle with a decent monster? Besides, you also have military experience, so you know. Training is like a real battle, and a real battle is called training.”


unreasonable words.

So there was no laughter.

Moreover, I know that they are living in the Myongjin Shelter in the name of protecting the people, and they are passionate about collecting information about level 1200 achievers.

So, for a moment, I thought about forcibly expelling them.Of course, military units, including Commander Jeong Cheol-jin, will not easily leave the Myeongjin Shelter.

Of course there will be friction, and there will inevitably die in the midst of it.

Maybe a lot more than you think.

So, I had to worry about a lot of things.

Obviously, I was prepared to get my hands dirty for Myeong-jin, but I wasn't sure yet whether it would turn out like my heart.

Furthermore, as friction that did not occur in Mirae, Daeseong, Gusan, and Daeyu, etc. occurred for the first time in Myeongjin, the current government and military forces under the command of the current government may advance to Myeongjin Shelter.

No, I will unconditionally advance.

As an example for other chaebol families.

So I even had this thought.

I want monsters to come out so much that the current government's state operations are paralyzed.

Of course, if that happens, the society that survives will collapse, and many people will die.

I know it's selfish, but I thought it would be better.

That way, you won't have to look around.

Anyway, there was no need or need to show those who raised the realization rate by achieving level 1200 against the brown wolves, which can be handled sufficiently with the security forces stationed in the Myeongjin shelter without the need for a military unit, so I stared at Commander Jeong Cheol-jin.

Then he opened his mouth.

“If the military, which is obliged to protect the people, does not play its role, then there is no need to be here, right? Captain Im Jeong-dae. Lead the guard and kill the brown wolf.”

"Yes! all right!"

After all, it's just a stumbling block with other intentions.

You can use this as an excuse to make other decisions later, and now the priority is to kill monsters, so I gave the order.


“Everyone, stop! The President's emergency order, which was invoked this time, stipulates that, if there is a military unit stationed there, the military unit will have the command and attack rights with the highest priority when dealing with monsters that cause serious damage to the property and safety of the people. In other words, don’t be reckless!”




A loud cry from the aide behind Commander Jeong Cheol-jin.

It didn't end there with just a cry.

The seven soldiers who always moved with Commander Jeong Cheol-jin and escorted him put their hands in their arms.

That means he'll pull out his gun if he's ok.

Of course, our guards did not stand still.

Of course he put his hand to the gun.

Such a sudden situation.

I couldn't help but be annoyed.

So, the resolve that I wasn't sure about before getting blood on my hands seemed to be possible now.

Moreover, he was not afraid of the interest in front of him.

In the future, it is just frustrating to see the current government leading a large number of troops and advancing to Myongjin Shelter.

But then I heard the sound of someone opening the control room door and coming in.

with one voice.

“Let’s stop. It's not like you're going to see a monster in front of you."

I could tell who it was just by the voice.

right dad.

And from then on, it was a breeze.

This time, Commander Jeong Cheol-jin did not block the order for Captain Lim Jeong-dae to clean up the brown wolves.

Instead, he opened his mouth to his father.

“I haven’t heard of you returning to Myungjin Shelter… Anyway, it’s nice to meet you like this. Chairman Hong Sang-man.”

“Nice to meet you too. By the way, the military has a monster in front of them and no action is taken... Why is it that they are mercenaries who pursue their own interests, rather than the army that has to protect and defend the country and its people?”

"Hahaha. What a sad thing to say It meant that we would work together on this precious opportunity to prepare for the future. Moreover, by taking action quickly in Myeongjin, there are no casualties and only monsters remain.”

"Is that so?"

“Of course.”

A nerve war between Dad and Commander Jeong Chul-jin.

But what was certain was that Commander Jeong Cheol-jin's attitude was completely different from how he treated me.

Anyway, the incident of the day ended with the brown wolf being cleaned up by the guards at Myungjin Shelter.

Of course, I didn't feel very well.

Because I had to prepare for various situations and move, I couldn't do anything to Commander Jeong Cheol-jin, who thoroughly ignored me and looked down on me.


"Well done."

“But I…”

To be honest, it was difficult to agree with my father's words that he did well, as all he had done in the past was to obstruct the military base reconnaissance of the Myeongjin Shelter and to stop the people living in the Myeongjin Shelter from dragging to their side.

I just got hit this time.

But it didn't seem to be the case with Dad.

“We have been receiving reports on a regular basis. And Jooyoung, who is in charge of the Myeongjin Shelter here, would have been rather disappointed if you had fought according to their rhythm. No matter how much it is for the sake of Myungjin’s gain or pride.”


I did not understand what my father was saying.

So I asked a question, and this time with my father, In-soo Seok, who appeared with his father, opened his mouth instead.

“The current government has not been interested in ‘Revival Legend’ until now. So, not only did he achieve level 1200, but he did not have a single influence on ‘Revival Legend’ itself. But now I seem to be very greedy. So, not only Myeongjin, but also places such as Mirae, Daesung, Gusan, and Daeyu, as well as small and medium-sized guilds.

