Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1526: That will kill you!

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After listening to these words.

Chu Yun's heart also became heavier.

My mother reminded my father that it has changed.

Chu Yun's heart has always been worried.

He was afraid that one day in the future, his father would stand on the opposite side of him. Will be against myself and the Chu family.

Although this sounds unrealistic.

But judging from his grandfather's various attitudes towards his father, this is not entirely impossible.

Now, even the second uncle gave an evaluation.

The only man in the world who knows his father. It's the old man.

Chu Yun breathed out foul air. He raised his eyes and looked at the second uncle: "Before this, I had heard all kinds of rumors about my father. Including his behavior, his cultivation and realm in martial arts."

"In my impression, he is a very free and easy man. He is also a man who loves his wife very much." Chu Yun hesitated and asked. "Isn't he?"

"He is." Chu Zhongtang said calmly. "He is still a very good-minded big brother. To a certain extent, he has never let your grandfather down. He is strong enough to make people look up."

"But everyone has more than one side." Chu Zhongtang said. "Anyone's xinxing is changeable. It is complicated. Your father is no exception."

Chu Yun heard the second uncle's suggestion.

There may be countless advantages in my father.

But this does not hinder the father's body, there are also shortcomings that outsiders don't know. Even-vicious! ?

The second uncle must know his father better than Chu Yun.

But Chu Yun didn't know how much it was.

"What else do you know about my father?" Chu Yun asked concerned.

"He is an unfathomable martial arts expert. He is a dashing-looking, and he does not care about world affairs. But his city government and structure are beyond people's reach." Chu Zhongtang commented on his eldest brother Chu Shang concisely and comprehensively.

It can be regarded as giving Chu Yun an explanation.

At this point in the conversation, Chu Yun didn't delve into it any further.

He knew that the second uncle would not hide too much from himself.

Even if there are, some of them may be too deeply involved, or they don't need Chu Yun to know for the time being.

About the old man.

About Chu Shang.

The second uncle has revealed enough. Can only say so much.

At least, more than what my mother said.

With all his words, Chu Yun was content.

Nor will it go to the bottom of the question.

At all times, there should be some space and leeway for each other.

This is the philosophy of life that Chu Yun has experienced in the past two years.

It is also a kind of repair to one's own literacy.

Chu Yun had a cup of tea and left the Chu family.

Sitting in the car, Chu Yun thought a lot in his mind.

Including what Xue Changqing disclosed, including what the second uncle mentioned.

He wanted to know what kind of man his father used to be.

Now, what kind of man is it.

Originally, the image of his father had gradually become clear in his mind.

But with in-depth understanding, Chu Yun found that it gradually became fuzzy again.

He couldn't even see his father at all.

Chen Sheng drove intently.

When Chu Yun was thinking, he seldom interrupted.

At this time, doing the driver's job well is the greatest help to Chu Yun.

But Chen Sheng only drove for less than ten minutes. Chu Yun called to stop.

"Park the car on the side of the road." Chu Yun suddenly said.

"Okay." Chen Sheng nodded, turned the steering wheel, and stopped on the side of the road.

Chu Yun pushed the car door and walked on.

His expression was very calm, and his eyes were indescribably solemn.

He took out his mobile phone, blowing the cold wind. Dialed my mother's number.


After a long wait, the call was connected.

On the other end of the phone came Xiao Ru's as usual chic voice: "What's the matter?"

"I want to talk about my father." Chu Yun said with a pursed lips. But the heart is extraordinarily heavy.

"What do you want to talk about?" Xiao Ru asked impatiently.

"His relationship with my grandfather." Chu Yun said. "How?"

"The relationship between father and son was a bit stiff in the later period." Xiao Ru said.

It's very straightforward.

I don't like to sell Guanzi like I used to.

As if Chu Yun wanted to hear, she said.

This reaction alone made Chu Yun feel that something was wrong.

The inner worries have become deeper.

"This is not the truth I want to hear." Chu Yun shook his head. Said his eyes calmly. "I mean, what is their private relationship. Stiffness can be explained in many ways. Is there a clearer description?"

"Your father once said a word." Xiao Ru said intriguingly.

"What did you say?" Chu Yun asked.

"Your grandfather, let him be disappointed." Xiao Ru said.

Grandpa disappointed my father?

Such a statement shocked Chu Yun.

Even astonishment.

Among the information that Chu Yun possessed.

Shouldn't it be the father who disappointed the grandfather?

In order to be with his mother, he did not hesitate to go abroad. Almost cut off relations with Grandpa.

Now, why did Grandpa disappoint his father?

It is because the news heard from different people's mouths is different.

Or are there errors or miscalculations in all the previous information?

Chu Yun frowned and asked, "Father said it himself?"

"Why, do you think I am fooling you?" Xiao Ru asked with squinting eyes.

"I just want to be sure." Chu Yun said calmly. "There are some things you refuse to say. There are some inside stories, you don't want to tell me. I always have to use my own judgment to understand something."

"Okay. You don't have to agitate me." Xiao Ru said. "As long as I said it, every word is true and credible. Are you satisfied with this?"

"I'm not satisfied." Chu Yun suddenly raised his voice. "Very dissatisfied."

"My father is still alive. No one has ever told me. I have been a man without a father and a mother for half my life, and no one cares about whether I like this kind of life. Now, even what kind of person my father is. Tell me. You even have to hide it from me." Chu Yun questioned. "Why am I satisfied?"

On the other side of the phone, Xiao Ru was silent.

She always thought that Chu Yun was a strong enough young man.

Similarly, it is not a young man who is easily defeated.

But at this moment, he seems to be a little out of balance.


Because he was not sure whether his father was a good person or a bad person? Is it an enemy or a friend?

Xiao Ru can roughly understand Chu Yun's, but understanding does not mean that she will change anything.

"You are satisfied or not, I am not very concerned." Xiao Ru said lightly. "We gave you life, you should be content."

Chu Yun took a deep breath.

There is nothing to refute.


They gave life.

What right do you have to blame anyone?

He slowly exhaled his foul breath, pursing his lips and said, "I'm lost."

"It doesn't matter if you lose your temper in front of me." Xiao Ru said lightly. "Don't lose your temper in front of the enemy."

"That will kill you." Xiao Ru said, and hung up the phone mercilessly.

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