Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1675: Which son?

The sky on the red wall is shining brightly.

Match it with the antique architecture.

The overall look is both beautiful and extraordinarily solemn.

After Chu He drank the porridge, he took the hand-washed clothes to the yard to dry.

The sky is bright and white clouds are hanging in the sky.

There was not the slightest disturbance in Chu He's heart.

Even if I met Xue Lao last night, they tried to explain to each other.

But it didn't change Chu He's life style in the slightest.

He was as plain as ever.

It's like a hermit who is in the center of power, but has no intention of winning or losing at all.

Obviously, everything is within reach.

But he didn't care at all, didn't care.

Finish drying the clothes.

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Chu He leisurely sat in a chair drinking tea.

Basking in the sun.

The temperament of the whole person is very lazy and casual.

This tea was given to him by Chu Yun.

It is the same tea cake as the one given to Xue Lao.

It's all good tea.

They are not treated differently because of their different status and status.

Had a cup of tea.

Chu He raised his head and glanced at the height and angle of the sun.

He stood up slowly, pushed aside the guardrail, and prepared to go out.

"Are you going to act?"


Suddenly there was a steady voice.

This is a very strange voice to Chu He. Where's the demon

But he could guess who came.

It is Tulu!

Chu He slowly turned around, glanced at Tu Lu, and asked, "Are you going to stop me?"

"This is your young man's battle, and I have no right to stop it." Tu Lu lit a cigarette and paced into the guardrail. Said calmly. "But do you know what this battle means?"

"It means that the battle between my father and Xue Lao is about to start." Chu He said.

"Other than that?" Tu Lu asked.

"What else can it mean?" Chu He asked rhetorically.

"This also means that what you do will likely change the luck of this country." Tu Lu said in a halt. "If you fail in the future. You will be a sinner in this country."

"It doesn't matter." Chu He shook his head and said. "I don't care." Catalogue of works with the country as the alliance

Sinner of the country?

Chu He does not have a so-called sense of belonging to the country.

In his life, he has not stayed in China for a few days.

In his life, there is only one strong father.

He doesn't care about his nationality.

I don't care about my origin.

What the father said is what he has to do.

That's it.

Tu Lu stared at Chu He deeply and asked, "Do you decide, you are like a puppet, a machine?"

"Are you trying to irritate me?" Chu He asked back.

"No, I'm explaining your actual situation." Tu Lu said.

"It doesn't matter." Chu He said. "It doesn't matter what I am." The strongest master of immortality has no pop-up window

"For me now, the only important thing is. My father asked me to eradicate the crisis of hiding the spiritual clothing. I have to do it." Chu He said. "For now, the person who poses the greatest threat to the Tibetan spiritual clothing is your son."

"Now." Chu He said. "I'm going to find your son."

Tu Lu asked sharply, "It seems you are very confident."

"I don't know." Chu He shook his head and said. "I just won't let my father down."

"If you really do it inside the red wall," Tu Lu said. "How do you stand within this red wall?"

"Why should I stand within the red wall?" Chu He asked rhetorically.

"Your father, isn't he trying to promote you as his successor? Isn't he trying to make you fight Chu Yun in the ring?" Tu Lu asked. "If, I mean if. You ultimately failed. How do you challenge Chu Yun?" Policewoman Qiao Zhen's latest chapter

"Is this something you need to care about?" Chu He asked rhetorically. "I don't even care about things, why do you care so much?"

After Chu He finished speaking, he changed his words: "Trouble. Please give in."

Chu He pushed Tu Lu away.

His arms are steady and strong.

Like a mountain, Tu Lu abruptly pushed away.

At the moment he was pushed away, Tu Lu hesitated.

But in the end, he didn't stop Chu He.

As he himself said, he has no right to stop.

He was also not sure whether he should stop it.

All this was arranged by Mr. Xue.

Elder Xue should also make suggestions.

The reason why he appeared at this moment was just standing here as a father. King of Glory

What father is there who doesn't care about the life and death of his son at all?

At least Tulu is not.

He not only cares.

He also regarded his son as the most valuable asset in his life.


The son will face a big battle.

An unprecedented battle with Chu Shang's son.

A battle that will surely arouse all attention and cannot be ignored.

Watching Chu He leave, Tu Lu stood still, unable to move.

After a long time.

He walked out slowly and walked towards Xue Lao's house.

He wants to see Old Xue again.

His heart is not stable, even very flustered.

When I saw Xue Lao in the tea room. The origin of the doom of the Taoist priest

Old Xue, as usual, was extremely calm. Also very calm.

"My son, this battle is about to start with Chu He." Tu Lu said bitterly. "As you can see, what chance does my son have?"

"In this respect you should be more professional and understand better than me." Xue Lao took a sip of tea and asked rhetorically. "Are you upset? Why ask me?"

"That's my son." Tu Lu said with a foul breath. "I can't give a fair answer."

"What your son is doing is for this country." Xue Lao said. "You should know which one is more important."

"Logically, I really should be able to distinguish clearly." Tu Lu said. "But people are not sages, who can be completely geographical?"

Old Xue raised his eyes and glanced at Tu Lu, and asked silently: "What do you want to express?"

"Nothing." Tu Lu sighed.

"I can feel it. You are regretting it." Xue Lao said.

"I won't regret it. It's just—" Tu Lu said with a pursed lips. "It's just a little worried."

"Then do you think Chu Shang would be worried?" Old Xue asked.

When Tu Lu heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "Will he be worried?"

Will Chu Shang?

Maybe not?

Over the years, he has abandoned his wife and son. What else is there to worry about in this world? Is it worth his fear?

If he is really worried, how can he come to this point?

"He is really a lunatic," Tu Lu gritted his teeth. "I don't even care about the life and death of my son!"

"In his eyes. There is the overall situation." Xue Lao said. "What you care about is your home. And what he cares about is this country."

Talk about it.

Old Xuefeng said, "If your son will die in battle. I promise you. His son, Chu Shang, will not survive."

After all, Xue Lao stood up and said, "This is the only promise I can make to you. It is also my final compensation to your son and to you."

Hearing this, Tu Lu asked, "Chu Shang's son you are talking about. Which son is it?"

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