I was using the military base to cause a riot. I'm aiming for a time when the government's control and the military's power are stronger. In such a situation, Myeong-jin must have thought that he was handsome because the youngest, Bocchi, was in charge of the president, not the current president. However, the youngest Bocchan was patient enough to subdue them by inciting their conflict.

yo. This."


I didn't say anything else to the words of In-soo Seok.

Of course, I didn't know exactly what it was.

However, as the representative of Myungjin Shelter, it seemed obvious that various variables would occur depending on my actions, and I just decided that I should go in a direction that would not harm Myungjin as much as possible.

I thought that was what I had to do as a representative.

Anyway, that day, a large number of people moved into the shelter in Myungjin, as well as my father, older brother, and Director Seok In-soo.

next day.

He returned his position as the representative of Myungjin Shelter to his father and connected to 'Revival Legend' with a slightly relieved mind.

Naturally, the destination was a cunning vampire garrison.

Moreover, since level 1000 is not far away, greed has surged even more.

Of course, there were other reasons for the surge of greed.

In the not-so-distant future, the military base including Commander Jeong Cheol-jin, who will become the Nakdonggang duck egg.What is plausible is that Jeju Island was the place that the current government selected as a place of exile in the future, and if you face such a situation, you will not be able to pay attention to the military units dispatched here and there.

My life will be busy too.

And at that time, he was going to show Commander Jeong Cheol-jin just how reckless he had been.

Anyway, that's a later job, and I focused on hunting vampires because I had to achieve level 1000 first.

While Hong Jooyoung is hunting hard.

Mongolia Tugal Guild headquarters.

In general, African countries were much weaker in influence and power on 'Revival Legend' than other Western or Asian countries.

Of course, there are some that have weak information in the first place, but it was natural because it was the place where the distribution of 1st and 2nd generation virtual reality connectors as well as the 3rd generation was lagging the most.

And not only in Africa, but also in some Middle Eastern countries, and among them, Mongolia, which is clearly an Asian country, was included.

So, Mongolia had no choice but to watch as the Korean and Japanese guilds slowly took over their territory.

Furthermore, Mongolia, who could directly witness the battle between Korea's Myongjin & Future Alliance and Japan's Mitsuya Guild by the merger of the regions, had no choice but to despair.

Because both the Tugal Guild and the Altan Guild, dividing Mongolia, knew that even if the power that fought at that time could not be stopped with the power of the entire Mongolian army.

Of course, it was once an enemy, but when a very powerful force appeared, the Tugal Guild and Altan Guild decided to cooperate and work together.


“The Altan Guild went to Japan?”

The guild leader of the Tugal Guild, Tamir, asked a question in a frustrated voice.

And he had no choice but to bow his head at the reply that came back.

"Yes. Apparently, the son-in-law of the only daughter of the Altan Guild’s Bayarma Guild leader is Japanese, so it seems that he was attached to it.”


The fact that the Altan Guild, which had divided Mongolia in two, was attached to Japan at a time when it was not enough to protect Mongolia's interests even if they united and united means that it became impossible to fight Korea and Japan under the unified name of Mongolia. I couldn't raise my head down.

Then he quietly opened his mouth.

“Then I guess I’ll finally hand over that ‘information’ to Japan.”

“Probably… no, he would have revealed that information unconditionally. Trading with that information would be the only way for the Altan Guild to protect their vested interests.”

“I can do it! It's not over yet! Why… Why are you so stupid!”

The guild leader Tamir vomited anger at the reconstruction of Mongolia, which was shattered by the betrayal of the Altan Guild.

Of course, the others were no different from Tamir Guild Leader.

Obviously, if we join forces as Mongolians, it will be comparable to Korea and Japan, but even more so, because I have seen a glimpse of the confidence that they can no longer lose what they have.

Anyway, the conference room fell into such a deep gloom.

However, knowing that they could not be mired in that gloom forever, Tamir Guild leader and the rest of the leaders made up their minds and proceeded with the meeting.

“Then, does that mean that we have no choice but to hold hands?”

"Yes. Although we are angry, the Altan Guild that took the hand of Japan now has no way to stop it. That's why we need people who will look after us like the Altan Guild. Of course, it is an opponent that the Mitsuya Guild of Japan cannot do without care.”

At the words of Bart, who leads the intelligence department, Tamir Guild Leader and other leaders had no choice but to think of one place.

Myeongjin & Mirae Alliance that includes Ashirante.

No, more precisely, the Myungjin Guild.

And although they do not know that this action is ultimately an action to attract another foreign power into Mongolia, like the Altan Guild, it cannot kill them quietly, so the Tugal Guild decided on a target to reach out to.

He must have been very eager for information on hunting grounds beyond level 1200.

Especially if it contains Ashirante.

In any case, the Tugal Guild decided to move forward and sent people to the Myungjin Guild quickly.


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